TBC - Burning Crusade - Peaceful Transition

I don’t know where you get the idea that everyone who wants the option to progress their character doesn’t like the old school MMO etc or whatever else you’re saying Toushin. I’m one of those who still levels alts traditionally. I tried boosting but I didn’t like it, I like the old fashioned way better.

I’d just like the option of moving to TBC (I’d also like to keep some chars on Classic but that’s beside the point) and it’s just because I get attached to my characters and I want to keep playing them. It’s the same with a lot of people I know.

One of the reasons I never did the private server thing is because I don’t want my progress wiped. Attachment to my characters and for quite awhile my server is also what kept me playing retail for YEARS after I stopped really liking it. Blizzard got my money that entire time.

Anyway, you assume that people would just play TBC Classic regardless. I would but I would have no drive to keep subbing as I’d know I have to start over again in “WotLK Classic” and personally TBC is not my favorite. So I’d stay subbed if the people I like still played but if they quit I’d be gone. I mean I plan to stay with Classic Vanilla as well as TBC if that’s still a thing but I’m not sure if that needs a constant sub.

Blizzard hasn’t done the “fresh” thing until Classic got released and Classic was a special release. “TBC Classic” would be more of an expansion.

do i seriously have to tell you I’m talking about the leveling process and not end game stuff? all these arguments were about leveling, not anything to do with endgame. I even said “old style of mmo where the journey to max lvl is just as important as end game” and kept on referring to old style mmo along with “harsher leveling experience”.

And I am well aware of how much better retail PVE is compare to classic and what a joke raids are in classic.

this is the problem with retail wow, its all about endgame when old mmos are about the whole experience; which is why retail is more for the modern gamer who only cares for end game stuff while Classic WoWs are more for the older generation of mmo players.

you’re so stupid its not even funny, if you think having a customer spend more time consuming the product to reach their goal (whether its reaching the last episode of the tv show, or getting to max lvl) so they pay for more months of subscription is not more profitable then you are just plain stupid. There is a reason why majority of TV shows dont just release everything in 1 day, and why they pace things out as weekly releases. They can easily just do what Netflix does for majority of their shows, but its simply more profitable to drag things out. Even Netflix knows that, and time gate some of their shows.

Hmm sounds like more pulled out of your back end

Sure it may take a person longer to level but then you have to consider how much longer and what you’d lose for it

Losing 1 player entirely may account for a year+ Of subs of loss. Enough of those quickly adds up to a lot of months of sub loss.

If blizzard truly felt resets were the best way they’d have done it long ago. They never have for good reason. The loss would outweigh the gain

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On this forum it might be the greatest threat possible. Enjoying what others dont enjoy or how they want to play is tantamount to some of the worst sins imaginable.

you clearly don’t know anything about business, there will always be a loss of customer no matter what you do; its stupid to waste resources that can be better used on trying to keep a small number of people that will inevitably leave. Theres really no point in arguing now, since its clear you have no clue how the real world works and think everything just magically happens.

That’s just false, i never played retail and only started playing WoW when classic released.

I think it’s wishful thinking and fear from people that feel “enough people” won’t move over to TBC.

So instead of letting the players decide, some players are hoping Blizzard forces TBC on Classic players.

I highly doubt that will happen as it would…for lack of words…dumb.

I mean all you know is what you are making up. So if you are the bar being set for knowledge I think i can easily step over it

its actually just complete insanity. absolute lunacy. imagine thinking you can predict the future lol

Business 101 says it’s better to keep your long term customers happy than try to find new customers.

So you’ve got one customer here that’s subscribed for the lifetime of Classic, so say 1.5 years, and it’s not really relevant what they have done but say they have 3 characters. They want to bring these chars to TBC and continue progressing. They’ve played the whole time and saved some stuff for TBC and are excited about it coming out. They are happy and like WotLK too and will stay subbed until at least then.

Then you’ve got the guy who played Classic for 3 months, got bored with it and doesn’t really like Retail so because of that he unsubscribed. He likes TBC so he comes back. He’s totally fine with a fresh reset and will play longer since he goes for 1-70.

So which customer do you care more about retaining? So say Customer #1 decides to play TBC anyway because he likes it but in the back of his mind he knows his character progression is irrelevant because it’s going to get wiped anyway whenever WotLK comes out. So now he plays for 6 months and stops whereas otherwise he would have subbed for 1.5 years in TBC Classic as well.

