TBC Dual Spec

Yeah it’s a common practice on my server 2 and it’s super awful heaven forbid if you ever bracket brake.

Hopefully getting sma’am reported is though least that thing that happens here depending on the scenario speaking from somebody that I got to rank 12.

I mean speaking of something that should have been changed And I say this and I keep saying it all the original PVP system implements is talk cessity an unhealthy player behavior.

And also say Things are not good and they won’t be good I say give us pre patch and give us dual spec.

You might be wearing out your Ctrl+C, Ctrl-V then because this was specifically nixed. As long as you can replace your keys/keyboard, I guess we’ll keep seeing it until Wotlk.

I appreciate the lack of Dual-Spec for class uh identity reasons and a gold sink which we’re gonna need anyway.


OK 1st off I don’t see how the lack of dual spec really implements class identity whether you be a protection a retribution or a wholly you’re still going to be a paladin.

I don’t feel any different when I’m playing fury and I’m next to an arms except ones using to handed and the other ones dual wielding.

On top of that no matter how many specs you have access to your always going to have certain classes I in Delhi for example a mages always going to be better at Straight up damage.

Then a shadow priest well A-war lock will never be able to actually heal somebody there are these class identifications by themselves.

What you’re describing is spec identity above all else which I quite honestly thing as a little bit silly I feel no more special or different.

When I see another Warrior wielding a shield and a sword or a 2 hander.

If I’m a priest and I see a priest in shadow form I go O that persons in Shadow and that’s the end of it.

And almost every single player I’ve discussed with the matter has said the same thing it’s not that big of a deal.

As far as the gold sink this the vents do you really think somebody with hundreds of thousands of gold is going to care about a 50 gold sank.

No offense but you’re dreaming if you really think that’s going to do anything when alone that’s not every single player I personally can say I’ve never seen of our 1000 gold on my character at once.

If I mean honest all the respect cost is going to cause it’s going to encourage people to possibly buy gold.

Not only that I would also argue it’s just annoying for player said want to PVP.

And pve Because like it or not in the burning crusade you can’t get away with being one.

If you are going to pve You have to be in a pve spec.

And the same thing with PVP Dual spec As a good feature it should have been in classic and it should be In the burning crusade.

And as far as the argument that well it wasn’t there the 4 so it shouldn’t be there now I’m sorry that stupid.

We said that with classic That didn’t turn out very well now did it.

Spell batching was there, The original PVP system was there, World buffs were there.

But here’s the thing It’s not 2004 anymore its 2021.

And we’re not the same players and I think dual spec would benefit Us considerably it would let people be more handy to others.

And what you help your friends much more especially if you’re a hybrid.

And if you are a pure DPS class at let you have You can have yourself a pvp Spak

That’s my take on it and that’s why I’m going to keep trying push as hard as I can to help it get in the game

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100% support dual spec. I’d drop thousands to unlock.


Please explain how duel spec “fundamentally changes the game”. Let’s be honest Blizz has already bowed and allowed Alliance the Seal of Blood and other changes. LW may get gimped as well due to “crying” from the community. So how is it any different when asking for duel spec, when the community has already cried about so much and forced changes to original TBC. Duel spec dosen’t change the game. The only toons that are mainly affected are the pvpers.


Obviously, we should give folks their Dual Spec and make them pay for it, only $60 per character or 20k gold since we need a REAL gold sink as suggested by some posts since we need to target those that saved up gold (I didn’t, lol). That’d really give folks something to complain about!

May as well just add Transmog (yuck), raid finder, LFG finder, and a few other things since we’re doing a few small changes here and there with #somechanges. As long as we can remove the struggles involved at all for our players, why stop there? It’s a slippery slope and I don’t think folks are ready for it! :sob:


Nah. The no changers either quit because Blizzard didn’t adhere to their nochanges or they adapted and accepted some changes. And here we are. And to say that the people who prompted “you think you do, but you don’t” aren’t here is kind of weird. As if a person that is okay with some changes isn’t one of those people. Of course there is a line for different people. One minor change for the purest #nochanges person and they are done. For me LFR and LFD are one of those lines (at least for TBC).

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although i think dual spec would be a positive change, it was not released until wrath. i want to play TBC like TBC or else this whole thing is just pointless. no dual spec, thanks.


