TBC Dual Spec

My class is hybrid and I am against dual spec.


I play a lot of everything But if I’m being honest the more I look at it my mains probly going to be A-war lock and I am completely for dual spec.

so if you want a gold sink why doesnt this work?

Totally agree, the gold isn’t the concern here. Though, spec identity does have some value. If boomkins are supposed to be rare, but then you have dual spec, every resto is going to easily be able to swap to boomkin.


No, the decisions we make with our talents need to have weight if you want Azeroth (outlands too) to be a world we care about we need to have some weight to our decisions. If nothing I do matters if I dont ever have to make hard decisions then I’ll never care about my character or the world


Fully support duel spec.

I desire to both tank and PvP and having to respec potentially several times a day just isn’t something I want to end up having to do (nor the gold farming required to fund it).


This is 2 years ago, pre Classic beta forums all over again. lol. Except this time, people are actually … ok with it.

The crowd definitely has shifted. At the end of the day, most of you want things easy. Retail? TBC? Meh. Similar crowd.

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This is why I’ll just charge for tanking instead of ever doing one daily


And that is definitely one way to do it. I have no problem with that solution. You offer a service. People can pay for it they need a tank that badly.


I think there are just more retail players here now than before. I don’t think its shifted as much as we have a lot of different faces now.


I would be supportive of dual spec, a trainer in Shattrath that allows you to swap specs so that “choices” for player while in the middle of content will matter, or a cost removal.

Allowing players the option to switch to a different specialization to experience the various content the way they want to play is really essential to enjoy the different aspects of your class.

We need some flexibility for players to swap roles in some kind of feature or removal of the cost to allow for casual players to be able to swap specs without having it costing an arm and a leg.

If 50-100g is an arm and a leg… the black market has really fallen. In all seriousness though, I would rather see the cost of respecs go up rather than have duel spec. And if Duel spec was in the game, it would need to be hefty amount like 100,000g for it to even be viable in the game. Its very easy to make gold in TBC even if you just spend an hour doing daily quests a day. There are affects that Duel Spec presents beyond just the player convenience I would rather stay out of the game. WotLK will be around the corner. So all I am saying is if there is a change that occurs in TBC, it must exist within TBC itself.


I do, and Yeah i didn’t like it much either, but i also remember tanks offering to tank for a fee as well.

I was one of them.

lol f that, it isnt dual spec or more respec fee, its dual spec or keeping it at 50. increasing the fee for no benefit is not an option.

People have changed, classic is not the same as Vanilla, i think the amount of #nochanges people is dropping after seeing the crap that is in classic.

World buff meta, av boss race, black lotus bots.
There has needed to be changes, People want satisfaction easily. The amount of gold buyers and bg botters out there is massive.

The honour grind was so bad on my server people were having level 1 alliance alts outsidr razor hill to be killed to increase the population of pvpers.

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This would be an awesome and welcome change. It always should have been in the game and it just makes the BC experience more enjoyable. Respec costs are one of the reasons gold farmers and bots thrive. By adding dual spec, you’re increasing player reach and decreasing cost to play so people have less reasons to buy gold.

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I’m going to keep saying this and keep saying it until it happens

#SomeChanges #DualSpec for tbc


gimmie dual spec that is all


At the end of the day, it’s obvious that those of us who wanted the authentic overall experience are no longer here. The original no changers are no longer here. Those of us who loved Vanilla for the game itself are no longer here. Those of us who prompted, “you think you do, but you don’t” are no longer here.

People wonder why Retail is the way it is. Look in the mirror (not you personally).

They actually let retail players screw up Classic lmao, unreal. Thanks A$$ivisionBli$$ard.

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