Customer #2 stays for 3 months because it takes longer instead of the 2 months he would have stayed otherwise.

Blizzards customer model does not entirely reset characters and doing so makes no sense in a RPG game. In Classic it was done because Classic was special, but typically they want to keep their loyal subs as long as they can and a fresh restart is not the way to do this. A fresh restart is a private server thing. Anyone who isn’t worried about this is probably in the right. It’s highly unlikely that fresh resets only are coming.

(Yes the characters staying on Classic “Vanilla” servers is great but let’s be honest not everyone wants this)

“(Yes the characters staying on Classic “Vanilla” servers is great but let’s be honest not everyone wants this)”

They can leave. Specifically to where ever BC is.

yeah, and the long term customers are the retail players; players that didn’t abandon the game. Classics are product trying to cover the segment of the market of those old school mmo fans, hence why blizz cared more about the opinion of No Change over every1 else and that it takes little work to do. The product that is for every1 else, the casuals is retail.

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I played for 12 years straight. I have the 10-year veteran statue. Do you? I don’t think I’d say subbed to “TBC Classic” if I have to reset.

“Old school MMO” players do not all want to reset all the time. That’s private server talk.

As I said earlier I LIKE leveling 1-60. I have no interest in restarting and that is the same with many others. Thankfully Blizzard is unlikely to follow what you want.

I’ve play wow for over 15 years, since the game 1st came out. dont believe me just look at my achievement, its the reason why i have the old pvp rank on this pally.

Do you have the Veteran statue then? What I’m actually asking is how many years out of that 15 were you actually subbed for?

I mean really it doesn’t matter.

The point is that WoW lost some people due to changes they didn’t like who came back. If you think that appealing to the fly by night person who unsubscribes and resubscribes over and over (flakey customer) is better than appealing to the guy who’s been subbed for a few years straight (more stable customer) then you have a strange business sense.

If you think that people all want fresh restarts and don’t get attached to their characters and also won’t just quit (where they wouldn’t otherwise) when it’s obvious their time isn’t valued in any way then we also disagree there. We probably aren’t likely to agree so there is no point in continuing.

how’d you get the statue for only 12 years? I thought only those of us that played from the start, or close enough to the start got it; and yes i got it.

I got it because I played straight for 10 years from the start and it was a 10 year statue. I only unsubbed when the game turned into something else (in my personal opinion).

Anyway I really only responded originally because you kept saying it makes more business sense to force people to restart and also because you kept saying that people who disagreed with you didn’t have any business sense when the business sense says to do what you can to retain.

While I agree that Classic only players have often unsubbed in the past I disagree that forcing restarts on people causes more loyalty for the people who did come back and thus more dollars just because some other guy who will unsub at the drop of a hat has to spend an extra month leveling.

But like I said we probably won’t agree on this so that’s fine.

You’re missing a segment here - the people who played Classic for the last 1.5 years, leveled a bunch of alts and is excited for TBC so he/she can start it all over again and level more alts from 1-70. Those that want to start over again with nothing just like when Classic launched and build up a stable of characters of every class with at least one of every profession. THIS is the fun part of the game for them.

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You’re right, probably because it makes no sense to me that you’d put tons of effort into your characters and be fine with being forced to start over (and I like leveling etc). IMO that’s private server mentality and you are right there are some people who like this although I’d argue it’s a fairly small minority. Also at least unlike private servers, the characters will probably exist somewhere so there’s that.

Anyway, hopefully, Blizzard gives us all that we want and that is fresh and “progress” servers. This is what they are almost definitely going to do anyway. There’s no reason to force people to start over that don’t want to.

Here me out on this i will explain my reasoning after i state what should happen with classic for the best solution for all. I play on PVP server Benediction. I will use my server as the example.

Choice matters.

Open some Fresh Servers but do this for the existing ones…
Classic Benediction stays as is. Pre TBC patch offer Free character Transfers to a new server TBC Benediction.

Simple Easy. Community stays together. Players choose where they want to play.
transfers choices matter. copies will just get ignored and it will be dead weight for servers (there is always a preference of version to play and the transfer is your selection of where you want home to be)

After the dust settles blizzard can gauge player activity and merge classic servers if need be if most went to TBC.

And what is good about this method is that you can replicate this method for when blizzard wants to launch wrath ( i will stay on TBC version hehehe)

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