Taunka Allied Race Megathread

There are rumors going around that we might be going back to Northrend, with Borean Tundra being mentioned specifically in the rumors, in a future patch of Shadowlands. Nothing confirmed, of course, but still an interesting rumor.

If true, I would hope we would see the Taunka again and see what they’ve been up to. Seeing as they’re official members of the Horde and some do reside in the Borean Tundra, I’m sure they would be happy to assist in the area.

As I said, just rumors, so take it with a grain of salt. Still, it would be an interesting opportunity for Taunka if they are true. :ox:


That would be amazing!

Taunka and Frostborn! Bring em on!


Taunka and San’layn would fit very well as playable Horde races if we went back to Northrend. They both reside in Borean Tundra in particular, but we’ll see what happens if the rumors are true. :bat: :ox:

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I am not expecting any Allied Races in Shadowlands considering they seem to be a good bit behind, but nonetheless if that ends up being true we may very well see them be present in the story, even if it is a small one!

Possibly even updated models, though that may be a stretch, lol.


I hope that we get a race that people have been asking for instead of some random new race.

Gil Goblins

Have all been popular requests.


IMO mounts would be Wooly Rhino.

They would be my second favorite race of Tauren.


I likely wouldn’t expect allied races during Shadowlands, but in the case of going back to Northrend, it could open the door to reintroducing some Northrend races like the Taunka, which could lead into the next expansion having them join. Sorta like how some races from Legion became playable in BfA.

I’m open to new races being created in general. Vulpera were a great addition IMO, and we have great contenders like Sethrak. Even some of the races you listed were brand new at one point, like Jinyu.

Something I wouldn’t like would be the covenant races. I’m really not fond of the idea for multiple reasons, given they’re cosmic beings in the afterlife that help operate the life/death cycle and that it would really make death feel more meaningless and like a revolving door.

At this point, I’d rather see a lot of older races that have been requested for years to become playable and make some people’s dreams come true. We got a bunch of room on that character creation screen, and I’d love to see it get filled with races people have wanted for so long. :ox:


But yeah, that is a good point Bagzak, we could see them in the next expansion or so especially if they appear in Shadowlands.

I do like the idea of any race to be honest, but I feel like all these old races really do deserve to be added as soon as possible before continuously adding new ones. As just looking at it from a story perspective seeing for instance Kiro on the council but not Roanauk Icemist, Chief Kah Kah or the other NPC leaders is a shame as they have been in these factions for ages compared to some races, and rarely appear.

That was going to my choice, but ultimately I just wanted to put down what was actually used in-game by them. Wooly Rhinos would be a great choice as well, if they decided to change it up.


Bear skeleton but modified with rhino bits.

Thicker skin, horn on face. Yada yada.

Same thing the HMT should have had.

Eagle based moonkin. Kinda like the Zandalari have using that model but eagley.


I have a few specific races I really want to see, but generally speaking, it’s really cool to see races people have requested finally become playable. I remember seeing Dark Iron Dwarves and Mag’har Orcs requested since Cataclysm, and it was neat to see them finally happen. It gives me some hope that Blizzard does consider fan feedback for some races to become playable.

Yeah, it’s a shame that the Horde council seems to be rather selective. The Stonemaul Ogres have been part of the Horde since WC3, and they’ve been forgotten since Cataclysm for the most part. No seat on the council for them or the other two Horde Ogre clans, either. Several other members part of the Horde don’t have a seat either.

If the intent is to give all members a voice, they need to get some more chairs so they can make sure ALL members get a voice. It’s only fair!


Exactly! But sadly its only focused on playable races, which is why I am so adamant about these old races already in factions becoming playable.

It is also why I’m not so much for races being added as customization, because that wouldn’t solve the story issue with them.


I would like them to be an allied race some day (maybe if we ever get an expansion going back to Northrend?) but to be honest if we are to get another Tauren based allied race I would rather see the Grimtotem (or could be a Grimtotem defector group depending how they want to do it in lore). The reason? That opens up the Rogue, Mage and Warlock classes for Tauren which I think is more useful than a third Tauren allied race that can be druids… Now if they really wanted to go crazy then make a faction of them also join the Alliance as an allied race…

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While I try to support every race and not put others down, I would like to clarify about the Grimtotem.

