TBC and CC

As I remember CC was too much in original TBC (PvP). but it seems worse in this version, even more intense.

Are some classes meant to be able to CC someone to death? Rogues seem to be able to stun lock without interruption I remember in original Vanilla and TBC there was always a window of opportunity to react and actually fight back.

I thought that maybe I am the one that has gotten older and slower reflexes etc or maybe too rusty, but others mention the same in BG’s so then it was not just my impression, especially about rogues.

So what gives? Is it the specific patch? Or is it all the accumulated knowledge macros, addons etc that skew the experience compared to the original?

I also wonder if other hunters find the experience the same or not, it seems to me the class plays slower and less fluid than before.

I know Blizz dislike Hunter class (look how they destroyed it in Live), but still, maybe the CC needs some toning down. Maybe after June 1st it will be better with diminishing returns? Right now there does not seem to be any.

You get CCed and before it ends your dead.

Your memory.


in vanilla a rogue could kill numerous classes in a cheap shot if they are unprepared clothies, a cheap shot hemo cb evis would 100 to 0 my full t3 priest, in tbc @ 70 its different because we have inflated health pools and resilience, in the current tbc @ 60 its worse than its ever been because people have level 70 talents but we don’t have resilience or hp gained through levels


Perfect thank you, I thought it felt quite worse. so after june 1st it will all smooth out then.

You are wrong. lol

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No I am not, rogues were my specialty in Original Vanila/TBC

Of course they cried to Blizz back then …Hunter’s Marks, Flares, Traps Stings…etc everything bothered them But still I enjoyed fighting rogues back then, one fo the reasons I came to play Classic.

I see the Hunter as the Rogue Counter.


If you think there was a point in a fight against a good rogue where you got to fight back, especially before the universal trinket, you didnt fight against good rogues.

Rogues can kill within CC locks, thats facts, and it doesnt change in TBC.

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So what are you saying? That you know better who I fought against for years?

What are the chances I fought only “bad” rogues ? lol Do you know how fallacious your claims are?

Yes they are able to do that. They have little windows that you have to take advantage of and you should look up for your class the counters against each class so you know what to do when it happens.

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Get resilience bro


Oh yeah that is coming soon. I am talking about now…no one has resilience now…but it is skewed :wink:

Resilience isn’t available at level 60. Health pools are smaller as well.

It won’t be as bad with pvp gear at 70.


:rofl: you guys talking like its season 3 or 4 or something

The game is not balanced around level 60 anymore, this is TBC now.

Once you have actual pvp gear at 70, rogues wont be capable of killing you through CC.

If you take raid gear into an arena/BG, then yea, a rogue might be capable of bursting you down quite easily.

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Yes gear is important, and I think part of the issue I am having is that, my gear is not on par and most are very well geared now, with Naxx and AQ etc, plus PvP.

My experiences from memory are from original (vanila) where I had R14 gear mixed in with some Raid accessories.

But I did not play enough this time around to get to that level, yet my fighting style is the same and I think this is the issue. I just need to be more careful, not as agressive, till I have better gear. :slight_smile:


CC will be alot worse than you remember it, because the player base and average skill level for watching DRs and chain CC’ing is WAY higher than it was back in 2007, what the average Glad did back in 2007, will now be equiv to the average Rival


It really is your memory on the rogues part.
I directly remember how they were known for eternal stunlocks that just never went freaking away until BAM dead.

It’s also one of the things I found most hilarious in wrath prepatch as one tried it on me as a paladin. By the time it finally ended I turned on him and Hammer of Wrathed him dead. How? Cus my ret aura dead 80% of his health in damage while he only dealt 50% of mine. Paladins were so ludicrously OP during that prepatch haha.

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The other problem is damage is attuned for us to have resilience. 70 PVP will have loads of the stuff to help you survive. People die soooo fast atm it’s a joke.

But yeah gear is definitely an issue here.

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Realistically, you were probably running into players that were playing rogue at a pretty suboptimal level. Yes… if he walks into flare and gets taken out of stealth and gets scatter trapped and you get 40 yards you will destroy them – but not many people are going to do that nowadays lol.

edit: its also crazy right now and much different at 70. You’ll live longer.