TBC - Burning Crusade - Peaceful Transition

Hello everyone. I am one of those players that stopped playing in Cata and began in the early Alpha Days. I love this game as many of you do also. What I mainly loved was the community in Vanilla. That being said please consider the following.

WoW Classic has saved the company from it’s mediocre development and slow decline in revenue and it wasn’t even their idea. The fans have been asking for this for years and it fell on deaf ears.

Who are the WoW Classic players that flooded in? The Originals. The ones who were there at the beginning.

When TBC come out, do not choose the cheaper option. Choose the correct option. Leave us alone. We want to stay home like you promised.

When TBC comes, offer Character COPIES to a TBC server.
Not a Character TRANSFER. Not a transition from Current classic into BC content on the same server.

Why a COPY and not the others? A COPY will give the option for people to play BC while not depleting the Classic population since they can go back and do older content when ever they wish.
Let those interested in BC play BC without siphoning players from classic.
The other two options will kill Classic. Transfers will kill the Classic population since you are giving people an ultimatum. Transitioning current classic servers to BC servers would be a disingenuous to “Coming back Home”. Leave us alone. Don’t make US transfer. Make new and separate BC servers. If I’m forced to transition or cannot do old school content because of siphoned players then it would be the end of my WoW days for good. Choose Quality of your word, not Quantity and expectations others have on info you haven’t released yet.


Where do people keep getting this idea that classic/vanilla is going to entirely disappear when TBC comes out? Like I’m genuinely confused as to why people keep talking as if classic/vanilla is going to be deleted and TBC is going to be the only option.

like honestly, take 5 seconds and think: do you seriously believe that blizzard spent the past 3-4 years developing and fixing classic/vanilla, just to throw it all out after a single content cycle?



I think the main thing is that almost everyone plans to play tbc when it drops, so it’s difficult to know what to do with the classic servers. It’s actually a relatively difficult problem to solve without ending up with dead servers.

No copies :no_entry_sign:


Maybe 20% of my guild played Original WoW. And less than half of that raided.

Plenty of new to classic players out there.

While I too am in favour of a full copy, don’t delude yourself into thinking Classics population won’t suffer greatly.

The day BC launches, will be the last time I’m seen on a Classic Server. Same goes with many of the people I play with.

If BC isn’t launched, my time in classic expires the day after we get our first Atiesh.

I truly hope you get to keep playing the game the way you want.


This wont work in the long run. It doesnt matter how many characters you leave behind, the people that move on and dont look back even if that number is 50% is enough to tank a total server population. On top of that how many times can you character copy? For things like PTR you can Copy as many times as you like.

It should go the OTHER direction.
Transfer to TBC Servers
For one month during prepatch you can Copy to classic servers (thus consolidating the population)
After a month the servers are set

Leaving Fresh TBC servers aside since they dont factor into your idea.

Fresh. Classic. Servers.

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Classic will be preserved, at least on a handful of servers. They promised that. But there is no way to preserve the current population. I predict that 80% will move on and not come back any time soon, even if they leave a copy behind.

This means the vast majority of raiding guilds staying behind will die and have to be merged/absorbed into other guilds. And if the servers are preserved as vanilla servers, it won’t be for long, because most will die and then have to be merged with others, until only a handful of servers are left.

So to me, it doesn’t make much difference whether they create new TBC servers to transfer to or graduate all of these servers into TBC and create a handful of new vanilla servers to transfer to. The end result will be the same. The latter option will likely be the least disruptive, IMO, because I think those moving on to TBC greatly outnumber those who wish to remain behind.

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The correct option should be Character Copy to new TBC servers.


ps. Merge the dead ones.


I wouldn’t mind a COPY instead of TRANSFER. I’m pretty casual and won’t be finished with all the things I will want to do with Classic by the time TBC is expected to be launched.

Part of me would also like a future ability to TRANSFER from Classic to TBC when I am actually done with Classic. For example, if I have a level 48 toon when TBC launches, and I continue to play him to 60 and earn rep, PvP rank etc, could I then transfer him to TBC several months after TBC launches?

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Classic is going no where, but servers need to transition, community is a huge part of the game, and copies are way to exploitable since you can dupe gold. They have to open a few new classic servers where you can transfer for a limited period and than transition servers to tbc since there’s no point to maintain 40 classic realms with the majority of people playing tbc.


Which is why you collapse low pop servers together. Making the Vanilla players do the Character Copy to Vanilla realms kills the established Vanilla communities.

And have you not ever copied a character to PTR realms? Blizzard has the character copy infrastructure in place.

New TBC communities can be formed on NEW TBC servers. The Vanilla servers should be left alone aside from merging of low pop servers.

By your logic all the servers would become TBC including the dead ones.
Character Copy to new TBC realms can avoid the problem of dead low pop servers.

This is the option I would like the most… I want to be able to keep leveling / progressing my characters on Classic until I’m ready to move on then COPY (or TRANSFER) them to TBC. I also think it would be better to keep this option open forever - each character created in Classic can be Copied or Transferred to TBC once and only once at any time.

I can tell you that I will be leveling characters in Classic (even if / when TBC drops) that I want to move into TBC once they’re done in Classic . I’ll definitely be leveling some Dranei characters from 1-70 in TBC as well.

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No, we don’t.

The players that came back for classic, by and large, don’t even think about the things you’re talking about. They’re nameless nobodies, that you have no clue what they want.

The outspoken people who talk about no changes, keep things like it always were, are actually an extreme minority and not a particularly pleasant group of people. They also tend to be incredibly ignorant about the game, and think they know everything, when they actually know very little.

More people came back to classic than blizzard expected, and most of those players would have loved changed, and they’d also love changes in TBC.

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I don’t believe he was implying that at all. I think he’s suggesting a copy over a transfer so you can play both TBC and vanilla on the same character without making a permanent decision.

Which is it?

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Except when most move onto BC they won’t be what they were. There’s gonna be a lot of classic servers with just a couple hundred players. I guess some people will like that.


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I think some people will be in for a rude shock when all the servers start dying a few months after nax as people wait for tbc. Only then will some people realize that out of all the classic players, there weren’t that many who want to stay in 1.13.


There’s more than you think.


Maybe if there were fresh 1.13 servers that start again, it would incite people to stay. Even though I want to move forward into TBC, I think it would be really fantastic to have new classic servers.