TBC advert spam is getting even worse!

Hey there! Sorry to bother, but could you please check out Mankrik- horde server? Not only are the same people spamming after countless reports, but it’s spilled over into gen chat. So LFG and Gen chat are un usable due to advert spam…please help. I’ve created a list of players and guilds who are doing this if that helps. Reporting does not seem to do anything…please get a GM to just log in and SEE the out of control spam. Any other suggestions, besides reporting? Why should i pay a sub fee just to see this spam?

In order to have it looked into, you need to report it in-game. There are no GMs on the forums and reporting here doesn’t result in it being looked into in-game.

Otherwise, you can always try an addon that can help to manage your chat and block unwanted chat too.

Edit to add: If enough people report the spam, the in-game system will squelch the offending party or parties. But that only happens if enough people report it.


So i should use an addon when the report feature and blizz support should be able to do their job? I pay a sub fee just to use a 3rd party addon? How can we get people to use report button instead of ignore? Am I allowed to say in global chat ‘report the spammers that advert in any chat but trade chat’? Addon is NOT the solution…ignoring is NOT the solution. Reporting is the ONLY solution, but that only works if employees are doing their part. Surely it’s not too much to ask for blizz to do their job? How do I get the report done in game to mean anything? How do I contact in game support?

If you’re not currently happy with how the in-game reporting feature works (as it also puts the offending party’s account on a temporary ignore without having to fill up your ignore list), then yes. Blizzard programmed their game to allow people to create useful addons. It’s literally part of the game that you pay a sub for.

There’s nothing wrong with recommending that people right-click and report. However, sometimes it has the opposite effect and results in others chiming in or messaging you directly. Me personally, I prefer to just report and move on.

And they are. In fact, once an account is squelched (for excessive spam), the play has to wait for a GM to review the report. If they feel the report was valid, the offending player’s account then receives a Silence. Silences double each time and have no cap. The right-click report system works when people actually use it.

For chat violations, you don’t. GMs don’t take chat reports as the right-click-report system is in place specifically to handle this.


I am NOT required to use such addons…just because blizz allows them does not mean it’s the solution. It’s too much to ask for the base game to function as normal then? It’s stated in EULA that adverts must stay in trade or you get banned. How does a global ignore addon fix the issue? It simply removes it from your view, further enabling them. All I am asking is WHO/HOW do I get in touch with someone from customer service who can tell the employees to follow up on reports? There’s sooooo many done daily, not just by me either.

You can’t. You report, it goes into the system and you move on with your life.


I didn’t say you were required. I said that they’re a valid option even if you seem reluctant to use them.

Not sure what you mean here. The game is functioning as normal.

Simply put, you don’t. You right-click and report and those reports go to the right people. That’s how you get them to see it.


Just to touch on this, you’re thinking of group finder, where they ban any form of AD in there. Chat channels are suggestions, not mandated to be X/Y/Z only.


Sure, if you’d like. You should expect to be reported for spam yourself, though. On the upside, you’d be quickly disencumbered of your belief that right-click reporting spam is ineffective.


https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000187406 clearly says ‘adverts stay in trade chat’

Good eye. It’s inaccurate in that player-to-player commerce is NOT restricted to Trade chat.


"Selling items and services for gold is allowed but can only be advertised in-game through the Trade chat channel. Advertisements are not allowed in the Group Finder. The Group Finder is intended to help players find active groups that are being formed and advertisements make it difficult to find relevant groups." Group finder includes lfg channel in tbc

To be frank, you’re looking reasons to get someone action. What you’re linked is for retail group finder. It was made with retail in mind. Can’t really apply what meaning we want to it because it suits us.

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As I said, it’s wrong. Advertising is disallowed in Group Finder, but it is not restricted to only Trade chat.

Nor is Trade chat limited to only trade chat.


Can a blue clarify then? A blue said like 2 weeks ago it includes tbc lfg

i am posting here, due to the fact that zero action has been taken on the 100 accounts spamming lfg…it seems like there are zero people looking at tickets and just want a form of communication as to why, as a paying customer, i need to just accept the adverts shoved down my throat.


Nowhere in the thread you’ve linked does any Blizzard representative say, or even imply, that the LFG chat channel is a part of Group Finder.


No, it isn’t. Not in the way you’re trying to swing. Group Finder is a whole different beast, since it didn’t exist in Classic/TBCC as it does in Retail.

Semantics aside, you’ve done all you can do. Right-click, report and move along. If they are breaking rules by spamming or selling services not allowed, Blizzard will handle it. But they will handle it in their time - not yours. They investigate each report to see if it’s a bot or a real player being ignorant. It could be (and likely is) stolen accounts at the helm. They don’t whack-a-mole sanctions, these things are typically handled in large waves that send players scurrying here to whine about getting caught up in them. Hang out here long enough and you will see it.

Is that the response you want? Not likely. But Blizzard does not, nor never has been one to strike one down with the ban-hammer just on another player’s say-so. You surely wouldn’t appreciate it if you got suspended or banned just because someone takes offense to your exulting other players to report someone. They take the time to watch and learn before anything happens.


Just to point this out: the EULA has nothing in terms of what you’re looking for.

Advertising. The Platform may incorporate third-party technology that enables advertising on the Platform and/or in certain Games playable on the Platform, which may be downloaded temporarily to your personal computer and replaced during online game play. As part of this process, Blizzard and/or its authorized third party advertisers may collect standard information that is sent when your personal computer connects to the Internet including your Internet protocol (IP) address.


…you linked the in game adverts allowed by blizz, if needed. this has zero to do with the in game advertising rule https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/000187406 Read this link

That’s an article, not the EULA, like you said it is. That’s what Blizzard feel about things, not an outright rule on it. More to the point, trying to shoehorn a given thing.

From the blue post themselves: