TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

In what conceivable way is it “wrong”?

You couldnt stay in vanilla by just refusing to buy BC, you still got patch 2.0.1 regardless of whether or not you bought the expac. Same way project60 in BFA or Legion is not the same as classic.

I hear fresh servers are coming soonish.

I really don’t know what you are arguing for at this point. That having both a leveling character in TBC, as well as a copy of that same character in vanilla simultaneously, is more similar to how it played out 15 years ago?

Honestly, I highly doubt that Blizzard will force their Classic players to start fresh after spending a couple of years leveling up and gearing up their characters. The forums would burn down to the ground from all the rage.

Can you read? Jw because it doesn’t seem like it.

This doesn’t mean you were in vanilla wow forever.

Also please name me an expac that forced you to start from level 1. A forced fresh start for BC is by far the least authentic experience they could possibly give us.

how so that’s how EVERY private sever was you ether did TBC OR vanilla not vanilla then TBC

But this isn’t a private server, so that point doesn’t really work

I am talking about copies of the same characters in both versions of the game. How did you jump to starting at level 1?

Since it seems unlikely they’ll force all servers to go from classic to TBC we are not getting an authentic experience anyways.

And having your character in both versions would be nifty since you could compare them side by side.

This is what is will happen i Guarantee it

And the reason that is going to happen the way it will because of the following

Furthermore why copies will not work

First of all let me preface and state quite clearly that I don’t care if they copy or not…I was viewing it from a business model perspective, not my personal preference.

What is that Psych 101. Over analyze much?!

If you are given the ability to copy all your characters that are level 60 as an example…why wouldn’t you…just in case?

Its part of the human condition to choose a safety net, if there is no cost in doing so. If they allow copies WITHOUT players making a choice, then all players will copy their 60’s, even across multiple pure classic servers, to hedge their bets.

Those characters will need to be copied across multiple servers and across multiple realm types.

Think of the issue that Blizzard already faces in regards to character transfers now in relation to server balance issues…then exacerbate that ten fold and see what happens.

What happens when guilds sign up to servers together?
What happens when players copy over to multiple servers so they can later choose which to play on?
What happens when server balance is severely skewed, even prior to pure classic servers launching?
What happens when after 6 months after copies, when populations drop, because you are bored of farming Naxx on your third alt?

I’m not worried about it, hence not an alarmist…

But Blizzard must plan for player distribution, server balance, and possibly new server hardware PRIOR to launch.

And then WHEN it goes wrong…and it will, the community will blame them, as it already does.

Hence they will make you choose one or the other…and only you will be to blame. It’s what companies do, place responsibility in your lap, not theirs.

That word does not mean what you think it means.

That pretty much translates your entire post!

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no need to hedge their bets when its what they want to do. people dont want to have to choose whether to have their classic character on vanilla or tbc. thats just stupid and unnecessary

why would blizzard let the players copy their characters to any server they want? i never said that and you thinking that thats what im talking about gives false credbility to your argument by making a fake hole appear in mine. OBVIOUSLY blizzard shouldnt do anything to upset the balance of the game. OBVIOUSLY they wont let players just copy to whatever server they want. OBVIOUSLY it will be a corresponding server type copy, not just a free will whatever you want type copy. people will log into tbc onto the tbc realm that their classic server was designated to have all its character data copied from.

please stop trying to push your less optimal solution into the limelight simply because its yours. think of the other players and imagine what they might want. NOBODY wants your “choose tbc or classic”. NOBODY wants to have to delete their classic character to play tbc. NOBODY wants to have to choose where they want their character to be on, tbc or vanilla.

Yeah I don’t mind a gold crunch or cap or something of that sort (maybe account wide).

But I just think items are earned and shouldn’t be taken away.

If there’s some “fresh” servers where everyone starts at 1, that’s fine too; but I don’t think this should apply to everyone.

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Faithful to vanilla? Is this some type of new religion? Where is the rule book that says anything has to be faithful to vanilla?

Be more flexible. What you personally want doesn’t matter. In fact, being faithful to vanilla is the worst thing blizzard could do. Vanilla wasn’t a great game by todays standards. But it was a necessary step.

First, server type to the same server type was a given.

There are currently 39 Classic servers split between PvE, PvP, and RP types.

Then you allow free copies.

Everyone copies lots of character “Just in case”.

Now you have 20 servers of copies ready to go just before launch as an example.

And Blizzard has managed to actually spent the time and energy to make sure everyone has their cake and can eat it too! Yay go us!

Then you discover that only 1 in 5 copies is actually being played in pure classic…because there is no downside to copying. Server hardware, that costs money, was added is now under utilized and server populations are low and/or horribly unbalanced.

The players will now blame Blizzard.

Then Blizzard will employ the oh so successful server balance strategy, that they currently have in place, to effectively address the issue in the way we all love!

It’s not that copying in theory isn’t a great idea…I think it is.

However the amount of effort, resources, and attention to detail necessary to pull it off is not something that Blizzard has shown in years.

It will be a monumental fustercluck of Biblical proportions.

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actually ALL character data would be copied on release night, no player input required. that way when you log into tbc, everything is exactly the way it happened in 2007.

this is your schizophrenia getting the best of you again. “oh no!!! players wont play classic when tbc is out!!! *bites nails”

none of your worries are based on anything that actually exists in reality. you are a schizophrenic doomposter.

Actually they are based on past Blizzard behavior pertaining to Classic.

Prior to launch an active account could create and reserve three names.

That’s what was used to calculate server densities and player intention prior to launch.

Players knew what servers were going to be busy, and which servers could end up with long Q times.

And when that happened Blizzard didn’t even had to step in. The community did that and told players they knew X server was going to be packed, and it was their choice, and now they had to live with it, or create a new character on a different server.

Blizzard made the player choose.

Blizzard then spent less resources and energy and could lay the responsibility of that decision at the players feet.

It’s what businesses have done, and Blizzard has ALWAYS done…because its cost effective.

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yeah i guess… if you play 24/7 the game can be boring and need a fresh start. not gonna happen tho

it was actually so that players who were heavily invested in their names would be able to reserve them. thats what the blue post said when they originally announced they would be doing that.

this was because on the server selection screen, it shows the population of that server in 4 general categories “low, medium, high, and layered”

well yeah. players can see the population for each server right next to where they double click to choose their server

the community did not do anything. there were websites that went into more detail as to the server populations, but otherwise the only things players did was share their opinions when asked.

blizzard allowed players to freely choose what server they would play on

right. blizzard is not responsible for what server the players choose to play on, especially when they help provide information as to the population and faction balance.

it is NOT cost effective to force players to delete their characters off of the classic servers in order to play tbc classic.