TBC Dual Spec

Won’t be dual spec in BC because it would hurt boost sales.

I’m for it. Boosting is a thing, and even with the current changes it looks like it’ll still be the same. Fine.

However, it hurts the amount of players that actually group together in dungeons, quite a bit. By allowing people to dual-spec, you’re allowing people to overcome this obstacle that wasn’t in the game 16 years ago. What’s the saying for boosting? Don’t like it, don’t do it. I think the same saying should be applied to dual-spec.

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Thinking back on those years, If you would have asked me if I wanted dual spec, I would have said yes. Being a tank in BC or Wrath could be difficult, you always had to make a choice based on your gold levels.

However, there were many times that I got pulled into doing things with my guild that I may not have done otherwise if people could just switch specs. Like hopping on to help some guildees with difficult dailies on my tank. I think there is group involvement that could be lost with dual spec. just something to consider.

I wanna you Ironchain no one is wearing that hat better than you.

The requests for this stem from a playerbase used to choices having no consequences. Where you sacrifice nothing. Where you can play the perfectly optimal spec for any given situation. That’s not how TBC was designed.


Let’s say they made a bad design choice, and they should change this time around.
I don’t see how raiding in pvp spec fun, nor farming in a tank/heals spec fun.

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omfg stop
go play retail
you don’t like classic
you don’t like tbc
go play retail


And they all laughed at the slippery slope theory.

But you are still for it, even though you say it hurts the game. I also can’t see how it would negatively affect dungeons. I’d think people would be more likely to tank and heal if they could just swap back to dps afterwards.

Lol, that is so lame. This is a very competitive game, you think anyone is going to practice that “saying” ?

Defiantly for this. Duel spec was a good game change, LFR/LFD was not.

Just because a mechanic wasnt in the game in TBC doesnt mean they didnt want it in the game. They just didnt have the capacity/priority or major push for that request back then. Things are different now. dual spec was a very positive change for the game.


Everyone has a different idea of what changes were positive and what changes were negative, that’s how we got the retail version of the game in the first place. They tried to please everyone and wound up pleasing no one.
Some people would love only dual spec, some would love only LFG/LFR, some would love only transmog… This is why the NoChanges crowd exists. One concession on any of these features would add fuel to the arguments for the others and inexorably lead down the same path that got us retail.
If you want to play retail, go play retail.


The majority of people want Dual Spec, every single large poll has shown this.

#NoChanges was for Classic.
#SomeChanges is for TBC.

#NoChanges has always been the minority opinion.


Blizzard please don’t give us dual spec in classic tbc. It wasn’t in the game during it and would ruin the feel of the game.



take a look at the name of the forum you’re posting on bud
by the way… random internet polls do not constitute actual data, sorry to tell you


Blizzard has already said that #SomeChanges is their TBC philosophy. Quality of life changes were specifically mentioned.

Dual Spec is a QoL change that the vast majority of players want.



How would dual spec ruin the game, i’m not even asking for it… but seriously, how?

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Again, until you can source this from reliable data and not what I can only assume is some e-celebrity trying to confirm his opinion by appealing to his followers, it holds very little water


Every single poll that asks about Dual Spec delivers the same result; the vast majority of players want Dual Spec in TBC. This thread is the 2nd most liked thread on this forum.

Even before Classic launched, every single large poll including the massive 30,000+ vote poll that Blizzard recognized on this forum had the same outcome. The majority of players have always wanted #SomeChanges. #NoChanges was simply far louder and Blizzard has now realized their mistake in listening to that minority crowd.



Xmog, more boosts, tokens, mtx mounts, barbershop, dual spec, etc. will all be in the game come phase 2, 3 at the latest, in TBC.

By the time TBC is live and the activision gets a taste of how much money the initial boost will make, it will open the flood gates.

They do not pay developers as a one off to put in a blink stalker mount and special questline for a one time thing.

TBC will be milked for all it’s worth. Too many people willing to throw money at acti/blizz.

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this is wrong :partying_face: