TBC Dual Spec

At this point, they might as well stop calling it TBC but a bastardized child of Wrath and TBC. The Wrath Crusade. TWC.

Because at the end, people don’t want to play TBC for what it was. But what they want it to be.


they could just turn it off in raids kind of like how you cant change gear or talents in the tower of the dammed for the most part not counting that vendor every 3 floors

but i thought that it was in the game til wod and spell batching is massive my hunter could shoot an auto shot mid charge of an aimed shot because of it which was massive and added up to be thousands of damage through dungeons and open world content and prob more if i raided on her

I’ve seen and reported so many bot farrmers. Some get banned, some don’t . Using a ‘gold sink’ is a lame argument against dual spec.

Nor can they possibly fix the bots.

I understand what you’re saying when it comes a slippery Slope I myself have seen some things were I go no Like achievements and pet battles However I don’t think if they give us dual spec and they have stated this there are some things they’re going to say no on.

But I don’t think dual spec is one of those If I’m being honest changes for Me After dual spec.

I would say buff alley racial’s To help with faction balance and then I’d be good.

I think That’s completely fine the character boost I’m not in love with it but I don’t hate it.

And everything else on my list blizzard already did So you know I understand what you’re saying but again as far as the whole gold saying argument.

Not to be mean but I think it’s only going to be annoying to the players that actually don’t have that hundreds of thousands of gold.

I think that’s the only ones those are going to affect I mean if you really have that much money do you really care about a 50 gold Sync.

Not really And oh so my opinion there’s no reason why dual spec should be brought in

Nope. No ty.

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I think you’re over exaggerating a little Dual spec Does not make this wrath of the lich king.

There’s a whole West of things before it would get to that point which for the record I wouldn’t entirely hate.

I’ve always said my ideal version of World of Warcraft would be wrath of the lich king classes with burning crusade difficulty.

It’s not the features necessarily. It’s the mindset.

If TBC was actually made how TBC actually was authentically, how would people react when they knew they would need to put in time they may not have? How would people react when they knew they would be stuck playing a spec they didn’t want to be?

It’s already happening with Dual Spec. There is pushback on attunements. And if heroic dungeons are released pre-nerf … making them unzergable, there will most assuredly be complaining then also. I can already hear the “but i don’t have time to spend an hour and half in a dungeon.” “I don’t have to do X Y and Z”. But of course, everyone will still expect to be able to do almost everything.

So exactly in what direction is all of this headed? It sure as heck isn’t TBC - and it’s not even close. And this is coming from someone who has total disdain for Classic, quit TBC early on without any tears shed, and may not play TBC Classic either. I have no horse in this race.

You tell me.

Classic was able to hold out as long as it did before Ziryus and his Retail crowd wall of no tried to take over. TBC Classic, well the crowd IS retail.

Again, you tell me where this is all going.


If they do add dual spec, it should cost 5000g to unlock and have a CD to use. If your CD is unvailable and you need to respec, you still have the option to go to the trainer and pay gold.

That’s not how game development works.


OK 1st off I kind of understand what you’re saying to a degree however There’s a difference between saying this was good back in the day And It was just there.

Spell batching The origin PVP system World buffs.

All these things were there back in the day as far as printer dungeons only thing we know for sure is that the Rates are going to be pretty nerved.

Not necessarily the dungeons we don’t know let alone we saw how people literally just blew through them.

On classic And I think the biggest lesson as a player base we can take away from that is sometimes #NoChanges Can be just as detrimental to the game Add as #SomeChanges.

You make an argument that dual spec would make Classic tbc not tbc.

I kind of disagree Because again what is the true soul of the burning Crusade.

The problem with that statement is this that’s literally different to everybody In my mind it’s gain with a group of people and having fun with them but still relying on them To accomplish my goals.

It’s also be M to help my friends if I the hybrid spec If I can take I want to be able to tank for them and that’s If my Friend as a healer.

I want to help them accomplish things Like doing group quests and dungeons Dual spec Promotes this.

As far as the whole push back with a tune ments if I’m being honest you’re the 1st person to mention that I haven’t heard a single person complain about.

