TBC - Burning Crusade - Peaceful Transition

When someone says “the only solution” in a thread with multiple options I picture someone screaming down any counter view.

There are lots of options but alienating those with stuff from gold to titles isn’t really viable any more than having a business and preventing any particular group from buying their products. I wager there will be several options but hidebound folks will continue to think their option is the only one.

I’ll be sauntering through the portal with my stuff with thousands of others or I won’t play at all. Guessing profit wins out.


Because those who truely want EVERYONE to start fresh and not progress their classic characters rather than simply asking a few fresh servers are the most weird, illogical and selfish people on these forums. It makes no sense from a business or a game design perspective.

You want fresh servers that you can play on. Understandable. You now want hundreds of thousands of players wanting to take their Classic characters to TBC to be forced to reset 100% of their progress because…? It’s a really weird and unpopular opinion, and I’m really curious as to why you and others think this way.

You’re more likely to get an infinite free game subscription from Blizzard than having them wipe everyones Classic progress for TBC.

This is a great point of contention. What i like about this is the community can stay intact and persay in a prepatch poeple can sort out what stasis server they want to transfer to and coordinate with friends made along the way… I just hope its done correctly as eventually when Wrath comes out I want to stay playing on a TBC server. (TBC for me was the pinnacle of wow)



Although I would like to copy or transfer my existing character to a TBC server, I won’t be overly upset if I can’t.

It is in no way weird, illogical or selfish to want TBC to be fresh servers only. It’s actually quite selfish for a person to demand that their characters and all their gold and stuff transfer over regardless of any ill effects it might have on server economy.


Let’s just say hypothetically you’re playing on a fresh TBC server. Starting at level 1.
And there’s other servers out there that are progression servers that we can transfer character and all of our gold to… is that really going to affect you in any way?
If that affects you, you need to mind your own business and have your own fun.

Did you even read what I typed? These people want there to be NO WAY TO PROGRESS CLASSIC CHARACTERS TO TBC. Got it? They don’t want a “fresh” server for themselves, they want a “fresh” server for every single person playing TBC.

Now I ask again, what argument or even logic is there to be made for hundreds of thousands of players being forced to hard-reset on TBC launch?

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But Jfat… think of the economies!!! WHAT ABOUT THE ECONOMIES???

says the players that won’t even be playing on those servers because they will be on the fresh ones :thinking:
Basically this is … “Well I will be starting fresh at level 1 because of reasons, and my reasons are objectively right. How dare you want to progress your characters and take all of your gold!! Think of how bad the economy would be!”

I honestly think it’s a bunch of players who want to play a level 1 fresh but are afraid that their server will be irrelevant and underpopulated, so they want to drag the entire playerbase down to their level. It’s so weird man…

YES! THAT’S IT! That’s exactly right 100%

So you’re saying there’s still a chance?

Maybe in some parallel universe where Activision doesn’t value money or shareholder opinion, but definitely not this one.

Don’t be silly jfat. Of course Activision doesn’t care about money.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

Every thread on this topic never sways heavily in favor of either side of the discussion.

No matter how they transition there will be crying

I know Classic has been overwhelmingly successful, but I didn’t know the company needed saving.

Shadowlands pre-sales highest of any World of Warcraft expansion

I have plenty to bring along for the TBC ride.

I just think TBC isn’t special. Everyone just remembers it fondly because that was when WoW exploded and started getting super popular. Outland is gonna be a mess with 8K pop servers+all the new people joining. On top of the factions getting parity with classes, all the PVP servers will turn into one sided messes.

Doesn’t matter the content is still there. The dumbing down of classes, removing RPG elements made the game as a whole garbage, but the TBC content is still in the retail version of the game. The old world of azeroth as not been since 2010.

There were like 8 million subs by the end of Vanilla. TBC raised it about 2, same with Wrath. The real explosion was Vanilla itself.

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Big business’ aren’t afraid of all or nothing threats.

Remember how having layering in Classic was going to make it DOA?

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I doubt I’d be alone. How many who did the grind to HWL will want no access to the titles? How many folks want to start over or throw away their money and materials? Trying to fake the novelty of not knowing what’s going to happen or what’s valuable is long gone.