TBC Dual Spec

Holy cow dude. I don’t even know if I can read that. But I will say this.

The soul of the game is not about how YOU want to play it. Not about how YOU want things to be. Not about what YOU find convenient. Not about how YOU want to be able to have the flexibility to do multiple things. It’s not about YOU.

You mentioned the “true soul of TBC”. That right there is NOT subjective to a large degree assuming you aren’t cherry picking. And let me make this very clear. Not everyone has a firm grasp of what TBC was. In fact, I’d bet very few do. Because in order to do so, you’d have to have payed at patch. Not start in the middle. Not played in the beginning but leveled slow. But played at patch. Progression raided from the beginning. Not guild hop your way to end game. PvP, etc. Early TBC and Vanilla were very much alike.

So what is the true calling of authentic overall TBC and Vanilla over the rest of the xpacs? TIME. Things took time. Anything that makes things more convenient than what it was back then, is taking away from the soul of those games.

And what is the ONE thing that the current player base can’t handle? TIME. 3 weeks of Naxx and people burnout and fold like lawn chairs - even with a virtual walkthrough guide given by people 15 years ago.

Face it. Few people want the game for what it was. Nobody wants authentic overall TBC. Just like except those in the very beginning pre-beta, nobody wanted authentic Vanilla either. People want their version of it. And for most it’s a mix of Retail now and what late Vanilla was. And the happy medium for it is Wrath.

So, welcome to The Wrath Crusade.


5k is ridiculous. I think it was 1k or less when they first introduced it. Even at 1k, you’re getting a deal. You simply click, and you’re done. None of the fiddling with points and action bars.

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Why not just make it require a rested area to change? Then you can’t change it out in the field, in or outside of a dungeon or raid… You have to hearth / get summoned back if you are doing it mid raid.

That is exactly what can be done without DS if a guild wants you to change spec mid raid, but with DS, you at least get the option of changing specs without going to the trainer.

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I agree I would say lfd,lfr Those are definitely the lines for me

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Dual spec opens up players in the current gaming climate to more of their classes. It gives them an opportunity to have a “fun” specialization to mess around with in the midst of all the min-max, meta gameplay.



I agree one million percent which is why I keep making posts.

And which is why I keep pushing the issue because here is the thing Ultimately it is blizzard’s decision however.

The more feedback they hear from us the more positive reinforcement we give them for it the more likely it is to be in the game.

Now granted I wouldn’t use that justification for everything Not gonna lie if anyone ever says achievements or pet battles to me I’m just going to be.

One million percent against those however Dual spec Does not fall in that category

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It looks like you’re replying to me when I said “Dual spec is one of the few changes that I would actually want. But my wanted change is someone else’s bright red line, and so I find myself back to #nochanges

What I meant is that while dual spec seems a reasonable change to me, to others it’s a change that would fundamentally change the game in a negative way, a bright red line with “unacceptable” on the other side. And since some of their “reasonable changes” are likely to be MY bright red lines, I respect their feelings and am willing to go without the change I would like so that they don’t have to endure a change they hate.

I know that it doesn’t really work like that, just expressing feelings.

That’s fair So basically you’re saying you would like it but you really don’t want to pursue it because you think it’s just gonna get you more hate.

I get what you’re saying but on the same And something to keep in mind if people don’t get mad about this.

They’re probly just going to find something else So whether you Say something about your opinion or not people are always going to find something to complain at you for.

Not trying to be mean to you or sway one way or the other I’m just Saying facts that’s all.

I get what you’re saying though most definitely like somebody told me once there should be a talk cessity warning when you walk in to these forms.

I honestly think this would be a healthy goal in tbc to strive for. these bs arguments that duel spec won’t be a gold sink is a laughable argument. Duel spec can honestly be an effective gold sink if you did it for 5-10k gold and i defiantly do this for alts too. I played BC in 2007 when it released and it sucked being devoted to enhancement back then. I gladly swap over to restro if i saw LF1M Healer heroic shattered halls plus if the group didn’t work out I wouldn’t feel de-incentivized about my choice to swap restro for 30 mins & not feel like i am taking a risk and lose time playing this game to be like hey guys gotta wait 10-20mins for me to reset up my crap. Please f off if you think that is an enjoyable experience within the game while my group waiting for this mundane crap . All this bull$hit that it make the game worse is clearly happy with sitting around an extra 20 mins to play this game. no-one has time to deal with this mundane madness when it can help the LFG channel immensely especially with arenas too . No one honestly gonna keep going to there trainers 5-6 times a day and keep replacing there bars & spells and talents.


Well like I keep saying the more we talk about it the better chance it has to be in the game.

Believe me I understand 100% what you’re saying I was a retribution paladin back in the day which a lot of people didn’t like so 9 times a 10 it was Spec to Holy.

Up the group works out Which was about half-and-half if I’m being honest but 9 times out of 10 what would generally happen and when workouts I be like OK Switch back to ret.

So yeah I 100% agree #DualSpec in tbc

personally without it, I think it locks people into aspects of TBC & not all of TBC. Like if I want to work on a 2nd set gear allow me to do so and make it effective plus arenas too is perfect timing for this. No one gonna accept the fact of using pve talents in a pvp setting such as that.

Personally I hope they test the waters with this in the Beta 1st. It doesn’t mean tbc has to come out with no beta & go straight to releasing it. There a reason why BETA 'S EXSIST

So I’m a little confused the way you phrased it made it sound like you want it but now you don’t?

100% agree


It doesn’t really matter XD back in the day if you needed someone to change specs for a fight you would just port them out, give then 5 minutes to respec and then summon them back. All adding duel spec would do is save your guild like 5 minutes a night and save one person alot of gold.

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And if you don’t want 2 raid specs, tell them no. You have agency. You get to choose how you build your character. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. And if they try, tell them to keep their opinions to themselves.

My raid team will encourage players to get world buffs, and ask that someone spec a certain way to take advantage of specific bonuses. But I’ve never been required to do anything I didn’t want to.

A large swath of guilds require full world buffs to get a raid spot or loot. It should not be allowed to easily swap specs in the middle of the raid because that will alter the raiding meta. It wasn’t in tbc originally and it shouldn’t be in tbc classic.


10ms batching is going to have a significantly more beneficial impact on raiding than Dual Spec ever could. 10ms batching wasn’t in TBC but we’re getting it for Classic TBC.

In raiding? How? I mean people’s computers and internet connections are way better now. There is nothing that can be done to replicate everyone’s original responsiveness. A lot of People had broadband and a lot of people had dial up. You can’t replicate tbc classic for both players.

That has nothing to do with spell batching.

Then explain how it affects raiding. What we have now is artificial 400ms to simulate spell batching. It’s an annoyance in raiding but mostly has affects healing and the window is too long anyway. It’s very unpopular for the majority of players.