There’s always guilds willing to carry meme specs, dual spec or no.
The fact that you raid at all in classic is a testament
There’s always guilds willing to carry meme specs, dual spec or no.
The fact that you raid at all in classic is a testament
Dual spec doesn’t stop people from spec’ing how they want. You get 2 instead of one. Go nuts.
I am 100% behind dual spec.
I’ve got to say, I certainly wouldn’t complain much if they implemented dual spec, but it definitely wouldn’t be a good way of creating an authentic TBC experience. Dual spec would be such an impactful QoL change, I’m not sure you could make the case that it wouldn’t affect the experience, even if it were a positive one.
I like the fact that your decisions for your character(s) are so important and impactful. At the end of the day, it makes sense that you’ll have to invest your own time into making the game more convenient for you, either through spending the gold to respec often, or just leveling another character to play the alternative role you’re looking to play.
The whole point of a hybrid spec is being able to perform 2 roles with 1 spec. If I can just swap between 2 specs there is no point in doing anything but being 100% optimized for each role with my 2 specs. Those 2 specs being different from the one I prefer meaning it would kill this playstyle.
You know in most guilds in classic, hybrids don’t get to play…at all.
Shamans = Heal
Druids=Heal (1 tank maybe)
Just because your guild is fine with you being a priest smite dps that doesn’t even have the benefit of shadow weaving is really unique.
Dual spec in classic would probably let more healers switch to dps for fights that don’t need as many healers in a lot of guilds instead of just dropping them from the roster to stack more warriors
I am on the fense on this one. I agree it would add many new possibilites for raid make up and add the flexibility to go from dailies to a raid without the need to visit a trainer.
On the other hand, it would make the overall TBC experience different. Respecing was an event that cost money. Players chose healer and dedicated time and work refining their skill. They knew that they worked hard to get to where they are and get that coveted healer spot in the raid.
Dual spec would create a situation where that person would become a disposable commodity, if a druid DPS or Shammy DPS can easily just swap to healing, it is sort of a slap in the face to those that dedicated themselves to honing thier craft of healing.
Again, I can see both sides of this arguement and I am not sure which side I am leaning on.
It did cost money, so usually guilds had to fund respecs that were for the raid. The paladin, myself and 1-2 other people usually shaman ended up having to respec 1-3 times a night during sunwell progression. I think that raid forced the dual spec issue because of how min-max that raid was. It also allowed for more intense and challenging content imo
Yep, valid points as well. Still on the fense here. Both sides have valid concerns and reasons.
This mindset is the exact problem with the community.
Optimal =! Viable
The way you are responding makes it seem like since I am not following the meta I am dead weight and being carried which is frankly not true. Look at any of the DPS or Healing requirements needed for classic and you will clearly see I am far exceeding them.
I bring value to my raid team by being in a flexible spot as we don’t need the same number of healers for every encounter and I push out numbers sufficient to deserve the raid spot in either scenario.
Your spec benefits you, and you only. You could have been a holy/weaving spec and actually benefited the raid but you want 99 parses for throwing a renew and spamming smite. On horde you’d probably be replaced for a shaman tbh
we already have a shadow, adding a 2nd shadow priest would do less DPS, less healing, and would overlap on a buff we already have with having more consumed debuff slots than smite uses.
There is absolutely 0 reason for me to be holy weave
So you’re actively being dead weight, your guild is fine with it. So tell me why they would suddenly force you to min max with dual spec when they haven’t so far?
I mean they still expect me to perform at the best level I can with the tools available to me. Once again not dead weight and given the position I am going full heals or full shadow would be less beneficial to the raid.
However if I still healed some fights and DPSed other fights and with shadow becoming more useful in TBC (also no more debuff problems) why wouldn’t they want me swapping between full holy and full shadow?
they’ve carried less beneficial specs all this time so far, so looks like if they won’t let you spam smite you just have to find a guild that will let you. Like I said, if you found one in classic that’s pretty unique
There is a BIG difference between arguing my spec given it being the best choice for the scenario vs being objectively worse in both roles I’d be performing.
Also it’s a small ask vs a big ask. It would be a Big ask for them to ask me to play a completely different class/character. Very small to ask me to change specs
I mean with no dual spec it’s not likely you’ll be taken for dps at all so?
I am confident I can still make an argument for it without dual-spec. With dual-spec probably not
No drums and having dual spec would just be amazing for TBC.
…best of luck to you