TBC Dual Spec


I agree in principle, but the gaming community has massively changed, i was a #nochanger for classic, but after seeing how the player base has changed since vanilla

im concerned that if Blizzard doesn’t make adjustments to stop certain types of behaviour that tbc will be just as badly exploited as classic was.

And by beahviour im refering to the rampant gold buying, afking or bot farming for bracket boosting and the world buff meta.

these 3 things have done alot to make classic a sad sad shadow of the vanilla experience.

So im of the opinion that allowing more people to play as tanks as healers between raids will do nothing but help the player base.
The amount of groups i see in classic now looking for tanks is massive, (and only going to get worse come tbc) and why? due to raid logging etc, but if more people could swap roles easily i would go a small way to increase the amount of things that people can enjoy in game.


Just let us change specs in arena preparation phase, and once you leave arena it gets reverted to how it was before.

Cheers. :+1:

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Good thing blizzard doesn’t share your sentiment. Please tell me that if my choice can be reset by in game, non existent currency, how is that a choice that truly matters?

Let’s make silly arguments.

Dual spec will reduce botting and gold buying as it removes one gold sink that isn’t all that intuitive, fun or engaging to the system.


Alternatively, just make the cost bearable. Reduce it from 50g to 25g which is what amounts to 3 daily quests? I already plan on being a druid tank for my leveling/dungeon group and resto on raids. I’m looking at about 200g per week (or more). I am not even bothered by having to respec regularly but the gold sink is a concern as I am an average player and far from rich.

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This is the most widely sought after QoL change that people want. Blizzard, you said you were going to work with the community on the type of QoL changes they wanted to see.

This is one of them.


Dual spec, yes please.

It would be reasonable if dual spec was not accessible in an instance / battle ground.


The same argument that was used for world buffs not being healthy for the game could be used for dual speccing. The issue for world buffs was that people would raid log… but in this case, it’s that people will end up avoiding PvP if they’re PvE spec, or will avoid PvE if they’re PvP spec. I think this is perhaps the most important / most impactful change they could make, as it will allow people to actually do both aspects of the game without being punished for it.


go back to retail

EDIT: retail allows you to change your spec to ANY of the other specs, and people will still not change their spec like in OP’s example


I fully support dual specs :white_check_mark:


#DualSpecMyFriend And maybe Beta and we haven’t heard anything yet but we still have hope in my opinion.

No dual spec, keep class identity intact.


False, dual spec allows you to experiment while also not being completely worthless while experimenting.

It’s a win win for the game and the player.

1000g, 24 hour CD or whatever is also fine


i want to say this to start :

i am neither for or against dual spec.

but i will play devils advocate.

the hurdles and extra steps are what makes the game rewarding and that much can be seen by the stark difference between retail and classic.

things in retail have all those extra steps taken away for the most part and nothing other than the hardest content feels like youve won something when you complete it.

like it or not the extra crap like going to a trainer to respec (also paying the fee which is not what most people wanting dual spec care about) is that extra step that seperates it from being just a mmo from being a mmorpg.

be careful with what you let in from the qol camp of things least we do turn into retail lite and wonder why we dont have that experience of the old style and crave it and ask for classic classic. or some other such garbage.

just some words to think about .

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We’re already using the modern game client, with both faction paladins getting each others’ seals, changes to Ench and JC to make their benefits require the profession, drum changes, change change change…

“authentic TBC experience” is already pretty far out the window. Classic showed that “MUH #NOCHANGES” was a bad idea.

There’s nothing rewarding about having your gameplay options limited by the fact that you’re a tank or a healer.

Having to run back to Azeroth and pay 50g to respec isn’t “rewarding”, it’s a tedious annoyance that limits your gameplay options.

yeah, dual spec totally turns TBC into retail
shoo with your “muh slippery slope” garbage


im saying it does make the times when you pass the goal you wanted the trials and “tedium” are what makes it that much sweeter.

how would you know happiness without there being such a thing as sadness?

the quirks and warts are what makes the game rewarding in the end.

and yes. not being careful about letting in too many qol changes and not being resistant to them is what causes the game to become retail or retail lite.

you can poo poo it all you like but thems the facts.


Dude repecs were only able to be done in a city/rested or something so talking bs about mid raid stuff is just idiotic. I want to be able to jump in and out of f-ing arena spec to help the bois in pve bs and not have to pay 100g plus every f-ing time

EXACTLY not having repsecs hurts PVP’ers the most considering you earn no daym gold doing it and yet we’re the most likely to be the ones respecing. I dont think all the haters of dual spec have pvp’ed for more then half a day in their life… 100g repecs if you wanna help peeps in pve bs

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the biggest problem was that blizzard DIDNT DO NOCHANGES in the first place! They never did it! It was always “some changes” from blizzards end and we just know that there’s no turning back from that so we may as well actually get some stuff right.

dual spec in TBC = a quick change and you put it to 1k gold fee and then only allow change in rested area.

boom, done.