TBC and CC

I’m not talking about as a mage. I’m talking about everything that isn’t a mage.

LOL LOL…are you sure you are undead you have a Troll accent.

This only works in the Open in 1v1, it does not work in a BG in the thick of it. Plus you know that you can get out of Freezing Trap with your Trinket.

So then what? a Rogue has so many tools to stun and incapacitate someone (same thing in practice)…

No the only way is to manage to get distance and slow down the rogue but Shadow step even makes it impossible now for those rogues that have it.

Common man, to reply with ad Hominem attacks is not a good way to progress in a discussion you know.

My impression is that Blizz does not PvP with hunters, and does not know the hunter perspective versus all the CC from all the other classes. This is not only Rogues mind you, Rogues are annoying because they stealth and then CC you unexpectedly, but the game is CC galore, don;t get me started with fear etc…loss of control of your char while dying lol.

Lets see how it will all balance out with diminishing returns, which mind you also affects hunters LOL the class with the least agressive cc.

Improved wing clip
Counter attack
Beast within

The list goes on

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Stunlocks suck. If a rogue got the jump on me and my CD’s were down, I’d just wait to die. However, if I could get out of it, I jad a chance!

And yeah, 3.0.2 was the Wrath of the Ret Paladin patch. A hoomkin tried ganking me while I was killing packs of elite ogres outside Shattrath. I had like 25% health when he hit me, and still trounced him.

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Oh really?

Flare is CC now? haha Flare not a CC, and really it is there to prevent a rogue to surprise you, may in some cases prevent your opener…but can do nothing to cc u or get me out of cc.

Scater ok it is CC yet way underpowered compared to Blind, too long of a cooldown in a fight, can use it probably 1 time or twice if the fight goes well, and then again.

Deterrence, not a CC or counter

Mark is not CC or Counter

Improved wing Clip…not worth it really. Wing Clip only works half the time and Improved half of that time, when if it works…so many things can remove it including shadowstep.

Counter attack, another wasted CC very situational and conditions, will work if you parry and then if you have time to press it even…lol

I do not use addons that press the buttons for me when the condition is met…you know all my abilities are on a keymap.

I think when I play, move counter move etc, I do not just press the same button over and over with macros. LOL…

Intimidation, it is CC but only good for BM. I am not BM.

Beast Within good anti CC but again BM.

Please, Hunter is not a CC class and Hunter cannot kill within 3 Seconds CC that it has either, nor repeat CC Charge Stun Stun Stun, or Fear fear fear, cheap shot, gouge, sap, kidneyshot, and blind etc…like some other classes at this moment. Plus all our CC gets interrupted with a tick of damage even Dot, like I use my Serpent sting on you I cannot use Freezing trap or even Scatter shot, is that the case with rogue abilities? Not sure you get interrupt on Dots, unless I am mistaken.

Again, this all will balance a bit at 70 on 1v1 with equal gear.

Lets not forget that it is a heavily Gear based game it is not only about player skill.

I’m sorry you don’t understand how to play your class. Hunters do decently well against rogues.

And if you catch us out of stealth we will have to burn a few cooldowns to have a chance.

Haha, you must be a very negative person to alsways reply in the derogatory way :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, this thread is not about you, it is about the amount of CC in the Game.

There si simply too much CC in the game and not enough Fighting in PvP.

This is the Gist of my post since you missed it and focussed on personal attacks “learn to play” etc etc fallacies.

CC in TBC right now is way too much, combine with burst damage it makes for a very lopsided gameplay.

And yes I do decently against rogues, I like fighting rogues, but this has not been fighting as of late, for some reason there is too much CC, and rogues are too much in this version for some reason, none of my usual abilities help.

No matter how hard you try to protect yourself and tell me how to play.

Just calling it how it is man, you are free to project however you’d like

It have 5 yards range now (compared to vanilla)

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Op, I play a hunter, but you’re pretty cringe bro.

Yes. Its called having strengths and weaknesses. Rogues and mages get the most CC and in return trade it for tankiness and any sort of healing. If every class had the same amount of cc, game is boring.

And it is being abused in PvP to the max.

Lets be fair… if you don’t have CD’s and a PVP trinket no matter the matchup (regardless of rogue) odds are you’re DED.

Ill also follow up that before OP triest ro act clever, I main ret. I aclnowledge that ret, and paladins in general are considered the weakest class.

Theres a myriad of reasons for this, but it has less to do with only having hoj (and rep if ret) for hard cc, and more to do with mana problems, missing talents that were introduced in wotlk, and underlying mechanics issues with blessings.

Bubble, LoH and wings are OP.

I argue that Paladin is balanced around Bubble LoH and Wings… SADLY…

I’ve globaled rogues. Might not happen all the time, but it happens.

LOL it does, I have been globaled by geared rets in “Classic”

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It’s better in TBC. Crusader Strike helped a lot.

Now 3.0.2… wrath if the ret paladain!

Bro no offense, but I pvp 6-8 hours per day, I came back to play that part of the game mainly, as I remember it being fun, so the perspective of CC may not be the same if you are not on teh receiving end of ut, being focus cced and bursted over and over :stuck_out_tongue:

All I am trying to say is that since many things get revised by devs etc this time around and at the same time, maybe apass can be done too to the amount of CC.

This is not to say “this class” or “that class”, WoW was made with a Rock Paper Scissors balance in mind, and that is fine, no one class is supposed to win all the others. It is supposed to be also about team synergy.

I posted this thread because of how it feels in pre-patch. Now all this may change in 70’s so I reserve final judgement, yet it is good to discuss things as a community of players and returning players.