Taunka Allied Race Megathread

I hope Blizzard takes the chance to start exploring other races that are already present in the horde and alliance, starting by creating some taunka NPCs at least in Mulgore.

I am 100% in favor of seeing the cousins ​​of the tauren wandering around Azeroth and not needlessly forgotten in the north.


The old world revamps rumors are just that…rumors. I don’t know where they originated from or gave the idea for people to speculate about, though I will say that Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms do need it. I don’t really expect Northrend to be a part of that if it does become a reality, but I figured it was worth mentioning in general.

Something I generally grumble about is that the Horde chooses not to consider all of its members in a huge war with the Alliance during BfA, but apparently needs troops so badly, they go to great lengths to go to an alternate universe and assume that the Mag’har Orcs there aren’t busy and will happily stop whatever they’re doing to fight and die in some war in our universe. Go figure.

I get that it might have been a bit hot in Zandalar and Kul Tiras for Taunka, who are designed to survive in freezing weather, but if troops were needed that badly, it’s odd how they opted to go for AU Mag’har first when several members, inlcuding the Taunka and MU Stonemaul Ogres, owe the Horde a lot and likely would’ve had troops sent to help out and repay some of that debt to the Horde.

Taunka are full members of the Horde, so they should at least get a seat on that Horde council and have more of a presence as a result. Hopefully, we’ll see them appear again soon. :ox:


The thing is with the lore excuses of ‘too hot’…we see non-affiliated tribes as enemies in BfA. There truly is no reason other than probably they consider the models ‘too outdated’. Similarly we rarely see Ogres, except maybe a merchant here or there.

Weirdly we did see Hozen as Horde troops in BfA- though literally only one or two.

BUT YES. It makes absolutely no sense that the Taunka do not have a representative on the council while groups such as the Vulpera do. Heck, lorewise he would be the second longest reigning Horde leader now- behind Theron.

I am currently busy but some better organization and hopefully better explained ideas are coming for this thread.


Taunka and Jin’yu are two races that both factions have been allied with forever and are not playable. i really want to see them both added


Are you talking about the walrus race?

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The Gnome wants to know: what is the difference between just a post and a “megathread”?

Who defines what it is and how it gets to be called that?

I think I shall start a post called “Gnome Druids Megathread”. It needs to happen. :sunglasses:


I guess, is just trying to condense all the discussion into one thread so there are not countless. Invites others to provide ideas instead of making their own thread.

(It just was, at the time when originally created, what I saw all other AR ideas doing, haha)


Taunka, Revantusk Forest Trolls, Stonemaul Ogres and Forest Hozen have been allied for a long while to the Horde, AND they recently allied with the Kelfin as well.

All of them should be playable races.

Meanwhile the Alliance has Frostborn Dwarves, Wildhammer (proper ones not those cosplayers from Ironforge who think tattoos make the Wildhammer.) , Jinyu and more recently Ankoan.

You can toss in proper High Elves too if you want, at this point.

Regular threads are singular parts of a topic or topics.

Megathreads are supposed to be consolidated posts of a topic. A megathread for a race would include everything about a race and put it together into a cohesive and easily parse-able setup so that players and such can organize around it.

An average thread would just be an idea or concept someone tossed out there to talk about.


This is exactly how I feel. ARs are a great opportunity to add races that may not be super unique appearance wise, but still are in culture, history, and more. Adding them as customization(As was done with Sand Trolls, Wildhammer, and High Elves) is not the best avenue to take, imo.

That being just my personal opinion anyhow. I think all races deserve their own slot, story, heritage armor and character spotlight.


Nice formatting.

+1 for formatting


So much this.

I’m so tired of customization devaluing these races. Wildhammer were done dirty, Sand Trolls deserve more, and even high elves would be better served with their own heritage, tabards, racials, and actual possible story beats. (And I love my Void Elves…)


Megathreads in general serve also as a long-term place for people to voice support for the theme of the megathread, in this case a playable race request megathread, as well as offer ideas, ongoing discussions, potential fanworks (artwork, ficition, etc) to showcase ideas on how to make the theme work in-game.

Potentially, Blizzard does get feedback off these forums, and having a megathread to go for something like a race people want to see playable helps a lot to have a single place with all the information there and sorted while being constantly updated. Most of the race request megathreads were created during BfA, when at the time we didn’t know what to expect for playable allied races and it was a good time to show support off for a race people want playable.

They serve great as a long-term place of feedback, and it’s always fun to see the passion people have behind races they want to see playable someday. While not a guarantee they’ll become playable, I think they’re important as a place to show off support and get ideas going. You never know what will come from them.

Besides, there is plenty of room on that character creation screen for races people want playable. I hope it gets filled up with several races that make people’s dreams come true! :ox:


Back when I started and was Horde, always wanted playable taunka, they would be awesome.


I wanted to mention that there is a Taunka rep in the game. More info here:

There aren’t any rewards for it from my understanding, as there is no quartermaster according to Wowhead.

Aside from doing quests for them, you can gain rep with them by running WotLK dungeons without a rep tabard of any kind on. I think you also gain rep with a few other Horde factions at the same time. Alliance have their own set of reps that also work this way.

It may not lead to anything in the future, but if anyone is interested in getting exalted with them, I wanted to share the link. Back when BfA launched, I actually went through all the old reps and worked on exalted with several potential races that could become an allied race someday, along with completing any quest chains related to them in case it would lead to something. I did all the questlines for Taunka in addition to getting exalted with them, for example.

Just wanted to share this for anyone interested. :ox:


Yes, and for Frostborn as well! I love doing the quests that bring the Taunka into the horde.


I imagine that the Frostborn would be paired with the Taunka as the Alliance AR when they are released.

Since they’re both from the same expansion and both a copy of an existing race on their side with slight difference it would work well for parity.

Plus the Frostborn and Taunka are just awesome. They really deserved to be a part of the player choices years ago.


If we end up going back to Northrend for a patch during Shadowlands, maybe if the Jailer does stuff in the living realm there similar to the last BfA patch, it’s possible we could see both Taunka and Frostborn appear and help out in the area, though I’d want to see San’layn also come and help the Horde out too of course.

I would guess if the Jailer attempts to invade our realm, Northrend seems like the gateway between the Shadowlands and the living world (of Warcraft!) and would make some sense to start an invasion there. if such an event happens, it’d be a good time to bring back Taunka, San’layn, and Frostborn into the picture to fend off the Jailer’s minions.

We’ll have to see what happens, of course. Who knows where we’ll go with whatever is left with Shadowlands? :ox:


I’d like to see that honestly.

Though if the Horde gets two AR (Taunka and San’layn) and the Alliance only gets one (Frostborn) I imagine some might be a bit miffed.


I didn’t mean to imply that Alliance would only get one race in that situation. I’m sure there is a race from Northrend that would work well as a second Alliance playable race to help out in such a situation. I’d have to see what available choices there would be before I could pick one out, though.


Well if horde gets a third elf, alliance would too.

Blue Dragons/drakonids would be cool. Is not like they are uber powerful anymore, and Kalec definitely has his inclinations.