Taunka Allied Race Megathread

I do not think things are destined to be equal like that. I’d say maybe Furbolg, going off this hypothetical situation.


I’d love to have Furbolg.

I often consider making a megathread about them.


Nah, if we are repeating models, they would certainly repeat a model for the alliance.

If not, the only other northrend race are the Seal things. Or I guess the wolvar work too.

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I think we are limiting ourselves by thinking as such. Not everything needs to be polar opposites, as we have seen recently. We no longer have equal numbers of Druid races and such.

Vulpera are much more unique appearance-wise compared to the Mechagnomes. Therefore I do not think Taunka and San’layn would necessarily require the Alliance to use the same models.

Races should be more centered on if they make sense in the story.


there’s Vrykul, there could be alliance friendly ones somehow… there’s Mimiron’s robot gnomes… furbolg yeah… i dunno… winter dryads? tuskarr for neutrals? dragonkind?

I know there are some that’d like to see Tuskar playable, but I kinda feel that on should be a bit more neutral like the pandas.

It’d actually be a great time to just divide out the high elves into their own proper allied race instead of leaving the options lumped in with the void elves. No reason there can’t be some cross over, but giving them the proper treatment would be good. Then do the same later with Wildhammer and the sand trolls and do forest trolls as well.

oooh…yeah that’s an idea but I always think of them being paired with Ogres.


Just wanting to show my support for Taunka. Really liked the model the first time I saw them in Wrath. Hopefully they will come to us one day along with Frostborne. Hopefully Blizz will remember the latter’s connection to Muradin Bronzebeard. Pretty sure he’s still their king.


We already have 2 kinds of cows.

Thats right, we’re missing the other two. I’m glad you support adding all the cultures of the Tauren/Yuangol to the game as it should be. :stuck_out_tongue:


They are not “Cows,” as you claim them to be.

Tauren and be extension the Highmountain are yes, based on the traditional domesticated cow/cattle, with the Highmountain gaining Antlers through a magical blessing.

The Taunka are based instead on the bison- in the same ‘Bovidae’ family, but not a cow. They have more elongated faces, more fur/hair and noticeably different horns. I won’t bore you with further biological details, but they are different.


There are 6 elves to choose from. It’s only fair the other races catch up.


Doesn’t matter how many of x type of race get into the game. The more customization and options we have, the bettter.


That’s right, and there still needs to be more added too!


I’d be ok with it if the number of elves were cut to 2.

All the new HMT options make me really want to see what Blizzard could do for a Taunka Allied Race.

I would love to see those Bison Tauren get their just addition to the playable roster.


I was looking into options for the ability to turn into a Taunka for screenshot purposes and I came across this toy that has a chance of turning you into a Taunka:

It will randomly turn you into either a Taunka, a Vrykul, or an Iron Dwarf. All forms are male from my understanding.

It costs 1,500 Timewarped Badges and is sold by this NPC in Old Dalaran (Crystalsong Forest):

While I would prefer to have actual playable Taunka, I wanted to share this just in case it interests anyone. :ox:


On the topic of male and female Taunka I’d love to see a bison female head rather than the repainted regular Tauren one.


Seeing as WotLK classic is likely to become a thing at some point, I wanted to show off the Horde quest where you personally induct the Taunka as members of the Horde:

During this quest, you go up to several Taunka and invite them to the Horde, where they willingly recite the Blood Oath of the Horde:

"Lok’tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind me to the Horde. For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde.

I give my flesh and blood freely to the Warchief. I am the instrument of my Warchief’s desire. I am a weapon of my Warchief’s command.

From this moment until the end of days I live and die - For the Horde!"

You also induct Roanauk as the leader of the Horde Taunka here:

It’s a cool moment to be a part of, though it is a shame that not a whole lot comes out of it. In fact, I don’t recall if the Taunka join in the fight against the Lich King at all, though if someone happens to know of an instance, please share. Then, after WotLK ends, we kinda just leave with without much of a word to them.

I assume they’re holding Horde territory on Northrend, though I do wonder what they’ve been up to since then. They missed out on a number of world-ending threats and didn’t really appear in the Shadowlands pre-patch from what I remember, which is a missed opportunity. Not to mention that despite being full members of the Horde, they don’t have a seat or representative on the Horde council.

I’m hoping we hear from them soon, especially if we go back to Northrend during Shadowlands. All members of the Horde deserve respect and shouldn’t be forgotten. Not to mention that the Taunka are pretty formidable warriors, so I’m sure they could be helpful as soldiers when the world (of Warcraft!) is in danger of some kind! :ox:


I play Tauren and I see a ton of Tauren players. Highmountain Tauren were a joke since they are just Tauren with antlers. Taunka have a bit more potential being a cousin species, the males don’t look the same as tauren either and they could do more with them from there.


Yeah, I was always expecting to see them more across the expansion.

Though they do get some mention later in Cata as being the ones who taught some of Garrosh’s shaman to use decay from what I hear.

Taunka would be an amazing AR and their lore would be fun to play with.