Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

Agreed. This is an inequity that will cease being relevant by next week, and only really matters in the context of whatever group a player is immediately measuring their character’s performance against, like within their raid team. Any raid leader worth their salt though won’t care.

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Can we return this “bonus” to get back the bonus rep buff? Seems like that was WAY more popular and helpful…

Sacrifice the few for the many. Great philosophy.

This system makes a person feel pretty bad,but it doesn’t matter for within !5 minutes it will start and there is nothing anyone can do about,gl all.

Blizzard could do something about it. They choose not to.

You think it’s a small handful. Hang around better players and realize it’s more than that

Let everybody buy RANK 3 essences, not only those who have unlocked them on their mains. This is not a new player friendly system


Ya’ know, I feel like 17 hours wasn’t enough notice for this. I had no idea that the prices for the essences from MOTHER would change with today’s reset. “In the coming week” isn’t really the same thing as “with tomorrow’s reset.”


If and only if you’re doing heroic raiding and kill n’zoth, rather than the content the cloak is tied to, visions.

If you can’t do the time to earn rank 3, then you don’t need it

As a casual player this does not do a whole lot for me personally. Speeding up what little content we have is actually going to result in me letting my sub lapse faster.

In fact a lot of your post is gibberish to me thanks to your ridiculous micro-systems. What the hell a Masterful 1 is, I have no idea. Do less of that nonsense in Shadowlands please. I choose NO corruption.

Dumb. The point is so people don’t feel “disadvantaged” but what about people who are close to getting an essence finally on some alts only for the rug to be pulled from under their feet just like what kept happening every new season with titanium residuum?

Did you not read the post?

Gaining essence’s are also multiplied by 5

You are right but at this point Blizz is worried about this patch which I think is dead as it is.

There’s a rotating vendor… If you can’t see how having a huge bank of echoes (40k in some cases) is a huge advantage then yikes. Lets say most of the corruptions you want are on the the early rotations of the vendor. If you start at 0 because you weren’t allowed to earn any (despite doing the same amount of content previously that people with 40k echoes banked did), there’s a good chance you’re not going to be able to farm enough to buy them in time before it rotates out. The vast majority of echoes come from timegated content, repeatable content offers very little in comparison.

If I told you to farm 4-6k (the equivalent to the 20-40k some people have) echoes in a few days before this hotfix, there’s no way you’d be able to do it. Even visions, the best repeatable echoes per hour, is gated by how many vessels you have and offer only 150 (now 750) per run, so do do you happen to have 30-50 friggin vessels saved up? I know I sure don’t

So, now if you can’t buy what you want in the first rotations it’s unavailable and rotated out for a few weeks more. You’re now even further behind those who have a huge bank and can just buy whatever they want all the time.


Amen. I was on a looong shift at work, grabbed 4 hours sleep and logged in. It’s already changed. “In the upcoming week” should have been “by reset”. Although that wouldn’t have helped me. An extra day or two notice would have been nice. I find it interesting that it takes months and months to get something changed…implemented…but this we get with less than 1 days notice.

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Thank you for putting into words what many are feeling right now. You are correct that with the current set up it punishes some players while some players are rewarded.

What a mess. Why were characters blocked from accumulating this currency in the first place? It’s not like they take up bag space.


They should have just used Mementos for Corruptions. Makes no sense to me why they did things the way they did, but that’s been their MO lately.

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That is true that having a lot of currencies like this can lead to confusion and frustration.