TBC fresh is unfaithful to vanilla

Have only cookie cutter lvl 58s with the same gear in hellfire and every single one being permanently unranked would be one example.

I would definitely pick this option to try TBC Classic if it existed.

Nah I’m not opposed to gold caps etc. Just the idea that everyone should have to start over completely just because some people don’t want to feel "behind " In a game that rewards you for time spent unlike retail.


I meant I would opt for the “cookie cutter 58s” server if they made one. I skipped Vanilla Classic because I knew already it wouldn’t be my cup of tea from having played Vanilla firsthand and enjoying the advancements that have been made since then, like the reduction in so-called “meme specs.” And with having so much fun in Shadowlands so far I’m not sure I could subject myself to 58 levels of Vanilla content just to get to the TBC content I really wanted to relive. Of course, there’s always boosting…

Again, it’s about context. If you view TBC as just another self-contained time capsule like Classic, there there wouldn’t be any connection between the two games. So you’re not starting over…you’re playing a different game. Your Classic character is still there. Everything you earned is still there. You can play it whenever you want for as long as Blizzard hosts servers. That’s all Blizz ever promised.

It’s up to Blizzard how they’ll handle it, but that’s certainly one option. Imo it’s the best option. But this argument that ‘They’re making me start over’ doesn’t hold water if you view the situation from a certain perspective.

Does anyone think they’re going to FORCE every player to transfer over to TBC? There’s no way they’d do that. They didn’t recreate Classic just to replace it again in 2 years. And they DID promise players their Classic characters would exist essentially forever. So players will at the very least have the option to remain capped at 60 with 1.12 talents, class skills, items, content, etc. on pre-TBC servers. That option didn’t exist in '07, so already things are different from what they were back then. Now the question is how different will it be?


I’m hoping for either completely fresh servers or level 58 start.



Now I’m not saying don’t have the option for people to transfer their classic characters over. I’d personally prefer to just leave my characters on Classic to play whenever I want in the future and to start over fresh in tbc with new characters.

Maybe “Fresh” Classic but TBC cant be as you mentioned because it really does not work out well when its “Fresh”.

Every “FRESH” TBC server that I have played on its fun enough, but its always 99% horde because of the PVE advantage. Literally the only people alliance side are playing Humans and Nelf for Arena. Nelf only because its the only option for Druid.

They are going to do what I said because that is the easiest way to replicate a transition when Eventually they will want to release wrath or if they want to continue beyond that.

Maybe. Maybe not. The TBC Classic survey implied TBC servers would either be progressed into, transferred into or just completely separate.

IMO neither of those are the best option. Problem with transferring into or progressing into with a to-vanilla transfer option is it basically forces you into choosing TBC or vanilla. That’s why I believe some version of a character copy would be a better idea. It would allow you to continue playing vanilla Classic and TBC Classic on the same character.

If you are planning on a fresh reroll, why do you care if people on other servers get to copy their classic characters over?

We may all look at this as a game…but it’s also a business.

That business model is based on margins and volume.

Inertia does not work as a large scale entertainment business model. The game will progress forward…because without that forward progress it will bleed customers from those that lose interest over time.

This thread has wonderful suggestions, most, if not all of which, will never be implemented because they are not predictive nor cost effective nor sustainable.

A great idea.

However everyone will hedge their bets, copy all their level 60’s to both…and blizzard won’t be able to plot out who is playing what server, how populations will balance out, and that more servers will be created that will never be needed.

Again a nice idea. However it would “log jam” every player into a single zone that wanted to play TBC…and with that would come a host of technical, layering, and latency issues, that Blizzard, from a cost effective standpoint, wouldn’t want to address.

TBC is going to happen because Blizzard want to retain the most customers it can.

If they do a complete wipe prior to launch it will anger much of its player base, who have no wish to level characters from scratch again.

They may create Classic only servers to transfer to for purists, but I don’t see it being a copy. They will make you choose. Pray its free!

Gold caps are useless. During Wrath I transferred 2 characters to Draka…and moved nearly 4 million gold by moving items and not gold itself. I chose those items carefully by auditing both AH’s…when I was done and had sold inventory I actually had over 5 million. Gold caps don’t work.

Blizzard is here to make money. What makes them the most money and retains the most paying customers is what they will do.

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Having massive amounts of gold in both games is worse than it moving into TBC alone.

Must really love TBC if you are not willing to start from scratch.

Keep yelling at clouds, I guess?

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1-60 isn’t BC content, it’s just waste of time

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Do you remember the launch of TBC? They did LITERALLY EXACTLY THAT! I had friends who started late and I rolled fresh with them on nazgrel during the prepatch when they launched those last servers, they didn’t allow transfers to the new servers for 6 months so if they’re trying to make it authentic, this would do exactly that.

I don’t quite understand how this is a problem for anything. You’re correct that most would copy for the hell of it and probably end up only playing The Burning Crusade. But why is that a problem? So what if they have some Classic character that they don’t play. How is that an issue exactly? Storage is plenty these days so I don’t see how that would be an issue.

Beg pardon? The space cow and horde elves are not BC content?

Well, you don’t see a problem with multiboxing either, so at least you are consistent.


Either way i’ll be taking this character and 25k gold with me into the dark portal :slight_smile: