TBC - Burning Crusade - Peaceful Transition

the BC thats probably going to drop is the one with all the bells and whistles figured out from the end to the beginning. They had no idea what they were going to do with titles and the content they pumped out for PvP was just to keep people busy. They changed how PvP items are obtained several times. I’m sure we will get the latest one. BC will not be a chaotic mess at the start. It will be streamline as BC “Classic”.

LMFAO its funny when people say this without understanding anything about business. Its more profitable to make every1 start fresh, players will have to put in more time to lvl from 1-70 than 60-70; meaning that there will be people subing for a longer time. And with this the Segment of the market for people like you that dont actually enjoy the old style of mmo where the journey to max lvl is just as important as end game stuff can come back to retail. Where the journey to max lvl isnt important so leveling is extremely easy and everything is all about end game.

The whole point of Classic WoW is to bring back the Segment of the market that left because they prefer a more traditional mmo game where a more complex gameplay, harsher leveling experience are there. If they start to cater to you people, the Segment of the market that is more like every other people that plays video games that only care for max lvl stuff then Blizzard will just cannibalize itself since thats the same segment of the market that retail is suppose to be going targetting.

If blizz comes out and say Classic TBC is fresh only; I am 100% confident that a majority of the people that say they are against fresh start will still play Classic TBC. People that are fans of TBC will play it regardless, just look at how many people play on private servers when they cant even take over their characters from non-private servers.


If there isn’t going to be fresh creation for TBC, copies is the only alternative.

Your “100% confidence” means absolutely nothing. I’d bet half my net worth that launching TBC as fresh level 1 only would net less money than launching with progressive servers, level 58 premade fresh servers, and level 1 fresh servers all together. It really doesn’t take a genius to understand why either. Lowest barrier to entry + most server options = most subscriptions = most money.

There’s really no point even trying to argue your point since proving it is impossible. You’re just wrong, and clearly pushing a very odd agenda in many other TBC threads. You clearly plan to roll on a fresh server, and are afraid that if Blizzard allows progressive servers, your fresh server will be irrelevant for PvE/PvP and underpopulated. Rest assured, there will be many others who play a level 1 fresh with you and I wouldn’t be surprised if a level 1 fresh server is the highest populated server of TBC Classic.

Shilling for “hur dur let’s delete hundreds/thousands of hours of progress from hundreds of thousands of players” for some odd fresh-fetish is just weird. Really weird.

Pretty much destroyed your own argument with this. Even when we transition into BC as 60s, these lazy players that want others to be torn down will still play.

Three things wrong with this.

  1. The TBC content is massively nerfed in retail, im.not exaggerating when I tell you that it’s maybe 50% the original difficulty level because blizzard both nerfed the content itself by ~30% and massively buffed the classes.

  2. The classes play entirely different from TBC, you aren’t even realistically playing the same game.

  3. The quests have in many places been changed for the solo players to be able to more easily finish. Quest givers have been added or moved for ease of play.

Also FRESH servers can only work if Classic wow character’s and resources are able to be brought over to TBC realms. This is needed to preserve what little faction balance we have.

Blizzard has to balance that against the possibility that some people might quit. No one really knows how many will quit but if enough do a fresh start could result in less money over the long term. Understanding business means considering all the contingencies of a decision not just one.

This. If Classic been actual Vanilla like, it would have flopped. The time needed to play would have been too much. Or would people even play knowing they would never see the inside of raid X?

that’s true, but having a lvl 60 going into Classic TBC is not lowest barrier of entry; the only barrier of entry is already gone, unless some1 is playing wow with a potato.

you people are so stupid thinking that just because some1 doesn’t agree with you its that they plan to start out fresh, god you snowflakes have no brain at all. Fresh start is just better for the overall experience of the game and that’s it, if they don’t do fresh start then I’ll just continue on with my characters that I have over 4k gold on spread out between them so I can easily get my epic flier in a few weeks of Classic tbc coming out. Either options wont hurt me.

how does it destroy own argument when my argument is even the whinny babies who cried for no change for classic and now crying for progress beyond vanilla will still play it even if blizzard goes with fresh start.

because self-cannibalization is amazing right? trying to please the group that wants crap easy and getting them to play Classic TBC will just drop the population of retail which makes blizzard far more money than any classic wow would ever do because retail sells mounts for $25 a pop, wow tokens worth $15 for $20. Its smarter to keep each product to mainly focus on 1 segment of the market, this way you hit more of the market without killing your own product with another of your product especially the one that makes you the most money. There will always be more than just 1 segment of the market playing each game but the focus should just be on 1 segment. Retail is already the casual gamer segment of the market so Classics should focus on the other market segments.

If you view TBC has a self-contained entity just like Classic, then starting everyone at level 1 is no barrier to entry. It’s no different from detaching any connection or requirement between Retail and Classic. Just like Classic servers, TBC servers would be stand-alone projects with no correlation to any other state of the game. Not saying that’s the route Blizzard will go, but it’s possible.

My opinion is that it’s best to keep all the different versions separate. Keep things simpler, less muddled, and still maintain the core tenet of offering an experience of a specific time in WoW’s history.


Well then you’re just an idiot. You obviously want to be FORCED into a situation where you can no-life the game and get an edge over other casual players then. Everything you shill for is purely for your own self interest and not for the good of the game. Done replying to you, weird dude.

what are you talking about? schizo thread.

you just show how stupid you are once again, you don’t need to no-life play to make easy money in classic; there’s tons of you snowflakes that don’t like to play old style mmos so selling boost is easy money.

Restarting at level 1 isn’t hard it’s just time consuming and for those of us who have leveled several alts through it, eventually boring. Many of us have not just leveled several alts through classic but did the same thing years ago when we played vanilla. You seem to be one of those p-server types that can do the same thing over and over again without getting bored but most people aren’t like that.

By almost every metric retail isn’t for those who want crap easy. It’s the harder game. And while blizzard doesn’t release numbers all the available evidence points to classic and retail having largely different player bases. Most classic players quit the game at some point after Wrath and come back for classic. Clearly you don’t understand either game or market forces. Have you ever played classic, or vanilla.

omg good lord people. what’s wrong with separating out the groups of people who want to play different things.

I think starting fresh is dumb, but here’s a thought. Blizzard may not have a choice. They might need to re-architect TBC to the Retail infrastructure also. In fact, I’ll guarantee that they do. But who knows.

In an interview a classic dev said that releasing BC would be easier than classic because most of the work to rearchitect the game to the retail infrastructure was already done with classic. It doesn’t have to be redone for BC.

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Well, I’m hoping the TBC crowd gets something closer to what the TBC experience was instead of this abomination that we have in Classic.

I think you arent seeing that they are clearly a business tycoon with made up statements like

If you pull things out of your rear end then nobody can prove you wrong. Real smooth brain play right there

I play both retail & classic, and this pally is my pally from vanilla just race change him over to blood elf or he would have the grand marshal shoulder xmog on. you commented on my comment about business, and you clearly dont understand how bad it is for a business to self cannibalize; especially when the loss is on the more expensive game with the most potential on profit.

And you actually think retail is for people that “wants crap easy” You could not have possibly done a mythic+ dungeon and a classic dungeon and think the mythic+ was easier. I love classic and am looking forward to playing BC but not for a second do I think classic is harder than retail over all. There may be some small parts of classic that are harder but retail simply contains much harder content especially in end game.