Tazavesh - Mailroom Madness

Nah, It will be one of the next expansion features.

Just remove this part of the mechanic while you figure how to repair it please.


Same issue here

So is it still a thing? I thought I got some updates today, but apparently none for the mailroom :frowning:

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Why has this not been even addressed yet? I get it if blizzard doesn’t know why its not working but to not even mention it!? A post saying its being looked into? ANYTHING? Insanity. I’m so frustrated right now. I just wanted to try out the new dungeon but got to spend 2h trying random bug workarounds hoping beyond hope that we could get passed this fight and maybe enjoy the rest of the dungeon.


We just killed it by using a DK with AMZ and we got lucky with being able to pick up “some” of the packages.

This needs to be fixed, we shouldn’t have to rely on RNG for a mechanic to actually function. The fact that this got to live is embarrassing, especially if it was reported months ago on the PTR

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Can confirm, we just had to abandon our run. As far as we can tell, several of the bomb bags each unstable goods phase simply could not be picked up by anyone, no matter what we tried. Combine the massive dmg and DoT from them going off with the boss stacking a Fan Mail onto the end of every Unstable Goods phase, and it was literally impossible to beat, which means most of the rest of the instance can’t even be attempted.

I’m typically a pretty big fan of keeping criticism reasonable and fair for video games, and therefore end up defending them relatively often. This? This is indefensible. This is gross incompetence indicative of absolute apathy on the part of Blizzard, and is incredibly disappointing that it 1) made it into release despite their knowledge of the issue and 2) hasn’t been addressed or fixed at this time. Just gross.

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Same. Broke. Cant pick up bombs. Kills the run. Nice game.

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Same issue, group fell apart, it’s really disappointing :frowning:

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So, the temp strat is just to burn the bot- with lust it’s super doable.

What I think the bug is, is that when you walk over it, the icon flashes which suggests that picking it up is fine but the bombs stick to the floor. So when you walk over it, you pick it up but moving away triggers the “dropped” state so they become unable to be picked up.

My guess is check the logic regarding how the bombs clip to the floor.

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I don’t think it’s a bug. For us, it seemed to work if you just don’t pick any up (or maybe just don’t throw any away) until ALL the Unstable Goods are out.

So don’t touch any, leave them on the ground ticking, untill they are all out, then throw them away like mad.

THIS WORKS BUT EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE PUMPERS. if even on person cant it will fail.

it is a bug
just stop.

It’s 100% a bug. Stop trolling.

Same, please fix. i want to do this dungeon this week and it’s just stupid and frustrating at this point.

We really liked the dungeon until we couldn’t do the dungeon anymore because of this bug.

Edit: I can only imagine it’s frustrating for designers and devs who work really hard to have this stuff launch as unplayable. I wish they would communicate that more even if we don’t get a timeline for a fix because to go several days without it being acknowledged for flagship content makes it appear like they don’t care. And I know that’s not the reality. I hope whatever corporate sinkhole they’ve fallen into for dev and community communication gets addressed, overhauled, and repaired.


Bump. Sad to have to zerg it with Bloodlust and cooldowns using 4 DPS and 1 tank.
Edit: Did it without Lust. Just four DPS and a tank. lol

The mechanic is damn hard, though.

Greetings everyone.

This issue has been quiet the pesky one for us to address. Rest assured that we are aware of the issue and we are working adamantly on a fix for it. We appreciate your patience as we find a solution and we apologize for the inconvenience.


Also hard stuck on this boss for the same reason. 2 people can pick it up the other 3 can’t.

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Love the new dungeon, really great job guys. But yea. This boss is the pits. Please fix the unstable package issue.

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