I mean sure it’s a pain the bide but it’s also a big part of the game As far as people being stuck with things they don’t wanna play I hate to tell you but that’s been something that’s been in World of Warcraft.

From Vanilla To shadowlands That’s not something that’s changed Are there always certain classes that are good at something and overpowered.

Yeah no question I think honestly there’s a select Certain specs that blizzard just never wants 3 badd for some weird reason.

I mean come on let me ask you this You tell me the last expansion where wore locks were not well represented.

As far as I know It was classic From burning her seat on words If they weren’t at the top they were at least and the top 4.

My point is You may have a point of saying something like what could this lead to but with that argument you could also say if they do nothing they can also lead to that so.

What I’m trying to say is this one feature and the changes that they have made Doesn’t destroy the essence of tbc.

And I can also tell you this For me Changes are kind of stopping here The only big change I really want is dual spec.

After that the only other thing I would really like them to do is maybe try and buff alley racial’s so basically racial tuning.

Because I know if they don’t I don’t think it would be too surprising to see 20% alliance Versus 70% horde.

I also think that people are underestimated I think we’re going to see at least a 30% jump in horror population.

Why well Whether to most powerful DPS classes in the burning crusade Where lock and hunter What can Those classes be orcs.

5% damage to pets At ADP S cooldown on a 2 minute ccd.

As racial’s Yeah And that’s before you even start talking about will of the fursaken and arcane torrent.

And speaking from someone that played as a blood elf paladin back in the day I can say it’s pretty busted.

Anyway I’m gain a little bit off topic but But DualIs spec Is not going to destroy the soul of the burning crusade.

Let alone We don’t know how hard they’re actually going to be pre nerved I mean everyone said that That classic rage were so hard.

How long did it take for the top guilds to down rag muras again 48 hours maybe.

On top of that you say that’s not going to be the burning crusade well I had make an argument what exactly are you looking for because here’s the thing.

Whether they put changes in the game or not it’s never going to be that 2007 experience for one reason.

The playerbase has gotten a lot better Like everyone keeps saying and it’s a very true fact the biggest change is us.

It’s 2021 We’re a very different player base back in the day as far as you Say the game is being ruined by the retailer Population.

I hate to be the one to tell you but ally those people started out in vanilla or in burning crusade.

Or at some point in the game’s life spanned it’s a 15 year old game And different people want different things I myself started in vanilla.

And although it is a great game I think the thing that hurt the most was no changes.

I think the original PVP system is garbage I think there should have been a cap on mage aoe.

And if I’m being honest as far as world buffs go I think they should adjust Every 6 hours they drop at every major city.

And they can’t be dispelled And they last through death.

But anyway I digress

My point is Everyone’s definition of what the soul of burning crusade as is different.

My Mindset is is to make it so people can make friends easier and help one another and that’s what dual spec promotes.

It also gives players choice Now where is the line.

For me that’s an easy answer I think when you start implementing systems that fragment the player base and separated more that’s when you start to lose the soul.

Things like pet battles, Achievements, And transmark.

In fact I would make an argument Those features were a 100 times more more destructive to the core concept of wow.

Then the lfd,lfr. In Wrath and cata Why Because at the very least those are all part of the corn concept which is killing bosses and getting loot

When you start to introduce those other systems you start dinner do so you can play the game this way and that way but the problem is that now separates the playerbase.

Because then you have the achievement hunters

The pet battlers

The transmogrify Yes I what I’m trying to say here it literally puts sub categories.

As much as people want to criticize the wrath of the lich king.

Of being the beginning of the end I honestly think if lfd Wasn’t introduced

People would hold it and much higher regard because like it or not and I will stick to this opinion wrath is the best expansion ever.

Why because class balance was not perfect but it was over all balanced.

Every spec felt strong over all And there wasn’t a single spec you wouldn’t say oh well I’m not gonna take this because the damage is a joke.

Every single tank could tank And every single DPS could DPS.

For the most part Yes OK holy paladins words the greatest I will admit but they still could be good tank healer.

And over all the DPS rotations were fun enough Or at least you didn’t really have one button specs.

They were Spam E for most part but at least they were fun.

So Before I go on even more of a tangent I’m going end this

But those are my reasons Dual spec Does not destroy the core concept of tbc.

