Tazavesh - Mailroom Madness

Thank you for the communication.

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We did the same thing. Our resto druid went to boomkin and we were able to nuke the boss quicker without having to the do mail portion.

Agreed, thank you for the communication Blizz. Glad to know it’s being worked on and that the problem is more difficult than we might’ve thought.

Like I mentioned, the behavior I noticed when we tried was that the bombs were sticking to the floor on most attempts. You’d move over them once, the icon would flash suggesting they were picked up, but you’d move and the bombs themselves would clip to the floor.

Naturally, the intended design is to pick them up and move within throwing range of the teleport so players are typically moving around so when they clip to the floor instead of moving with the player, they drop and go to a “dropped” state, which to my understanding, means they can’t be picked up again.

As to why this currently happens on some (read: vast majority) of attempts and not others is weirder and this inconsistency may be why it’s a harder nut to crack from a dev perspective- might be useful to get feedback on what the conditions are when they do work (which in my experience, tends to be a lot less frequent).

The group I ran it with this week was heroic Nathria geared and we ran into this bug almost every time we tried the fight- one notable exception was that the first attempt appeared to work fine. The issue is this is a mechanically heavy fight so wiping a few times to really nail the mechanics is expected- my only other guess is that a variable/object isn’t being consistently reset between attempts.

Personally, I think this fight would be dull without the mechanic, it definitely needs to be fixed- I hope this is good feedback to help resolve the issue.

EDIT: a simple test of the thesis would be to remove the stipulation of “dropped” Unstable Goods unable to be picked up again and see if the problem persists.

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Today my group and I ran the boss and we didn’t have troubles this time with the bombs. Hopefully it has been fixed fully :white_heart:

Had this bug during a guild run today. We tried leaving and logging out but it didn’t work. We solved it by resetting the boss before every pull. Hope this works for other people.

Thank you for letting us know :slight_smile:


Might I suggest disabling this particular mechanic until the issue is fixed then? Not sure if that’s possible, but it would at least allow people to progress through the dungeon past this boss.


work around: after each attempt, have the whole party log off/on then do a /reload once back in.

we finally killed it with 4 dps + 1 tank: we had to nuke the boss down before the 1st bomb phase could wipe us to win. so lame.

Seems like the sort of bug that Blizz would deal with immediately
 an unsurvivable mechanic that absolutely has to be taken care of, but the very thing you have to do to survive is bugged out.

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you must have massive dps, godlike stamina or totally awesome heals <3

seriously How can you advertise this dungeon if it is bugged. Your coding people sucks

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These are steps our group took to get this busted sh*t to work correctly.

  1. get to boss and log out and log back in

  2. reload ui

  3. reset the boss

  4. dont dps him when the soak mechanic starts

small indie company

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I tried again last night with a pug group around 205 item level.

Relogging after every wipe gave most of us the ability to carry and throw the suitcases.

However the rest of the fight became even more of a mess as the time taken to do the mechanics are pretty obscene and it typically fell apart after one round of doing the mechanics and then playing catchup on boss damage before he did another bomb round. We’d get him to 60% before taking a break to chuck bombs and then we’d only manage to get him down another 10-15% before another bomb phase.

This will be quite the pug breaker if they make a change to prevent the full burn strat.

Has this issue been fixed? Would like to know before I attempt hard mode.

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never saw any mention of the fix.

Can confirm it’s not fixed. We had some people able to pick up packages and deal with them but there was always at least one that you couldn’t do. Different people each time as well, gave up after 5 attempts.

Someone else mentioned that the mechanic should be disabled until they can fix the bug. This should absolutely be the case. That or you should be able to finish the rest of the dungeon without having to beat this boss. Completely ridiculous, and as usual little communication on the status of the issue. No wonder people are flocking over to FFXIV in droves.

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It is so disappointing that this still isn’t fixed yet. It gates completion of the dungeon so how can that not make it the highest priority? Agree with others that the mechanic needs to be at least temporarily disabled, or make the damage zero, just make it so the boss can be killed by a reasonably geared group. I mostly only do dungeons and not raids and the one piece of new content this year is unplayable.


Any update on this? Still waiting for the dungeon to be playable

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