TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

They should let the current servers all roll out TBC, with an option to copy your character to a permanent classic server. They will need a lot fewer classic servers than TBC servers so consolidating the Vanilla population will be necessary unless classic players want deserted servers when 90% of the population continues to TBC

Unfortunately that would be pretty terrible for classic players I think. As far as maintaining their community goes. Hard to say though.

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A possible solution to the copying problem, is to just get a 1 time copy of ALL of your characters from your classic server at once. Every character takes what they have on them, with no way to send gold/items in the mail because they all got copied at once.

Finally someone gets it. This is why the way to go always is progress the servers with options for transfers back to the previous versions for those who prefer to play that version. I myself love TBC have no interest in wrath. I will eventually only want to be in a stasis TBC server and would like that option.

Could care less wether it’s a copy or fresh, I’m playing tbc

People need to stop peddling one idea is the only way to play this game.

People saying Oh the only way to play is to progress all the servers. Spinning up servers adds such a low cost to the overall footprint of the game that the argument they cant and shouldnt do it cause its hard or expensive is just silly.

At the same time arguments saying Fresh only are just as bad. Clearly people want to continue there own characters with the gold they made.

In the long run if blizzard wanted to do the lazy thing they would just recycle thought Classic again and call it a day.

TBC had no option of leaving a “copy” of your characters on a vanilla server back in 2007, and should not now if TBC rereleases. Transfer of individual characters or bust.


The "This is how we did it " arguments are so tiresome. People argue that on there modern pc or hell cell phones trying to shout how everyone must submit to the idea of the old while we clearly can modulate things to better outcomes for the various people that play and will play the game.

Instead we should never advance and be stuck in the tech rut of 07

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Hyperbolic thread. You will start over if tbc is released.

There also wasn’t an option to play classic servers at all in 2007 but here we are, times change bud

How are strict character transfers not advancement? How is leaving characters and gold bloat copies in vanilla classic advancement?

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Preparing throughout vanilla with the knowledge of TBC is also not faithful.

Regardless, I fully expect you to have your cake and be able to eat it too.

You could choose to stay in vanilla, not purchase tbc in 2007. You did not get to keep a copy of all your characters and gold at L60 while having a copy of those characters and gold playing through tbc.

No, all servers turned into TBC servers so this argument makes no sense.

But even if you didnt purchase the new content the talents changed. Some poeple want to just play classic end game with classic talents and balance and that is 100% ok. moreover a large population that will do that.

Just as there are those that want to play end game tbc with talents and stay there.

same goes for wrath.

Everyone deserves a home. Lets set the foundations that everyone can have a home where ever it may be.

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Brokenwind is a clown just ignore him.

I will play my current guys to Wrath, and would roll new guys on a fresh server that was locked to Vanilla, TBC and eventually Wrath when that becomes obsoleted. But if they did lock our current servers and tell me to start fresh I would not bother. I love this game, but I am not in my late teens/early 20s anymore. At 35 I have limited game time and don’t have the time to start fresh guys and compete for quests in crowded start zones every year or 2. I am fine with lagging behind others who do have the time, but dont want to do it over and over again now that modern gaming attitudes of either play min max or dont play at all, boost your way to 60, etc have taken hold. Thats not how I played then and I wont play that way now. I will just have to wait and see what blizzard chooses to do and if the majority want something that I dont I will just walk away and let them enjoy it.

It makes no sense unless you realize that you could choose to not purchase TBC and be capped at L60 and have no access to TBC content. Did you actually play back then?

Perhaps I was unclear. I believe those who want to play vanilla classic can have their home on the vanilla classic servers, and those that want TBC can have their characters on the TBC classic servers. Where I differ is with those who believe they should be able to have a copy of their same characters (and gold bloat) on both vanilla as well as tbc servers.

So yes, everyone deserves a home. They do not deserve to have the same character in more than 1 home.

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Except a lvl 70 could still come kill you whenever they wanted and the game was changed completely. Your arguments so stupid lol. tBc wUz sTiLl vAnILLa hurry durr


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