They are not a different race like the Highmountain, Taunka, Zandalari, Dark Iron, etc. They are simply a more aggressive tribe of Kalimdor Tauren. And we do in fact have a section of the Grimtotem Tribe in the Horde, they are in the Unified Tauren Tribes under Baine.

Their leader is Jevan Grimtotem.

That all being said, we can look like them- with their tribal characteristic being that pitch black fur, and while we don’t have purely red tattoos I do suspect that is on purpose to differentiate the two groups.


Taunka/Frost Dwarves
Krokul/Mag’har (I really wish the TBC maghar where used…)
Can all be added as customizations. (Well, the Mag’har are already AR… kind of a missed opportunity, since the WoD portal was supposedly closed, sealed and locked.)

Edit… in hindsight, maybe LFD should become customization and Krokul take their place as AR. Replace Priest and Paladin classes with Warlock and Rogue.

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Taunka are so ugly and ridiculous looking… Hard pass.

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We need a filter, similar to Bad Boy in the game, where we can list words to filter out posts via title. The word “megathread” would be one of my first additions to the list.

It makes it seem as if someone is trying to make it more important than any other post. Why not just make a post about Taunka being an allied race and leave it at that?

OK I’m getting a bit petty… I may need more coffee…

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I think that Grimtotem since they’re actually just a single tribe of the Mulgorian Tauren (not really their name just what I call em sometimes) they would be a good candidate for customization. They have a similar culture and existence to their brethren and once were even a part of them…

Whereas the Taunka have been separated for thousands of years and evolved differently.

That said in a perfect world…? All of them. All of them as AR’s.

Megathreads are made with the general idea that topics related to the thread be posted within them, and not spread out into several separate threads.

Its not that they’re trying to be more important, its just to consolidate the information in one place so its easier for people to find it, parse it, and use it.

Keeps the forums clean and clear. (When it works)


The thing is, no one can control how long a topic stays on the front page, and many people don’t bother to search to see if something has been posted about before. And even if they did, how many times are posts the same as many that have gone before.

But, as I say, I’m probably just cranky. I’m off for my flu shot in half an hour and I hate needles. Puts me in a bad mood. :sunglasses:

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Something I’ve pointed out in another megathread is that the Taunka have been full members of the Horde since WotLK (you induct them as full members during that expansion in a quest), and don’t get a seat on the Horde council. Yet, the Highmountain Tauren didn’t know the Horde for that long and were neutral during Legion, and they get a seat on the Horde Council. I assume it isn’t because Baine and Mayla are potentially dating, because that would be really annoying.

Doesn’t seem quite fair, does it? Seems like the Horde doesn’t quite remember all of its members. Even those that have been there near the Horde’s infancy, like the Stonemaul Ogres. I know we haven’t heard from the Taunka for awhile, but they’re still full members of the Horde and shouldn’t be forgotten.

I like the concept of the Horde Council, but it needs to reevaluate the Horde’s membership roster. If the Horde Council is suppose to give a voice to all members, then it needs to give a voice to ALL members. Including the Taunka. :ox:


Even the Vulpera have a seat! Sadly it just seems to be a playable vs unplayable thing.

But I 1000% agree. Lorewise the council should have several more members including Roanauk Icemist representing the Taunka, Chief Kah Kah representing the Forest Hozen, Chief Revantusk representing the Forest Trolls, and then an Ogre representing the Stonemaul and other tribes!

Being playable is truly the only way to make races feel present and feel like they are apart of each faction- because otherwise they are forgotten right after their introduction. (This is why I am also very against just adding them as customization- along with any race tbh).

Just looking at it in perspective, the Roanauk Icemist, High Chieftain of the Taunka, looking just at all member states of the Horde…is now the second longest reigning Horde leader, with only Theron in front of him. Yet we never see him.

IDEALLY, they will include the NPC races one day. But I am not hopeful for that, instead we have to advocate for these old friends to become playable so they are added to the Council.