type 1 for tbc era realms why lead game developer say in ign interview no tbc era?!?!?!?!
11111111111111111111111111111111111111. i saw interview and is very sad tbc is currently more dead than classic era on some realms
hehe ty ive had similar experiences. atleast with tbc era the would have merged some servers. big sad =( also is no longer going to be any place for seasonal characters to go after future seasons end there needs to just be 1 pvp and 1 pve era server for classic and for tbc and wrath aswell. on a weekly basis i would like to play a little bit of classic tbc and wrath
please more people sign i want to indefinitely go for warglaives
I believe that classic is the idea that you can choose which expansion you want to play and be able to play any expansion while the people playing or wanting to play tbc classic is dwarfed by those wanting to play classic era or wrath we shouldn’t force them to play wrath.
TBCC players should have the option to play in the expansion they prefer.
1 For Frodo…
I love TBCC and I loved classic but when the time comes I will move on. I’d be cool if they decided to delay SoM until after wrath (instead of rushing it out as they did and splitting their playerbase) and make a cool TBCC SoM instead of having a dead TBCC server like it was with classic.
I mean you can technically have the experience eliminator, but it will be slightly different.
11111111111111111. Im in
classic era isnt dead and tbc requires only 25 man raiding i didnt get to experience tbc becuase my realms was actuly in fact more dead than classic era
yeah thats not the same, not the same talent trees or anything, plus death knights will be there and blood elves and draeni can be boosted there
100% agree all they have to do is make era realms be 1 pvp server and 1 pve server
If Blizz wants to keep us off private servers, they must offer an alternative. Forcing progression is what we all came back to Classic to avoid. Just offer each character the chance to stay TBC or move to Wrath. No cloning this time, we must make a choice. Then compress TBC servers like they did with Classic. Easy fix.
im alright with cloning my toons i have some toons with 50 days played time i dont mind spending 15 bucks for that, they can however maybe have more sales on clone prices. i also really like having multiple versions of my toon in different expansions to play different versions of my favorite specs
The only thing blizzard hears is money. Take their money away
Although I may not play on the realms, it’s still nice to have a time capsule of my character from 2.4.3.
For me it’s mostly to have time to play hardcore on Burning Crusade servers. There hasn’t been enough time to do all I want to do.
There’s my sig
that would only slow down the WotLK rollout so I vote HELL NO!