TBC Classic Arena will have retail-style rating locks

Because this is how it was originally in BC, /thread.


Had to delete my post as just saw the changes to TBC, lol? who actually asked for this? these clown devs trying to install their own failed ideology onto a previous popular expansion, amazing.


It’s on like 4 pieces of gear and it was like that in tbc. I am the chief gear complainer round these parts, but it’s way worse in shadowlands because it’s an entire set. TBC will be cool do not fret

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Rating lock was in game till MOP I think.

Nope even had t2 weapons the first season.

The TBC forums disagree with you and there are literally 10 threads saying why change it to be like Retail. Here are just a few.


Oh right the intro set, Jesus I used that to level my first character into wrath. Thanks for the correction.

Could be wrong as I was 14 at the time, but I do believe they had rating gear in tbc. I think these are just people who don’t fully understand the situation. Again, maybe I’m misremembering, and it wouldn’t surprise me if blizzard ruins their own game of course.

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They did have rating locked gear in BC. I believe helm was 1900, shoulders were 2k and so on. I remember it pretty vividly as I remembered fawning over obtaining shoulders as it was a big accolade on your character.

I’ve been saying for months that these new generation arena players are in for a rude awakening with TBC arena, but that’s for them to figure out.


Here is the thread to show how they are changing the TBC system: Burning Crusade Classic Beta Patch Notes for May 4th - PvP Matchmaking Changes - Wowhead News

S1 and S2 had NO rating lock; S3 and S4 had only the weapon locked at ~1850 rating and the shoulders at ~2k IIRC. This is significantly better than the changes they are suggesting.

I have edited the original post to add the link for people who want to read it and made the title clearer so that people know this is not how TBC started.


Yes you are wrong, there are people that fully understand the situation and much better than I do. My memory isn’t crisp either even though I was older but the problem is this. There wasn’t always rating for all the gear now there is at the start. Furthermore the actual rating system is Retails instead of TBC! Making it much harder for players to just hop in and attain gear for that rating. So now it isn’t like TBC at all and why everyone is pissed. It will take way way way longer to get Arena gear, because now it’s retail.


Oh, thanks for clarifying. It’s been awhile and I’m old, I just couldn’t recall the total system.

Wait so did they really add the system no one likes from shadowlands into tbc lol


Ya, don’t care about threads that are incorrect.

No, that’s how it was in TBC.

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Yes that is exactly what happened!! So this changes Arena completely and it isn’t anywhere close to the original TBC experience.

Maybe you should take the time to understand the changes from the original game that are taking place. Since obviously you don’t get it.

No in TBC they didn’t use SL Retail Rating and system. You dolt, take time to understand what is going on.


This was the explanation i got when asked.

Cov - please help, I’m having an old man crisis. Is this WoW dementia? Or Shutter Island? I don’t know what’s real anymore. I got to try to find my BC screenshots.

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Doesn’t look like that’s true upon further digging

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Season 3 and 4 had rating requirements, also this is when they introduced the “personal rating” to go with the team rating. Its obvious this is how they are starting the gearing in S1.

Two pieces had rating requirements tho. It’s clearly different