TBC and CC

Sure it does. It’s called using your trink and cool downs at the right time.
A good Rogue can’t kill a good sv or bm hunter. Just ain’t happening.
For all the tricks a rogue has, there’s a lot of weakness in the kit. I know, I played one extensively.
The same can be said for a druid and warrior, they’ll straight up flatten a rogue.
Of the three of those, Duid is the most OP though.

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People are much better at the game now than they were then. So any imbalance that exists back then will be more effectively exploited by players.Looking at arena tournaments on private servers almost every team has a rogue. 0 warriors, palas, shamans, hunters etc

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A rogue using CDs and tea will 100-0 anything it opens on outside of a paladin or a warrior.

That’s why you have a flare, pet, traps, hunters mark etc

Rogues are a completely busted class in pvp in both classic and tbc. There aren’t many expansions where rogues don’t completely dominate pvp.

Res will help a tiny bit, but not a whole lot. As rogues later just go armor penetration.

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People clicked their spells and keyboard turned back then too. Not so much now.

You probably didn’t fight only bad rogues but if a rogue got an opener on you and couldn’t stick to you like glue then they were pretty bad. You’d be permasnared and stuck in either melee or dead zone area.

Memories are odd things. You may have chosen to only remember the good times of melting rogues.

As we’ve seen countless times over the lifetime of Classic, what people “remember” and what actually happened are quite often not exactly the same thing.

Or a druid in bear form. But yeah. If we use tea it’s just a wrap.

However, PvP trinkets break stun now don’t they? If you’re fighting a rogue and not taking the easy way out of their opener, what are you even doing?

So what are you saying that a rogue which puts all their skills in a couple of macro buttons just can sit there killing people pressing one or two “I win Buttons” and that is it?

Is the only skill involved sneaking up to someone?

I may not play a rogue but I have rogue friends you know, something else is at play here, and it maybe a combination of factors. For now I shall wait it out and lets see :slight_smile:

You gotta take resilience into account. Currently in classic, if I end up going in bear before the rogue opens, i’ll survive the CS/KS with about half health. If i’m in cat/caster, i’m 100% dead. Keep your PvP trinket on, trinket the kidney if you think it’ll kill you, if no, save it for blind. Pop your own CD’s. Go BM and pop BW and /laugh at the rogue.


Using a 5 minute CD to counter their 20 second CD just so they can move 2 or 3 more steps down the flowchart to invalidate that anyway.

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Yes, haha, trinket is rubbish in reality. Many classes have more than one CC. including rogues, what if you get out of stun then the next ability in their rotation mashing one button will be gouge or something else you still immediately be CCed …and that is only 1v1, if your in the middle of it all, forget it, 2-3 classes chain CC you…

This isn’t league of legends. Play a rogue for a bit and you’ll see it’s not as easy as waiting for your cds to be back up and trying again.


I mean, ok? Alternatively, you can just do nothing and die in the stunlock.

Yes that is my experience too, by the time you get to fight the rogue already at half health, always fighting from half health forward. And yes armor plays a role here, as is resilience after TBC, so I am waiting for final judgement after we all go 70.

I also feel like there is some latency/lag issue too which maybe causing perception to be skewed, affecting the Hunter negativelly while other classes positivelly. I noticed many people get Saped with much ease and very often, and without warning at least in the past there was a second or two warning rogue would become detectable and targetable before the Sap, now it is no audible “Whooo” sound no nothing just “bap” your saped out of nowhere.

i feel like stun lock death was way worse in vanillla classic at leas now as a druid i have barkskin

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Pre-Patch is crazy down, burst is off the charts, level 70 damage is about the same but we have no kidding 5000 more health.

There are videos of rogues stun locking people to death while naked. May be a bit fuzzy there, bud. lol

My memory is very good thanks …makes me laugh all the people thinking they know me better than myself…

And I am aware of the videos, I remember watching them back then too. I remember watching a video where a rogue was 1 vs 4 even. That includes player skill too.

But I am talking Gameplay here, it seems to me there are some inconsistencies in this version and I am not sure if it is on the back end issue or if class balance was skewed by neglect or mistake.

And my memory is very good thanks …makes me laugh all the people thinking they know me better than myself…

Anyways, I am still testing things out in every battle every engagement.

One thing is for sure CC chain CC Burst Rush is being abused to maximum effect by all classes that have it now, in all possible ways with macros etc. There are more people who are much more knowledgeable of the game and want to max everything. This is the difference.

And the Trinkets in order to be good, should actually buff the user with a protection for 5 seconds where no more CC can be applied. Then it would be worth something actually applicable. Right now trinket is very situational, and actually works very rarely, because it can be countered with much ease even 1v1…so its value is very mitigated.

You can blink out of their 20s stun every 15s lmao

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The win condition for a hunter is trap aimed shot.

You just suck dude