Tazavesh - Mailroom Madness

Experienced the same issue with our group last night. Tried a few workarounds that we read online including logging out and logging back in. No luck. Decided to wrap it up after about 10 to 12 wipes.

Honestly frustrated that Blizzard hasn’t responded to this but hopefully they will see it soon and fix accordingly.


Because money.


Still no response from Blizzard…


Same thing happened to our group. I also submitted a bug report. Would be nice if blizzard could do something about this or even acknowledge.


POTENTIAL FIX! Just beat it by having the entire group log out, once we logged back in - everything worked fine no issues, night & day.

I’d still recommend spreading out (don’t have 2 people try to pickup 1 bomb) but no need to stop DPS.


My group had the same problem with it tonight. We got the action button for a split second then it disappeared.

We literally waited for all of our cooldowns, defensives and we’re able to power through it. It would be nice to actually do the fight as intended!


Pro tip: don’t try resetting the instance. It respawns ALL the bosses, which you have to reclear to reach your bugged boss.

Relogging didn’t fix it for us.

4dps did.


In the end we did this too. 1.5 mil hp gone before the first case exploded.

Annoying part was it was my idea in this group to do it. Im like " hey lets just burn him, tank go dps" and they said naah wont work… then 5 mins later someone else said what i said and they are like “yeh lets do it!”

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Seriously Blizzard.

How do you advertise something like Tazavesh and then push it out with gamebreaking bugs?

Last night we gave it three tries, door closed and we couldn’t continue.

Tonight we have issues where people can’t pick up suitcases.

And of course Mor’geth also remains bugged.

I try to be patient with bugs, but good lord, lately you’re making Bethesda games look bug free.


Super bugged


so seemed this was also reported 2 months ago on PTR…great job on checking/fixing bugs Blizz…GREAT JOB!!! 8 months for 3 dailies, forced timed torghast and a new “mega dungeon” that you cant do!!! 8 FREAKING MONTHS!!!


My group do this too and we did it

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Tried this, but because we had 2 shadow priests, there were dots on the boss. I do not know if that is related to the bug or not, but we could not pick up the mail.

We tried it 5 times before we decided to wait until Blizzard got around to fixing it which I hope is by Sunday because we want to do the dungeon, not waste time on a buggy boss.


Same issue, last attempt we only had one that we could pick up. This is kind of sad.


exact same issue. we rage quit after an hour, it’s too frustrating when things don’t work.


Group had to give up, no matter what we tried (all the suggested ideas) we could not get him to not bug out.


Yup same issue here, we tried alot to kill the boss, but we can’t cause we had 2-3 people being glitched and unable to pick up the bombs each pull, and it would be random. This sounds like a fun fight, the rest of the dungeon is fun… but this glitchyness is awful for how long we’ve waited…


WOW WTF BLIZZARD KNEW ABOUT THIS AND PUSHED IT LIVE??? What is PTR even for. Are they seriously trying to destroy the player base?

Edit: This wouldnt be so bad if you didnt need to kill him to continue with the dungeon.


This will likely still be a feature when Tazavesh is in M+ rotation.

Still happening to multiple guild groups. Having to zerg strat is absurd.