TBC Dual Spec

No it isn’t, it’s authentic to Vanilla.

Simulate? It is spell batching.

Everyone will die less often. There will be a much larger window to heal people without them dying nearly half a second after the heal lands. This is much more significant than people having a 2nd spec they can switch to in raids. Not to mention, I believe Warlocks can summon players INSIDE dungeons in TBC. If a player needed to switch specs, they could have that done in 2 minutes flat.

how about 25g respec?

dual specs bring more ppl to the open world, dungeon, and pvp. At the cost of spec identity

You’re flat out wrong. 400ms is not authentic to original wow. By most accounts it is too long. And furthermore, lack of batching will have a negligible impact on difficulty. It’s pretty rare right now for a wipe to occur because of batching.

A time and money cost for people to respec deters people from min maxing every raid boss with the most optimal raid spec. So people pick a spec that is the most useful most of the time. If respec is warranted to overcome a boss, a guild can make that’s determination on case by case basis.

If dual spec makes so you can respec on the fly, i guarantee every serious raiding mage will have a fire spec and an arcane spec and switch specs back and forth for each boss based on which spec shines. That is one example, but that is how retail is.

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Yes it is.


An additional delay on every single ability that is used by a player on another player, or by a player on an NPC is negligible?

I agree that spell batching is authentic but how it was implemented did not simulate original wow as that post suggests. A lot of people have made videos about it, but it’s hard to prove.

And I said it’s negligible in raiding, which it is. Meaning it has very little impact on difficulty. I said nothing about PvP.

It’s not negligible in raiding, especially in TBC where bosses can hit incredibly hard. If you think a 2nd spec, so a couple people can min-max some bosses by changing to a slightly better spec is more significant than taking the 400ms batches down to 10ms, then there’s no point in having a conversation.

You think 400ms is the reason people can’t kill a boss? Lol. That’s one of the least important factors in raid encounter difficulty. There is so much more you can optimize with 25 people being able to choose from two different specs. The top guilds will do it, then people will see that’s the meta and copy them. It will alter player behavior and be more retail like.

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If people need to swap specs on a boss, they will hearth and have an addon do it in two seconds. They will then be summoned back to the raid with the Warlock closet.

This doesn’t change by not having Dual Spec.

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There is a time cost to that and that will be done for very individual cases and when there is a strong need. But that’s different from the entire raid having two specs ready to go at any given time.

Furthermore dual spec wasn’t in TBC. If a CD was added to it, even 1 hr CD it would probably be fine, and people would use it for it’s intended purpose. Unrestricted, people will use dual spec in raiding like retail.

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21,000 votes.


Its because it breaks nothing XD it literally just forced you to portal out, respec and summon back. its one of those things that doesnt change gameplay 1 bit.

Yeah, anyone who played a hybrid class or played a tank but enjoyed PvP should really appreciate the idea of dual spec. I’d be all over it… Prot and Ret on my pally, and I’d probably go with PvE Bear and PvP Cat on the druid.

Do want it but like there just naturally a beta phase before initial release but I wouldn’t mind the gold sink was determined off of beta. 5-10k can be good for inflated server but a dead one can be a factor on the cost of duel spec. I just want to test the cost of Duel spec before its released

This would allow anyone even non hybrid classes to prosper from this. Like if i could I would play destro pve and afflication PVP on my Lock I would. just as rogues would play combat in pve and sub in pvp. It as a goal to strive for would be a side goal since world buffs and multi potion is dead in tbc for those players that go all out

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I had this debate with someone before (on youtube surprisingly) but 400 ms is authentic it just doesn’t FEEL authentic… but what was asked for was #NoChanges… but people stopped liking it. I can’t tell you how many times a tank died when i cast a heal, the mana was removed from my heal, but the tank never got it. It is infuriating and it should have been a #SomeChanges back then too.


“It’s only 50g to respec”

That’s a lie, it’s 100g, it’s 50 to change, 50 to change back, more if you do it many times a week. Dual spec takes away the need to farm an extra 100+ gold a week for something that should be in the game already.

Dual spec was one of the best additions to the game. It allowed everyone to play their class to the max ability.


And I 100% disagree

I believe the gold income in TBC is high, the cost of consumables is reasonable. As a result, Ppl will have more gold to spend on respec. 100g a week is not too bad.

Dual spec or more convenient/cheaper respec is good for the game. It doesn’t have many downsides while the benefit is tremendous. Hybrid classes are freed; PVPers will occasionally come to PVE with proper spec and raiders would join BG/Arena with proper PVP spec.

More people will be able to play the game, creating a lively in-game world.

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IF the were to implement dual spec they would need to keep the gold cost of the switch on as it also is a gold sink for the game.

The convenience is keeping your setup when you switch but still keep the switch cost so there is still that choice.

Lastly if they add dual spec they need to also have the barbershop.

Sure it will. If Classic taught us anything, the player base is extremely lazy. If they have to do that, then many guilds won’t go to that extreme.