TBC Dual Spec

xinrya dont let the haters get you down, you do you, good stuff. i like hearing things like that.

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“Classic needs Retail features!” - Retail player


Dual Spec isn’t a Retail feature. The majority of players want Dual Spec to be in TBC:


You know the majority of the TBC playerbase is from Retail or has played a recent version of Retail extensively right?

If anything the TBCer is the casual Retailer that couldn’t handle the “tedious” parts of Retail end game.

i dont know why you put tedious in quotations, the game is insanely tedious and chore based.

Higher end content yeah definitely - from what I hear. I don’t play any form of retail - ever, in any significant capacity. So i used to take what people said about Retail at face value. Then I realized, Retail at the higher levels was tedious also.

Tediousness and boring is what the Classic player tolerates the least. That’s when I realized that Retail was too much for them as much as they hate on it.

If it means that much to you just make duel spec where you have to go “all the way to trainer” and change it without the fee. :smiley:

I dont think you will have many people who are pro dual spec arguing against having to go to the trainer to change specs.

I agree 150% and like I keep saying when I post about this I’m not the 1st wonder talk about dual spec.

And I sure it heck won’t be the last And people will tell me to shut up By the more we talk about this the more of a chance we have to get in the game.

And the way I see it at this point if blizzard as wind upon a cash shop in hopefully those be willing to put a good change in the game to.

It’s a nice feature that comes out an expansion later due to limitations and design. With how “rich” players are now keeping the gold price of wrath (1k) could be an easy sink for tbc.

Looking at your WowLog that’s a bit rich isn’t it - stop being such an elitist. We run a Ret and Boomchicken, I respect our hybrid DPS and the value they bring in multiple roles without needing the crutch of duel spec.

Dude you exceed that clown in DPS and healing so I wouldn’t be bothered by anything he says.


Do blizz employees not watch movies… or pay attention to politics?
Pro tip:.

When you try to sell something (boosting helps new players join and catch up) that everyone knows is not for that reason.
You put it out there… then after a week or 2 maybe 3 tops you give the people what they do want ( Duel Spec) .

Then most of the people talk about that and you slid that bad apple right on in there. Win WIN.
The beta would be a GREAT time to introduce the DS so that we can play around with it to iron out ways to exploit.

a. timer on it.
b. 1 time paid service
c. go to or not go to trainer
d. use website to do the spec change and throw some advertisements up on that page . again win win.
any or all of those options should be tested . can’t change spec inside dungeons. tons of options to play with… Just give it to the players.

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that has nothing to do with dual spec. Dual spec would allow two play styles, typically one in raid and one outside. Boomkin and Ret are legit DPS specs. DS helps tanks, healers, and PVPers.

It was 1K in wrath, 5K is overkill.

Don’t start with this rubbish. Not everyone is interested in arena, for instance. Do they not deserve a QOL feature because they aren’t into this esport crap?


It would appear that some folks are really amped about telling others how to play. Dual spec would allow for a lot of folks to have a lot of flexibility. The making your “spec count for something” argument is really saying “You’re either gonna play the way I want you to, or else.”

I’m all for dual spec. 1k gold is very reasonable.


+1 for dual spec in TBC. I really wanna see it.


It’s more healthy for the game if people just buy gold from botters to respec 4-6x a week, for arena point reset day, raid days, and dungeon-running day

U guys need to think about the overall $ bottom line. Dual spec will kill the profit margin. This is an indy dev struggling to get by

on a serious note, these clowns telling people to “make your spec matter”, dude people are paying $100s a week real money just to get coloured numbers on a website for trivial content that their guild cleared months ago. u really think these guys will just “suck it up” and roll around with like No imp ghost wolf, or a pve arms spec with no imp hamstring? LOL


This is the 2nd most upvoted thread on the TBC Classic forums. Hey Blizzard, the people want Dual Spec.



Locking dual spec behind something like arena is stupid.

It’s as stupid as saying locking it behind getting exalted with all Allied factions and Booty Bay, or collect all in world pets to unlock it etc.

1k gold is fine enough.


LoL demon hunter