Taunka Allied Race Megathread

Seeing how Wildhammer Dwarves have been treated, I don’t really want to see races relegated to being customization races, which just boils down to their parent race cosplaying as those other races.

Now, if a sub race system was put in, which was requested since Cataclysm, and that each race still have their own identity, storyline presence, reasonable racials, and such, it’d be completely different. It has a chance of giving all races of different types their own identity and such that I’d want in playable races.

Honestly, any race that becomes playable in any fashion deserves some love and a chance to be themselves as opposed to one of the current playable races LARPing as them. Just how I see it. :ox:


Worse, even Calia was allowed to speak in the Horde Council.

The Taunka and High Mountain should both have representatives on the Council and the Taunka should become playable, or become an customization option for regular Tauren at least.

At least players can create them now, which is huge. Sure, they need more attention in the story too.


I entirely agree! Thank you. Sadly it is just a matter of them being an NPC race over playable. Hopefully SOMETHING happens.

But I am still very skeptical about making them or any race for that customization. I want more than to simply look like one, I want the additional story, heritage and such that innately comes with being playable while non-playables are ignored.

If we start to see them treat non-playable races or races that were sadly mushed into customization better with story presence and equal representation with playable races in the said factions then I think I would be ok with adding Taunka and even others as customization.


Taunka would be cool. If they were merely added as a customization option, at least Tauren would finally have more than 4 or 5 face choices. :roll_eyes:

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As a Tauren player I support this thread 100% :blush:


Not without my Vrykul you don’t. Getting both would be bloody awesome though.

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While I feel your pain there as I love my tauren and also want more faces…

I do hope that the Taunka get their own AR. Their culture is fairly different form the “Mulgore” Tauren and I’d love to see that represented better than just customization.

Wildhammer still make me immensely sad as I am a huge fan of them, but the customization just drops so much of what they should be.

I’d think Taunka would come with Frostborn dwarves for parity.

Though Vrykul are a very popular request and I certainly wouldn’t balk at the option.


I agree. Seeing what they did with Wildhammer has me more worried about customization races in general.

A race that becomes playable needs to have their own identity and presence. Races like Wildhammer, San’layn, Kelfin, Taunka, Forest Trolls, and so on should not just be plopped onto parent races and then not being given any development at all. They should officially be part of whatever faction they’re a part of and need to be acknowledged as such.

We want the races we want because we like their culture, their aesthetics, class choices, and so on. They should be treated with love and care, and be given a chance to find their place in the world (of Warcraft!) Not just have an existing race just put on some semblance of those races and LARP as them.

Besides, we have all that room on that new character creation screen. I don’t see why we can’t find a place for them on there somewhere! :ox:


A million times this.


I would be happy to see the Taunka Buffalo Tauren become playable.


I’d still love to see Taunka/Frostborn enter the fray.


Still support Taunka!

Hope to see em one day.

A good group to pair with them! I agree!


Since Blizzard may be getting feedback off the forums lately, now would be a good time for race request megathreads to get active again and start showing off their support for races people want playable.

I still support Taunka as a playable race. They officially are part of the Horde, having joined during WotLK, and it would be good to see what they are up to and also become more active in the world (of Warcraft!). Hopefully, we’ll see them appear again in the near future, with them becoming champions of the Horde! :ox:


Taunkas? Yes. Playable? Please. :ox:


Taunka are a long over due option.


Support for Taunka! I know there’s many fans that would love to see them :slight_smile:


Sort of went inactive here on the forums a bit, and did not expand this thread as originally planned. But I am still here and support the Taunka!

They are a much overdo species and deserve more than they have been given.


I still am in support of playable Taunka. They’re full members of the Horde, and I’d love to see them adventuring as champions of the Horde.

I don’t know if we’re going to revisit Northrend during Shadowlands, but I would be curious if we’ll go back at some point. Maybe Northrend will be on the list of those Exploring Azeroth books that have been in the works and we can read what they’ve been up to since then.

I also know there has been rumors of an old world revamp, though I think that mostly applies to Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. Still, we haven’t heard from the Taunka in a long time, and I want to know what they’ve been doing since WotLK. If we go back to Northrend during Shadowlands, hopefully they’ll help us against the Jailer’s forces.

Hopefully we’ll see them appear in-game again someday! :ox:


I still support playable Taunka!

Long time coming.


Going off the format of which the books are titled, I would have to assume each major continent will get one- though that is an assumption.

I am not sure about any world revamps, or rumors, but I kind of figure they will gradually do it over time as we saw in BfA. Arathi was updated, Darkshore, the Vale, etc.

Lore-wise the Taunka should have been involved in so much due to being part of the Horde already. Two rebellions, world invasions. Just the luck of being an NPC race I suppose.

Maybe I will try to expand this thread as originally planned, though I am no where near the trust level anymore.