TBC Era with RDF

“My evidence is from forums that are shut down and not easily accessed if at all and reddit, where I am hoping you’ll just waste your time looking”

Solid stance to argue from, CLEARLY not bad faith arguing at all.

Pro Tip: you’re making things up as you go. you could be doing it way better. Up your trolling game.

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LMFAO. Were you even part of the nostalrious and vanilla private server community? The community near unanimously all declared RFD as the absolute worst thing to ever happen to WoW.

I don’t particularly care about people who played on hack servers.

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Those are the people who fought for classic/the reason it exists. This is the backbone of the classic playerbase.

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It’s also irrelevant as that was for vanilla, this is now wrath classic.


This is still the same audience playing, and they don’t want it. The people asking for RDF are overwhelming from retail and are not relevant.

Weird how RDF(and CRBG’s) were both massively popular back in the day as well.

So clearly people who played back then, you know classic players, do in fact like those features :slight_smile:


They were both extremely controversial in their times. If the old forums still existed you could see the complaints for yourself.

Both are vicariously hated by the community that got us classic and said they were the downfall of WoW, and they are still the backbone of the classic community.

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No they weren’t, CRBG’s were a hugely requested feature in vanilla and were widely loved. Just like RDF was when it eventually got added.

It was always a small minority that complained about them, because wait for it, they actually fix a lot of legitimate issues and have no downsides.


The community was very, very split on the issue. There was a ton of people who complained the loss of faction rivalry on their server, missing running into the same people, people being well known in bgs, etc. You either didn’t play vanilla or are projecting your own narrative if you think this half of the community did not exist.

LOL half the community, not liking something being the other half of the position of liking something doesn’t mean the split of people is 50/50.

The vast majority were happy they could actually do BG’s, after all you can’t even have server rivalries or whatever fictitious thing if you can’t even do a BG in the first place.


And meanwhile, WotLK private servers without RDF tend to die while those who have it tend to live for a good while.

Curious how this works isn’t it?


I was playing back then and no one was complaining. Even the guild used it. Fortunately, era exist, so those that think classic is the bees knees still have that to fall back on.

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Classic wrath included RDF and we are past the patch it was originally added.

Funny thing is, where are the “classic” players whining about the other 20 non-classical features added. ++++++ this that and other dungeons, wow token, lfg retail tool, etc?

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Those are doing wrath better than acti-buzzard is currently doing…lol

I wasn’t referring to it that way lmfao.

LMFAO except you could “do bgs in the first place”. And they were better because of all those rivalries, thats why it was such a massive controversy to add crossrealm. Cross realm made queues faster, but at a devastating price to the quality of the game.

You obviously did not play original vanilla, or project your own personal feelings above those of the community as a whole. There was a massive split… yes a split in POPULATION of people who wanted no cross realm. Its unfortunate the old forums no longer exist

But keep living in your retail bubble.

As someone who actually played back in single server battlegrounds, you have no idea.

Waiting upwards an hour (longer than you people screech that an RDF queue is) for a BG vs a premade sucked so much. While you were doing the honor grind you developed the literal habit of napping and waking up to the BG pop queue cause the wait was atrocious.

What you’re suggesting wasn’t a thing practically and at best it was incredible unhealthy.

Honestly, for TBC “SoM”

  • LFG tool like we have in Wrath for Heroics
  • RDF for leveling (all normals)
  • Dual spec
  • Minor class adjustments (tuning).

That’s it. And I’d play it.

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I am not sure as many dungeons specifically h-arc, need a shaman to drop grounding. And people most likely only do h-bf/mt for the bis special item with a payout if drop from the first boss. So no I do not think rdf would be good for tbc with how different the dungeons at least on heroic are on difficulty.

I am not a TBC classic era fan so it would not affect me either way. The major reason I can see for this not ever being added though is because there is no code already in place for it. This is not like wrath era where the code is already there it just needs to be implemented. To add these things to TBC would require a large amount of work for little if any real return. The weeks of testing/breaking things while they try to implement something new where it never before existed just does not seem like a worthy use of limited resources.