TBC Classic Bots, Minmaxing, Gold Inflation, GDKP, etc

The number of Bots and bot activity in Classic has ramped up to the maximum after TBC was announced during Blizzcon. They’re getting that gold ready to sell and ruin the TBC economy because Blizzard is a bunch of short-sighted fools that don’t know how to release TBCC properly.

People in classic are running around with like 100k+ gold and they are allowing these players to continue with they’re characters and all that gold over into TBC. Its going to be a complete mess for the first half of TBC, maybe the entire TBC Classic experience, who knows. Theres way too much gold inflation.

Back when TBC was actually a fresh expansion and first released, the majority of people didn’t have this much gold, or stuff like Thunderfury, which is basically also one of the best tank weapons even through most of BC raids. But now in Classic, nearly every single capped warrior I see is casually running around with Thunderfury, and everyone has around 10k-50k gold, some people even a lot more than that, and I estimate no more than 2 days after TBCC is realeased, the first Raid tier will be cleared. Maybe even earlier than that.

TBC Classic Is going to be an easy steamroll for most players. We have better technology, computers, and ways of communication between players, along with the zoomer and minmax cultures these days. People have played on Private servers like Vanilla and TBC servers for years, and they have found out every single little exploit or trick in order to lvl faster, farm gold better, or whatever you could think of. When classic released, all those people that played on private servers moved to classic and brought all those little tricks with them, along with the whole minmax nonsense, but I mostly blame the minmax stuff on most youtubers and streamers that caused it to get out of control. It was there beforehand, but those little ‘idols’ you people like to hate/worship are mostly what caused it to get out of hand.

Classic turned out exactly how I thought it would with all this BS, and TBCC will suffer the same fate. And whats with this GDKP stuff thats been going on where people bid gold for loot? Raids aren’t the AH you know. Everyone that came along to a raid should deserve a chance to roll on loot the fair and proper way. Yall need to stop with this greedy @$$ stupid nonsense with GDKP.

Anyways, Blizzard should start actually banning the bots, but they don’t because those bot accounts earn money for blizzard each month, and before you say anything about how “they pay for accounts in other countries where a sub costs less”, Most botters have multiple accounts anyways BECAUSE it costs so much less in those countries, so it doesn’t matter that much to make such an argument denying that blizzard profits from bots.

Its gotten out of hand, and I’ve killed the same bot over 20 times, and reported them like 5 times, but still there was no action taken. I’ve seen the same bot in game now for over a week and its been online and grinding nonstop for all of that time. Its always a Night elf Hunter with an unnamed green Spider pet for alliance, and its always an Orc hunter with an unnamed boar pet for horde. But thats just hunter bots. The majority of bots in classic is actually mage bots.

Wish something would be done about these bots before TBCC releases.


I wish I had 100kg LOL

No, I’m not going to “buy it” ('cause that’s the against rules). Nor will I participate in GDKP. I’ll be ok, though :slight_smile:

Just lvl a mage to 60 and stand outside SM, Mara, WC, SFK, or whatever. Its that easy.

I have a Mage. “Just stand outside”, you say? I hardly get whisps for Dungeon Boosting. What I do get Whisps for are Food, Water and Ports.

So are you going to keep copying and pasting a False and ignorant link to a topic that has no meaning to the people that are actually woke and know how things work, or are you actually going to say something?


Solaurum, I’m actually on your side about a lot of what you’ve said here, but as far as Blizzard benefiting from bots, I don’t think that part is true at all.

You’re spot-on about people buying gold, about greed and GDKP, and whatnot. But you should consider a few things before you go assuming Blizzard dislikes bot accounts.

Blizzard banned and suspended thousands of fraud accounts last year and continues to do so now. They’ve made this clear in several blue posts in the past:

Now, even if you think they’re lying about this, consider the fact that a paid subscription in Peru, for instance, costs somewhere around $2 USD. If someone is paying a far lower subscription but is working for a company making bank compared to those subscription numbers, Blizzard stands to lose out on that, not the people paying pennies for a subscription.

On top of that, you should also keep in mind that bots exist on Retail servers as well and they continue to sell gold to players at a prices lower than that of the WoW Token.

Think about that–the WoW Token can be used to buy a subscription, right? So, on retail, you can buy gold from a third party for less than a monthly subscription and then pay less than the standard amount to Blizzard for that subscription. And that money won’t go to Blizzard, it goes to whatever party you paid your money to for the gold.

Blizzard stands to lose money because of bots.

Like I said, I think you’re on the right track, Solaurum, but saying that Blizzard supports bots is just not realistic.


I’m going to continue dispelling misinformation as often as it appears on this forum. I’m sorry the facts don’t align with the narrative you want to be true.

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You’re only spreading misinformation, not dispelling it.


How do we know that Blizzard actually bans bots?

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No, Delimicus is correct about this, Salaurum. I’m sorry, I think you’re correct about a lot of what you’ve said, but about the bots being good for Blizzard is not right at all.

They rarely do.

Because they told us so. If you think they’re lying, I’m sure you can take that up with them legally or you can just quit playing.

…but you’re still playing this game. So I guess you’d have to ask yourself why you continue to play a game run by people whom you think are liars.

Corporations lie about stuff all the time you would never be able to buy anything if that was your standard. Might as well say “if you don’t like the bots don’t play” right?

I’ll expand upon this more and say, sometimes, I get a trade window pop up, and the person doesn’t say anything except “water” LOL

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Well if you think that way and believe in what Blizzard tells you, then thats not a very good mindset. Blizzard is a gaming company and just like any other company they try they’re best to squeeze out as much money from people as they can, whether if its truthfully, or by con and corruption.

And right now with the whole pandemic thats happening, the world is starting to move into another great depression like era and companies like these are scrambling to make money.

All those bot accounts are indeed active subscriptions and they raise money each month just like any legit normal player that has an account and pays for it each month, so Blizzard was just like “screw it, we’ll let bots get out of control to make a profit from those accounts” You can argue against it, but its basically whats really happening now with classic.

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Dude. That was me.



Banned bots can’t melt steel beams.

It’s not illegal for them to lie about that.

Yep it will be the same sh*tshow Classic turned into. No thanks! I will certainly not be partaking in this TBC Classic. I will hold onto what fond memories I still have when I played in the original TBC 14 years ago, the one and only OG, the real deal that nothing can replicate or replace.

Honestly, a part of me didn’t want to play Classic to begin with after I’ve already played Vanilla, friends convinced me to… and yea Classic left a bad taste in my mouth, it was like going back to an ex and then realising why it was over.

How did it turn out exactly how you thought it would if you never heard of gdkp?

What’s wrong with people who have a lot of time to farm, or knowledge to take advantage of the auction house, to use that to leverage raid drops? Sounds like you need the gold to catch up and bringing a wealthy individual to pay for your time would help both you and them, especially so if you no longer need many drops from a raid tier.

Blizzard should ban bots and take actions against RMT users, not player innovations.