Achievements, Pet battles, Transmogrify, And lfd and lfr From cata.

Those Those features would be the things That would write The true tombstone And death of the Spirit of tbc

Then why even bother putting it in your taking a convenience and making it inconvenient.

That makes no sense You wanna make it 5K fine but the cooldown that’s too much

The cd is to prevent people from swapping specs back and forth mid raid. The point of dual spec is so people can swap to PvP for arena or dps spec to farm. Being able to optimize specs to raid encounters on the fly was not part of TBC and shouldn’t be encouraged. Yes the trainer is still an option, but there is a big time cost the that slowing down the raid so most didn’t bother except for the most difficult first kills.

Dual spec is one of the few changes that I would actually want. But my wanted change is someone else’s bright red line, and so I find myself back to #nochanges


I’m not sure what you mean by that So you do wanted but you don’t want it because someone else doesn’t want it?

I still say the CC is too much I mean how long you make that I’m guessing you’re having A-day in mind right.

So what if you have to raid and do arena in the same day which is not You’re putting a freedom in the game and then restructing that freedom the whole point of dual spec as player choice.

And when you take that away A can of makes it worthless I honestly don’t think it’s gonna be as big a deal as people think realistically how often you think people are going to switch specs in between fights.

I think it’s going to be fine I just don’t they use can be as big of a deal as you think will the 1% of guilds do it yeah sure.

Maybe even the top 10% but your average Guild now they are not And no I would not put this in the same category as world buffs.

The amount of damage healing in over all power you gain from World drops is massive

Yes is there a difference in healing and DPS when you switch By its nothing compared to the power you get with world Buffs.

We both know that My point is it’s fine if you want to make it 5K gold to buy sure because people to work for it that’s fine with me.

The pain the CCD on it that just too much and kills the fun of it on top of that

Dual Spec wasn’t in TBC. Without a CD, the expectation for raiders will be to have two different raid specs with different talent combination that works for different fights. I play mage, so I can think of a common situation where people are expected to have an arcane spec and a fire spec and use whichever is best on any given fight. That’s what retail is like now. It will be the meta and you have to think about the unintended consequences of adding player convenience.

I think if the CD was 2-4 hours, that would be sufficient to prevent raid talent swapping, but also add flexibility for people to switch relatively quickly.

And if they really need a new spec immediately, they can always pay 50g to respec at the trainer. It’s not like there isn’t an option to respec.

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I do not like dual spec. Gold is for respeccing talents.

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Yes however You can’t compare retail fights to burning crusade fights because even if it is pre nerf at least for a tear 4

How hard is that really going to be and that’s the key right there we don’t know me personally.

My main is a Warrior right now so what am I gonna do I can tell you I’m love link one of everything to 60.

At this point I’m planning on mean a warlock Or a paladin I’m not sure yet.

My problem with the cooldown is say that you’re questing and you go to tank a dungeon with your friends and IO now I’m stuck in tanks back to go back to questing because.

Questing in tanks back is the knowingly slow Unless IAA we grind which is and the funnest thing to Dale.

Let alone was put a healer in that spot like a priest They’ve got shadow to quest with and wholly to heal O cried I just switch to hills back now I’m stuck in that for 2 hours because I healed a dungeon with my friends.

Dose back of its implemented does not need a cool down.

Not to be mean but just because it causes problems for the top 10%.

Doesn’t mean it should punish the The other 90%.

Let alone I’d honestly don’t think it’s going to be is badge as you think like how many fights honestly do you think people are going to really ask you to respect for realistically in the burning crusade.

Like maybe mag? Prince ?

I mean you really have to look at the fights and really ask yourself OK how many times my real listic Li going to be respecting for a fight if that all?

So again I say I don’t think it needs a cool down I think it’s going to be fine

For your convenience, the raid meta gets warped. In my opinion it’s not worth it especially since TBC wasn’t designed around it.

I’d rather there be no Dual Spec than unlimited Dual Spec. It won’t be the top 10%. It will be the majority of guilds that will utilize dual spec to optimize talents for boss fights, particularly starting with T5 content. The majority of guilds require full WB. You don’t think they will ask raiders to bring two raid specs? That will kill the whole point of introducing dual spec.