TBC and CC

People know how to play properly now, it turns out rogues can just smoke everyone. Too bad.

Yeah maybe, but does not prevent anyone from talking about it, it sounds to me your more concerned to stop the discussion rather than contributing to it.

I feel the PvP can be more fun with less CC. I understand CC is required and part of PvE with nice Boss Scripted MEchanics etc.

But PvP is more Dynamic in nature with constantly changing circumstances, and it is more fun if you fighting rather than standing there stunned incapacitated feared etc watching your character die.

Unless you like that sort of thing… lol

your level 60 with TBC talents, Low health pools and no resilience. Hit 70 get gear and the game plays different. Also hunters slap about any class in open world pvp with BW up giving 18 seconds of increased damage and full CC immunity especially if you have the beastlord set.

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You know this is not exactly a Hunter thread. But I find it interesting that everyone keeps referring to BM spec for PvP when it is normally a PVE spec in TBC.

In and of itself, this maybe actually pointing to the fact that there is an issue with CC mitigation by the hunter, since only one spec seems viable reputably based on the replies here.

Yep lol 100%

It was hilarious. And earlier WLK it was pretty much the battle of the two OP tier classes Paladin and DK which actually was interesting as it really suited the theme of the expansion.

Because BM has 18 seconds of CC immunity while it shreds you

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Thanks mate, I am not normally super on Alts, I am a bit old school in that regard, I only played Druid, Pally and Lock since 2006 other than Main Hunter, but I made myself a Rogue and will be trying it out too.

Nevertheless, your reply shows that there is Too much CC. If a player is forced to choose a spec in function of being able to mitigate CC, then there you have it.

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