Yea I kinda regret typing that but it’s the best way I could think of saying a flat amount isn’t ideal. I was gonna edit it but I’ll just let it stand and take the criticism for being lazy
Edit: it bothers me too much.
Yea I kinda regret typing that but it’s the best way I could think of saying a flat amount isn’t ideal. I was gonna edit it but I’ll just let it stand and take the criticism for being lazy
Edit: it bothers me too much.
Why am I being punished for playing the game?
If I had forgotten to buy my last r3 on my main, I’d easily have over 20k Echos banked up right now. Because I put time into acquiring all the rank 3 essences, I am being punished by having to start out at only 300 Echos while people who still don’t have all their R3s get to start off with a much higher Echo count.
I thought this was an MMO that rewarded time and effort?
Y’know, I sometimes think that if Blizzard made a post saying “Hey everyone, for being such sweethearts, we are giving you all a free month on your sub” then half the people on this forum would start posting complaints because it wasn’t 2 months.
But continuing the Devils Advocate thing - I did actually comment somewhere back in the past that it was a pity that the currency couldn’t be used by people who had no need for it. I admit that it probably would have been far more fair to either allow it to be used for something or given to alts who could use it.
Having them do this now, after the fact as it were, is a bit sad.
Worked real hard for the rank 3 essences, never would have thought I was shooting myself in the foot. Honestly who at blizzard thought this was a good idea? Why not just create a new currency.
This is the new Blizzard where everyone needs to be rewarded regardless of skill or effort. It’s getting to the point where they incentivise less effort.
To keep us logging in…
how about titanium residium instead? I have tons that is useless… why not make a universal currency for gear/essences/corruption…keep it simple
Pls Blizz, don’t do this, not the corruption vendor, you made this RnG and people playing since the begining of the patch got the corruption by luck but also by repeting M+n raids, visions, etc, over and over, how will you balance it once evreyone gets TV rank 3 and or gushing wounds for pvp, this will be a circus.
A reset will hurt alts and a non reset will hurt mains.
I think a new currency is the best compromise. It doesn’t hurt anyone and it doesn’t benefit anyone.
I’m confused as of how this got past the drawing board? Did no one at Blizzard have the presence of mind to say: Hey, maybe this will upset some players who actually played the game?
Getting rid of the RNG is good. However, on my main I have been doing content which would have given me 30k Echos. Why am I being punished by actually getting rank 3 essences?
Resetting the currency hurts alts.
Not resetting the currency is unfair to people who only have one character or play mostly on their main.
A brand new currency is the only way.
My main has 0 Echos…
I agree with this^
Some people will probably be like “another currency?” but currently, mains which already have essences have not acquired any echoes, so a new currency is the only way, unless you compensate mains by calculating how much echo they would have gotten from various activities they have done over the past months, which is probably too much work for Blizzard, hence new currency.
You guys just cannot get it right.
You design stuff in a vacuum with no thought of the implementation and the feel to the player.
I think this is what happened. Some product manager at Blizzard thought: “How do we implement this with the least dev time? That’s right, we can use an existing currency and just reuse it!”. Less dev time = more profit. Who cares about the players anyway?
Pretty sure none of you will be happy with anything in this game lol. No matter what they add you all just complain and complain. They keep adding things to make it better and yet here you all are complaining and complaining.
Its because “how” its being implemented.
White-Knighting will only make the game worse.
The addition itself is a great addition and alleviates a lot of RNG in acquiring some better corruptions. The issue lies in how it is being implemented. Utilizing an existing currency that some characters never had the ability to collect in the first place is inherently unfair and places those characters at a disadvantage relative to those that could collect echoes the past two months.
That’s just silly. This is an obvious oversight and needs to be addressed. There’s plenty of things where we complain for the sake of complaining but this isn’t one of them.
It’s better than being someone who just goes along with everything with no question.
It is a GLARING error in implementation.
I get tired of people telling me I should be happy we got something but the bait and switch tactics have been rampant all expansion. If you think this ‘improvement’ was meant for the players enjoyment more than it was meant to keep a slow drip of revenue then you are quite naive as to how blizzard practices. Imagine if they gave everyone all essences unlocked, allied races unlocked and access to BiS corruption and azerite without some RNG; from their perspective, that doesn’t earn them money. It’s like a car dealership, they make more financing you for a few years than if you blow your load immediately and stop playing. Scummy business practices that I don’t like out of video game companies but understandable when they are out only to make money.
Okay, but are there any healing corruptions?
No…? Okay, still not interested.
Secondary Stat corruptions are boring.