TBC Era with RDF


Seems like from this that a lot of forum people love rdf.

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Stick your link in the pre-formatted text and it’ll show up just not be clickable, lots easier than replacing lots of random characters :wink:

And yes, the notion that people “pined for the pre-RDF days” was never founded in reality.


I never heard of organized groups skipping Cata heroic bosses.

Which bosses?

Maybe your guild was terrible or something?

Halls of Origination, Lost City of the Tol’Vir and the Deadmines in particular had bosses that were just gross.

Vortex Pinnacle was terrible if you didn’t have the right comp as well. And that’s not counting the just badly made bosses like in the Stonecore.

There’s a reason Ghostcrawler posted his “git gud” blog and 2 days later they announced a swath of fixes to Cataclysm dungeons.

I don’t really care if you’ve heard of it.

Yes, they were a lot harder than Wrath heroics.

They meshed horribly with RDF.

But premades? Guild runs? Skipping bosses because they literally couldn’t kill them and that being common?

Eh, not so sure.

Oh they could kill them, but it was so horrible RNG dependant that it simply wasn’t worth the risk of wiping over and over on it.

I don’t think I’ve ever said people couldn’t kill them, just that it wasn’t worth it.

Add in the skip culture developed in classic, yeah, have fun with that.

Gotta be honest I just kinda… skipped doing TBC dungeons once I got the attunements done. Sure there was badge gear but I just didn’t like what I played and forming groups always took hours (Yes, I made my own). I just jumped into Kara with whatever greens and blues I had and wound up decked out in my BiS by the end of phase 1… where I promptly quit due to my dislike of TBC as a whole.

Dungeon finder could tempt me to give it another try buuut… Really what I want is WotLK level-locked to TBC (So 150% flying at 60, reduced exp to level etc) for me to try that expansion again. I enjoy WotLK classes (Except ret which I prefer in TBC), hate WotLK content.

That said, didn’t the way those heroics were designed MANDATE certain classes?

Most people did outside of a new round of badge gear being added, then they did the daily for a bit and went back to never doing it.

RDF would’ve been a net boon from day 1 of classic, most of us just had the courtesy to not ask for it so as to not “ruin the game for those who wanted the real experience”.

What a mistake respecting other people turned out to be eh.

Ngl, if dungeon finder had been in, I would’ve done a -lot- more dungeons in TBC. Providing it wasn’t a case of “Oh we can’t dispell this debuff because we didn’t get a decurse in the group so it’s an instant dead run”

Or maybe good guilds didn’t waste time with bosses that dropped nothing they needed and since VP was gated by completing the dungeon just wanted to finish the final boss so they could weekly cap ASAP. Another brilliant change in Cata that damaged over all play.


Stonecore was fine, bosses were generally boring “Stand here if X move here if Y” fights.

Now HoO and the Twilight cultist one, those can go straight into a fire.

Yeah, they just had some weird issues like being in melee range of a flying boss made you hit by it’s aoe and stuff like that.

Grim Batol was just long and very very boring. And lord save you if you missed a pack during the drake flight.

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TBC was historically my favorite expac, but I don’t see the appeal in going back for another playthrough. I guess I’d log on a Instant 70 arena server, but I can’t imagine getting hyped about doing rep grinds and attunements for content that’s still pretty fresh in my mind. Even the fun raids (Kara, TK, BT, SWP imo) are too simple and played out for me at this point.

I actually even liked the TBC prebis grind a lot. Assembling the right group comp and just blasting, plus getting some decent gold for your time in the form of shards, rares, ores, herbs, etc depending on the dungeon. It was fun and part of what makes that expac memorable. But why again? And so soon?

I am interested in the cata survey that went out regarding scaling old raids up to current level. I would enjoy going back and doing some level 85 Kara and TK.

Ok 1 There is not a single feature Or change in the history of the game That has not been controversial rdf to Flex rating m+ To artifact power.

To class changes Hack even tbc In any expansion releasing Even cross realm Battlegrounds.

As far as the community That got us classic ummmm I think it’s kind of funny you act like that’s literally just one At this point You can’t just say classic playerbase.

You have to say classic Playerbaseis Every single expansion of wow Whether that be vanilla or Even dragon flight Is somebody’s first wow.

And making the statement that on mass People don’t want rdf That’s kind of funny considering I do dungeons quitabit on my server And the social aspect that you say Is so valued hmmmm inv,gs,skip,need,gn,.

That’s ninety percent of what I hear Sometimes not even that I mean I’ll say hello But everybody else just wants to go go and go And that’s before we talk about gdkps Did blizzard do that no the player base did.

So when you talk about the backbone of the game On top of the fact that 60% of Servers are one faction Maybe you should consider That those people I don’t know could have had a change of heart.

I mean even on era They changed the pvp system You don’t see many people complaining about that just saying The fact is, people do not play games the same way that did in 2004.

And even in 2019 Yeah for the first phase it was all about the journey Kind of but right after that what was it world buffs And speed running and that hasn’t changed.

So I would ask Maybe consider the fact the classic player base Or rather classic Player bases Is not so Is simple to read ? And Speaking from someone that Started in 2004 i say # rdf.

I’m willing to concede that LFD doesn’t really ‘fit’ the Level 60 experience. Having Meeting Stones work in Level 60 as they do in Level 70/80 would probably have been sufficient. Maybe also some equivalent quest for Alliance for Scarlet Monastery (similar to the Gnomeregan transporter in Booty Bay for Horde).

But LFD/RDF would have been a massive boon to TBCC. Even if TBC Heroics still required that the group be manually formed, automated group-making would have been much better for the rep-farming that is part of the TBC PVE experience.

ELL OH ELL OH WELL ¯\__(ツ)_/¯

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