Tazavesh - Mailroom Madness

The dungeon is blastable by ppl in full CN M bis, so naturally it’s a low priority bug to fix and they released it anyways. For others who actually need gear from this place, the dungeon is a bugged crapshoot that most people won’t be able to do. smh

Still Fing broke 8 days later. GG blizzard, no wonder everyones going to final fantasy.


I’d like to complete the dungeon before the raid Blizzard

I’ll second the request to disable the mechanic until it’s been fixed and preferably tested on non-live servers this time. Same thing happened to my group and completely halted our progress.

Can we remove the mechanic if we aren’t going to fix it? Stop being lazy.

AS of last night, this fight was still buggged. we couldn’t get past it to move further into the dungeon. It’s RIDICULOUS that this is still happening. Either fix it or delete the mechanic or allow players to advance in the dungeon without it.

Still bugged just tried it again how tf is this a thing

Still not fixed as of 9 days later.

attempted last night still bugged might as well stop attempting till its fixed not worth it.

2 weeks in a row now we have been able to drop it but with many wipes. We used a regular built group both times and also tried the relogging fix. It seemed to work a little better after relogging but mostly we all stopped moving, auto attacking, and pressing buttons right before bomb phase began and the bombs were not bugged consistently. No one in group could press any buttons or auto attack. The Locks DoT’s were also messing with it. If you can coordinate everyone well enough should be able to get it down with a little rough edges.

This bug is unacceptable. We’re in week 2 and a large proportion of players cannot progress past 3 bosses. The development team should remove or severely reduce the damage of this ability while they fix the issue.


We just finished a tazavesh normal and didn’t see the bug on either wave of bags. I’m thinking we might have just gotten lucky.

i don’t think anybody is even going to bother with this mechanic at this point. groups that have the dps are going to go 5 dps and just lust/burn. groups that can’t make that check are just going to give up.

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Still bugged. Unable to get through the mailroom

8 days and nothing since then. This is something that should have been caught in testing and for some reason it wasn’t . There is no reason that this shouldn’t have had some type of fix applied by now, either disabling those stupid bombs, reducing their damage, or making it so you can get our of range of the explosion. At least then it would allow people a chance to finish the fight.

Did this last night, ironically right as the hotfix hit. Couldn’t walk over any bombs before the hotfix, kept wiping due to low DPS from alts being in the group.

Might have been an issue with it being changed as we were in the dungeon, but 2 of the 5 of us could right-click the bombs and throw them. Did it with a normal 1/1/3 comp and threw them all after the hotfix.

¿Qué pasa con este maldito juego? Super molesto no encontrar donde escribir el reporte o queja, y todo esta en ingles, me vale madre el inglés. Cada que entro a una guerra se me quitan los últimos 3 talentos, con cualquier personaje que entre, no sé si sea parte de la guerra, pero no veo que diga en la guerra que es parte del juego que te quiten tus últimos 3 talentos. Ayúdeme a resolver ese problema, hagan su trabajo.