It’s really quite easy to see. Pre-beta Classic forums were a lot different and full of different opinions than actual Classic. And to move one step further away from that, look at the TBC forums. Dual Spec is being discussed now as an actual option.

People would have been foaming at the mouth at the thought 2+ years ago.

The crowd is VERY different.

I see these 3 arguments against dual spec from the community :

  1. It wasn’t in BC and game should be 100% a replica:

I supported #SomeChanges from the beginning, simple because I prefer a good game to an authentic game. What I was really craving for all these years, was a good game with the same philosophy, elements and game design as TBC, not the exact same thing. So #SomeChanges that don’t change the philosophy of the game but makes it better.

  1. Gold sink:

I believe if a dual spec with 1-2K gold cost is added to game, will mathematically create a bigger gold drop than counting on people respecting. I have 2 lvl 60s in classic and I can say I respec total of 5 times for both of them together the entire time.

  1. Spec identity:

The argument is that for example, a fury warrior, is known and identified as fury and if they want to change their identity they have to pay the 50g for it. I agree with this one. Having 2 PVE spec or 2 PVP spec can damage the spec identify. But what about 1 PvE spec and one PVP spec ?! there is no genuine spec identity between PvE and PvP. 2 total different animals. Apples and oranges.

Sorry buddy, but your not getting TBC like how original TBC was.
Your getting #somechanges, sorry to burst your bubble.
Dual spec is wanted by the majority, therefore it will be added.

Dual spec is wanted by 5% of the player base, therefore it won’t be added.
I can make baseless arguments too.
This one’s even worse than the boosting one because Blizzard hasn’t even said they’re implementing dual spec lmao.


Thats why Dual spec is the most accepted and favored addition to ever get added in WoW history. Your theory of 5%…just does not add up, bud.

Dual spec is coming to classic TBC whether you like it or not. Sorry not sorry

lol id much rather have dual spec than boosts. you have no evidence to go on and no post from blizzard saying it will be added. you can say you want it added all you want, but saying it will be is just delusional and denying facts. enjoy.

Oh did they actually confirm dual spec was being added to TBC Classic? That’s interesting

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oh no i totally agree the crowd is totally different. That’s why #somechanges is being accepted by more people. that is why i’d say a lot more people would be fine with dual spec. but of course I can understand those who don’t think it is okay, but at this point are they just trying to keep BC as much #nochanges as possible? Because the nochangers have already lost battles in Classic and now with TBC with seals and especially boosts I feel. But I also get the fear of the domino and going down paths that would include LFR/LFD, but I feel that the community would be fully against those.

P.S. I was still pretty #nochanges (as little changes as possible) up until the announcement of boosts and seals for both factions (which i’d say I am against). I was fine without dual spec going into TBC prior to those changes.

No, but a lot of people are asking for it, so I’m assuming the person is expecting it to come . I for one wouldn’t say it is guaranteed, but I would like to see it come. However, giving seals to both factions and a 58 character boost being put in, Dual spec is even more likely of a thing. But who knows for sure.

Well, at least in Classic you can say was like a private server. As retail esque as a lot of the pserver folk are, they still weren’t like this …

Even though they never wanted the authentic overall Vanilla experience, they at least wanted some flavor of it, even if it was warped.

What’s going on now with TBC is pretty scary actually. People want to turn it into a completely different game.

Adding dual spec adds convenience, which dilutes the mmo experience. It’s the slippery slope that led to retail.

However, I don’t think it will hurt TBC classic that much if it’s added, but I don’t think it’s needed.

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I would disagree in saying that people want TBC to be a completely different game. I mean the boost and seals are pretty bad imo, but in the end do those things affect my personal gameplay a lot? I wouldn’t think so. So I think some people would like to see Dual spec because it could also fit into that category of being nice, but not affecting people’s personal gameplay. However I feel like LFR and LFD would change my personal gameplay a ton, so I and a lot of others are still vehemently against it.
And as far as dual spec goes, you would need to implement some limiting factors to it like: only changeable in major cities (or even just org/ironforge/sw); give it some kind of gold cost so people would still have to be involved in the world (gaining gold) to obtain it (of course i’m not accounting for gold buyers, which is another problem atm).; and maybe some other things.