TBC Dual Spec

If you want duel spec play a feral druid. You got thicboi bear and meowkitts in the same tree that uses the same tier set. You’re welcome.

No. No dual spec. Please stop trying to change the game.


I want dual spec because I don’t want to waste my time playing TBC. I want my raid spec, and my pvp spec. My grinding spec, and my dungeon spec. I want -my- variety. I don’t want to be forced to play 1-2 hours to afford constant respeccing. Why do people feel grinding for gold to play the game is a good thing. If you want a gold sync, put ashes of alar on a vendor for 30k gold. I want to play TBC and I don’t care about that stupid mount, who, or how people get it. If you want a gold sync there are better ways, not that they solve the problems. Did the Brutosaur solve problems on retail? Possibly, if those problems were tracking down RMT, then sure, it helped solve that. And maybe it caused more transactions, especially at the end when everyone knew it was going away and things really ramped up.

But lets be real, there’s so much gold in wow and that’s just how it’s going to be. Repair costs, Auction house cuts, and dual spec serve a purpose, to cut down on gold in the economy. However, when they cut down on player interaction and time played, that’s not a good thing, which people have to accept. If you want more people to pvp, respec cost goes against that. If you want more people to raid, respec cost goes against that. If you want more people to tank, respec cost goes against that. It’s in everyone’s best interest for the health of the game, and your time, to have dual spec and to remove respec cost. All respec cost did for me is cause me to log off and play another game. So many times I could have tanked a dungeon, but I was the wrong spec and didn’t want to waste 50g, even for people I really liked. So many times I didn’t pvp, because I didn’t want to have to respec for raid the next day.

There is a reason dual spec made it to live servers eventually, and it was a healthy change for the game. The only downside to it is when Blizzard ties other mechanics, outside of talents, to a spec, which essentially has the same effect. And then they nerf that, and come out with another system, and another name, that achieves the same thing. And that’s fine, we can’t control the future of retail but lets at least impact TBC and make TBC great for once(and again). TBC was awesome, but it’d be more awesome with dual spec.


Please don’t bring dual spec, if you want to Arena/BG as well and not pay the cost of re-specing then level up another character of the same class since the pvp gear is acquired from pvp only, I know of many people that have done this, including myself, if you can’t be bothered then suck it up and pay the re-spec cost. By opening up dual spec you are only incentivizing people to roll on gear for multiple specs, stop trying to push TBC to the point where we wanted classic again, next thing you will want LFR too, slippery slope to go down.

1st off let me say it’s nice to know that I’m not the Only person that’s willing To go the extra mile and write more than 2 paragraphs to get their point across

I did read most of it but is a little bit hard to read just because it’s a little stuck together But I did get your point over all.

The bottom line is there’s been a lot of changes that’s meant happened in the game over the years some good some not Dual spec was a good change.

And like I keep saying I want the best version not necessarily the authentic we saw what happen with #NoChanges The 1st time and I don’t want to repeat.

So #DualSpec in tbc

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imagine getting your grull trinket to drop
but that holy paladin with more dkp/gold gets it
because his dual is ret
now ultiply that by hundreds of thousands with each drop

tahts the amount of posts of angry people in the forums after dual specs gets imlemented

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agreed , now wait for classic lich king

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That’s called “find a new guild”.

Seriously, you people are nuts. You seriously think that dual-spec will create some crisis of loot when that never happened when it actually came out for real. You had your main spec and your off-spec was nobody else’s business, you could /roll for off-spec if nobody wanted it main just like you can now.


Lots of things were different in Classic in regards to player behavior than we saw in original Vanilla. Trying to say that it didn’t happen when dual-spec was implemented in the past is irrelevant because gaming and the player base were far different back then.

Also you do realize that this was an issue which was part of the reason they implemented the changing stats when changing specs back in WoD. You might want haste oriented gear for one spec and crit for another but generally as long as the primary stats were correct it was “Good Enough”. This was to stop people from having tons of offspec gear hanging around in their bags as everyone was wanting everything.

Getting a bit burned out grinding out consumes for a raiding warrior and warlock. That’s a lot of grinding. We won’t have to consume grind as much in TBC but I’m going to want to arena on both so that’s 200 a week. Let me gold sink that with 5k gold each for dual spec. That is all.

People were wanting everything in terms of not letting gear go to waste. Nobody was taking gear from a main spec for their off spec.

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Yes on the sPriest, not so much on the pally going for Avenger’s Shield - Later on dropping down the ret tree for to Imp Sanct Aura if you don’t have a ret pally with you becomes a pretty popular option. Moreso when you remember that you pretty much only throw the shield on the pull (it’s a spell cast which means you can’t block/parry/dodge).

Your main spec is according to the drop? Yes? Good, you can buy it for gold/dkp or roll it if you’re in a roll system. Is it for your off-spec? Well if no one on main spec really needs it, you can have a chance to get it, there, solved your problem

I absolutely HATE dual spec!! I work too hard on my two druids; one resto and the other boomkin. Giving them their own personalities and their own tradeskills. When Dual spec came out… I went from 2 druids… to 4 druids doing the EXACT SAME THING… (2 on hordes and 2 on alliance side) So, yea, LEAVE DUAL SPEC OUT!!!

I see your point, and it’s why dual spec should be limited to trainer only. Pay 5k fee to unlock, then visit your class trainer to switch. Unless your raid is going to summon you back everytime you need to swap it would solve that issue. And making it require you to go back to the trainer still makes it a choice since you would venture outside into the world as whatever spec you felt like playing and can’t just change out of combat like retail

Not rly - hybrids were designed to be actual hybrids, it was only in WoTLK did they really cement the hybrid = you can specialize in a type of playstyle and swap between them. Hybrids in vanilla work, Prot/holy hybrid is one example, a simple gear swap and you can raid heal or offtank with one spec

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People have offspecs today, and nobody is ninjaing any loot because of it. They just go to the trainer and swap specs when they feel like it.


Says the 1 spec sally… You won’t see no healers or tanks saying this stupid s***. What a stupid argument.

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Has there been a blue post on this? It seems like something that would be great for tbc.

Retail players: “Stop complaining about the 58 boost. It’s gonna happen. Whining about it wont change that”

Also retail players: “If i whine about dual spec enough, maybe they’ll make the change to add it!”