Dual spec is not good for the game prior to their “bring the player not the class” design ethos (which is was in WOTLK).
Take druids for example.
One of the bonuses of a being a feral druid is that we can be a good tank, and if we aren’t needed to tank, we can be a competent DPS instead.
This benefit is entirely mitigated/canceled out if, for example, a warrior can just be prot or one of their DPS specs whenever the situation calls for it. It negates one of the aspects of what bringing a feral is supposed to be about: a flex role.
You underestimate the effects of always getting to be “the perfect spec” for whatever activity you’re doing. It diminishes the rpg aspect of sleeping in the bed you make, such as farming in the world and dealing with a pvp attacker while you’re in pve spec, or not having X talent in a raid so that another person can have it through careful coordination.
That kinda stuff is intrinsic to the game until WOTLK, so dual spec should stay right where it was first added…if you want dual spec so bad, wait for the expansion it was actually added.
The changes they’ve made so far have been entirely balanced-based changes. Dual spec would be a feature of pure convenience. Changes based on pure convenience do not make any sense for the purpose of what this server is trying to be in the first place. The whole point is that it lacks/doesn’t yet have things later expansions had, for better or worse.
So i cant do arena with the boys because you like your meme spec?
You can, just pay for the respec. It’s not even hard to make 50g in classic vanilla, so what are you doing wrong?
You can’t do arena with the boys because you’re too lazy to farm 50g
It’s actually crazy to see the same dialogue that occurred in TBC/WotlK classic. People crying out for convenience features, that ultimately destroyed the game. Then they look back and wonder what happened. This is what happened. This exact discussion is why retail is the way it is, and why masses of people quit the game. What’s convenient isn’t always the best… as we’ve seen with LFD and many other systems.
Then quit! Byebye, quit hampering qol changes because you have a boomer state of mind. Duel spec hurts literally nothing. Lfr and cross realm and bad writing are what hurt wow
Well doesn’t matter no raid team that wants to clear top teir of the phase will want “hybrid spec” players, Hybrid specs are meme specs which are welcome in heroics and pugs maybe. Dual spec would help save me the time and trouble of respecing every day to enjoy pve and pvp. Hell I might want to play with a meme spec on my priest also like that but I would need to have a raid spec on top of it for raiding since “smite pirest” is a meme for fun. I played that spec back in TBC so I know of it.
You could lock the spec you come in with so that one spec your locked for the full run to stop that, so once saved to the raid you cant change specs to another one to stop this.
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Or…bear with me on this…
You quit, if the lack of dual spec shimmies your jimmies so hard.
Na. I can live without it, its just asenine to think it isnt needed. Just because you used to have to walk up hill both ways doesnt mean everyone should.
Plenty of arguments have been made that aren’t in the vein of “it used to be hard for me so it should be hard for everyone else”.
This illustrates you aren’t actually reading, just complaining.
You must add [feature I like that was not in TBC] to TBC.
It is in every way a good thing (because I like it), and there are no possible arguments against it (because I ignore or write them all off) or ways in which this harms anyone’s gameplay (because I ignore or write those off too).
But [other features that were not in TBC] should not be added to TBC because they were bad and icky and ruined wow (because I don’t like them), so you shouldn’t listen to other people who advocate for those features in the exact same way I’m advocating for this one. I am objectively right, and they are objectively wrong. Because reasons.
It is purely coincidental that all of the purely good changes are ones that I like, while all of the bad changes are ones that I don’t like. That should in no way be taken as an indication that I may not be looking at things objectively.
People can fathom alot of non reasons why anything is bad, doesn’t mean theyre not arguing in bad faith.
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I like older expansions specifically because the excessive convenience features of later expansions weren’t yet added.
Are you saying that’s an invalid opinion?
I know a lot of healers in classic quit because they got bored of healing and its not like they had to money to change specs all the time to do dungeons or off night raids or farming as dps. I feel most healers befit from dual spec more than anyone
How is being able to do multiple aspects of the game excessive? Itll even help aleviate the tank shortage. I like to tank sometimes but im not spending 100g to play a harder role for an hour.
I would be more in favour of Pvp Spec or Pvp Talent Saved Template. I think that would be fair versus dual spec (I Understand the argument for player identity, I don’t think a PvP saved spec harms the game though).
It still mattered with the initial dual-spec system. Mostly to those who roll a hybrid class, and try to balance PvP and PvE. I recall having Ret PvP and Ret PvE set up, but then someone would ask me to heal. Still had to pay up.
No you wanting dual spec isn’t the same thing as us needing it. Choices need to matter. This is an RPG not an action game. Dual spec trivializes spec identity and more so class identity and the choices associated with it. No thanks.
And what about me choosing to stay in PvE instead of having to go back to a trainer for a measly fee is a meaningful choice? I’d gladly pay a few thousand to never have to go back again.