TBC Dual Spec

Mate dual specs should have been in classic too.

So should a whole range of things, like removing spell batching, little things like not having to macro /dismount into every ability.

You can keep the TBC experience or whatever better with dual specs. It opens up a whole world of possibilities for healers.

Try doing dailies as a holy paladin lol.

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Well… ending on an “agree to disagree” then, i will say with this statement i agree in that, LFD tool is convenient. But even with Dual Spec, that doesn’t mean people stop talking. And with how classic is right now, a majority of players are buying boosts with gold and not leveling in dungeons. So while not everyone else of course, i think the idea of people want it the old way is disproven.

You can’t really even argue that it’s all “retail” people (used as a derogatory term of course) are the ones buying boosts, because you need to have that gold from somewhere. And while some may have purchased that gold i doubt they are starting a level 1 toon for the first time and immediately buying 2k gold to boost the toon to 60.

But that’s not the argument we’re having here, this discussion is about Dual Spec so bringing up LFD doesn’t really count.

I have an addon for that :slight_smile:

It was just an example. I’m not 100% against dual spec, though if I had a choice I wouldn’t put it in the game. However, it has a lot of benefits that encourages people to explore different playstyles. I’m just against it being available to change any time outside of combat. I would like to see the barrier be enough to ensure there isn’t a dual spec raid meta. Maybe having to go to town or an inn is enough to prevent that. I don’t know.

Ad hominem doesn’t make your claim any more accurate.

If best feature is subjective, and depends on one’s opinion, then you could say that about any feature from anything.


I believe you had to be in a rest area anyway when it came in WOTLK.

Um Ok?

Cool Story Hansel

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Well, thank you :wink:

I mean, personally I don’t think dual spec is a good solution, but I’d rather discuss the problems that it aims to solve, and how those problems could be resolved (as #Retail has gone through some iterations of this, and currently has a mutli-faceted system that may better solve whatever these problems are).

Is this sarcasm?

You’re the one asking for #Retail features.

It would be interesting to know what problem you’re trying to solve, but this sort of comment is neither constructive nor conversation inducing.


Your mistake was thinking I wanted to induce further conversation with a double digit IQ armchair warrior.

Dual spec was a Wrath feature, not a current retail feature.

Completely agree with this post. Not wanting to farm gold to afford pvp and pve actually led me to playing less and being less effective in both environments.

Also prevents spending significant time in experimental specs

It does not kill hybrid specs. It probably increases the likelihood of people using odd specs because they can switch to their raid or pvp spec when needed


Respec’ing is already in the game - providing dual spec will literally do nothing to harm the game. It’s only a quality of life upgrade for those that do in fact respec. I would love to have a quick swap between PVE and PVP builds, or tank/resto as a druid. I don’t understand why people are against this.

And the only thing that kills a hybrid spec is it being bad in the first place.


everyone needs to stop using this as the argument against dual specs. no one wants this in the game and there are multiple ways to resolve this and still provide dual specs. (cooldowns, raid lock your spec, visit a trainer to switch specs etc) . The argument “people will change mid fight” comes up so much and everyone agrees this would be rubbish and shouldnt be in the game.

so lets tick that one off and say “Hey Bliz dual specs are a great idea lets put them in tbc as they provide a much richer game experience and will give people so much more to do, but hey lets put a 1hr cooldown between swaps or making it so you have to go to a main city to swap so top guilds dont force players to swap specs between fights in raids, because unfortunately people aren’t willing to play the game for fun anymore and take things way to seriously”

Glad we could all agree, Dual Specs for TBC with a cooldown!


I see a lot of arguments about whether or not we should have dual specs. personally I think we should think it makes a lot of sense allowing people to have dual specs for pvp or pve. but I’m happy to make a compromise such as time restrictions such as cooldowns or stopping people from being able to swap specs in Road groups.


Lets not let all the boost talk take away from the real issue. Dual Specs in TBC ! lets stay focused on what really matters.


they are adding Dual Spec to the game. say you want a resto shaman as well as an elemental shaman. Boost another Shaman and make it resto spec. done :slight_smile:

I agree 150% that should have been in classic it absolutely should have been I think sometimes people just get so Rose tinted.

That and on the #NoChanges Sometimes they just say no to everything whether it’s good for the game are not

See my issue is with the whole cool down thing is that counter takes away the whole point because all point of having a dual spec is been old to quest in ADP S back if you’re a healer or a tank.

And being able to switch for dungeons to help out your Guild or group quests I would much rather see them do something like OK you can’t switch specs in Raids.

That would be fine with me if it’s really that much of an issue just make it so when you Enter a raid You can’t switch specs that’s the only time I really see it going to be a problem.

I don’t see the issue of you being the switch specs in dungeons Or in the open world there’s no problem with that none whatsoever

A hybrid spec itself is an argument FOR dual spec. The fact that you try to get multiple roles out of one talent tree is because going to a trainer and wasting your gold and time adds nothing to the game.

12 to 24 hour cooldown when swapping spec