Tazavesh - Mailroom Madness

Did it by 4 DPS + 1 Tank and one shot it, ignored mechanics worked perfect. So dumb.


We tried it, it didn’t work for us.


Same issue - the special action button would appear for a second and then disappear. A small number of bombs were able to be picked up. Tried not attacking the boss, disabling addons, no joy.


We’re having the same issue. It seems that only one person can pick them up. If multiple people try it bugs out. We had our lowest dps grab as many as he could then CD’d as much as we could through the damage of the left over ones. Hopefully this gets fixed because theres no way its intended for just 1 person to be able to grab them.


Confirming this issue with our group. We could only get the action button to work when we stopped DPS on soak phase. If we hit the boss at all we couldn’t pick them up. That plus the DPS downtime of picking those up makes this fight super difficult.

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have gotten it to work by re-logging before we pull.

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They really need to stop with these terribly designed bosses.

Just let people pick the damn mail up (cogwheel) and take it to where it needs to be

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We got it to work by everyone spreading out and going over the packages one at a time. We think it may be if two players are near it, the game doesn’t know which player to give the package to and bugs out.


my groups also having this problem. the last package isnt able to be picked up and nukes us

would think blizz would of seen this type of bug

the above “dont attack him/ run into the packages, dont click the icon” seemed to work

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My group had the same issue, picking up the bombs were very inconsistent and always ends in multiple bombs not interactable. The only solution was to blast the boss and kill him before the bombs explode. Was average 224 gear and had plenty of time leftover. Hope it gets fixed soon.

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Only one person can be near a bomb to pick it up.

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Had two attempts on this boss. First one was our learning attempt and we seemed to be able to pick them up just fine. The second attempt no one was able to pick up any of the Unstable Goods bombs so we wiped.


It’s 100% bugged.

We tried to zerg it down but we aren’t 220+ ilvl geared characters doing the required 5k/each dps. :confused:


My group encountered this problem as well, spreading out, letting all touch the ground, not targeting boss after group mechanic, nothing seemed to help, nobody was high geared high enough to melt the boss down either :frowning:


Had the same problem :frowning:


My group had the same issues, wipes 8 times because couldnt interact with the boxes. How did this get to live servers?


no idea but its ruined my gaming day
 was looking forward to this dungeon and now its been tainted by this mess.


It was incredibly frustrating, I agree


Still no response from blizzard??? This is sad af!!!


The new dungeon is one of the major features of the patch. How did this pass test?