Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

Lol, you guys just have to have RNG you just can’t put them all out there…

Nope that would be too freaking easy…still RNG if the corruption gear is that week or not…:roll_eyes:

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They mean that mains will now have the option to grind the echoes and at 5x the rate. Same for everyone else effectively giving lazy/returning/new players and alts a head start.

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Why the change to both the Echo drop rate, and cost of items x 5 if the balance is really going to stay the same, which the post is designed to make everyone believe?

As for the leveling of the cloak: I despise timed content, so no change is going to make my lack of interest in doing visions change. I’m still going to despise timed content. I don’t play WoW to do content I hate. I play WoW to have fun.

And what Zomira said below:

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No thanks. Tired of having to delete, or vendor that corrupted gear, and corrupted weapons garbage. Believe it, or not some of us out there are not participating, or doing 8.3 corruption gimmick content, and don’t like regular upgrades from world quests in Zandalar, kul Tiras , and dungeons, or warfronts corrupting. Just put a corruption vendor in the Vale, and Uldum for the folks who enjoy corrupted crud, and leave the other zones alone.


Well 10 weeks divided by 5 means you will be fully caught up in less than 2 weeks of lazy play.

Assuming you don’t already have your BiS corruption possibly needing no extra time and certainly not wasting your currency on essences or additional visions just to rank the cloak.

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Oh nice, maybe now my brother might not be so intimidated to play with me WoW in doing grinds. Thanx this helps a lot to bring my brother and friends! :grin: :+1:

I’m one of those who kept doing content and doing 5-6 visions a week praying to the rng gods for the best corruption to no avail. I am happy with this change though. It will increase my chances. However it is a bit unfair that I’m behind alts and mains that didn’t get all their r3 essences before the echoes change. It feels like I’m being punished for being proactive.


Oh man finally I can use those trash echoes for something, I just have 2 toons who play the HOA game

So the loot pendulum is swinging ALL the way toward farm and grind, huh?

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Maybe the weekly caches should stop being guaranteed corrupted, being that you can’t apply corruption to cleansed gear. It makes the higher rewards from the weekly caches, with unideal corruptions, significantly worse than other sources that you can freely apply specific corruptions too.

Getting guaranteed corrupted items from the caches becomes less of a reward and more of a penalty in the sense that this locks you out of applying corruption of your choice to them. Instead of guaranteed corrupting the cache rewards just award a significant amount of Echos with the gear, enough to potentially buy the corruption effect of your choice to put on the awarded piece.


For anyone who still doesn’t understand the frustration, Wowhead has an article that sums it up neatly.

Still don’t think Blizzard is going to listen, but maybe in 9.3 when we’re in a similar boat, they’ll be able to make better decisions.


I also approve. Been trying to level up my Legendary Cloak, But haven’t had the best of luck as been stuck at Rank 13 for weeks now.

Glad to see Blizzard is making it easier for us to level our Legendary Cloaks. :slight_smile:

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Ok, cool, but I don’t really understand why you’re increasing the cost of things purchased with Echoes? Is it to make the first week of the patch difficult to catch up with? Those of us who are almost there, or are looking to buy a few, will now have to collect significantly more.

I get that the drop rate is going up, but why increase anything? Why increase the amount you get from drops, if you’re just increasing the amount needed? It doesn’t change anything.

You get 1, but need 2, so you do it twice.

After patch

You get 5, but need 10, so you do it twice.

There’s no difference, except now you might have had 3, and were hoping to get 2 pieces soon, and now you can’t even get 1. So what’s the point?

Kinda confused why ranks 10-11 still require 4 pages each but 13-15 only require 2 pages each. I mean it’s cool that it gets easier at the end, but if they can make the last ranks only require 2, why can’t they make all the ranks past 5, require only 2?

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Hold it it said all rank3 essences is that the total or in the HOA ?

Thats a great point!! Dont push it for tomorrow. Do it next week. Let people buy their rank 3s now. Then reset like the TR.

Okay, initially I was pretty ticked about this, however upon doing a little more research, not so much now.

I don’t play on my alts much, so I am not really following how much of the currency they are getting. Stands to reason that an alt is only going to be using that currency on the rank 3 items they need, once they have all the rank 3 that their main has (correct me if I’m wrong, this is how I understand it) they no longer earn the currency.

There would be no valid reason why an alt would be saving this currency, as there was nothing before the last couple of days indicating that they’d be able to use it to buy corruption.

Now Blizz ups the drop rate by five times what it was before, and allows you to buy corruption, stands to reason that next to no one is going to have hoarded this currency, because they would have bought essences (the only thing you WERE able to use it for).

Sure, there might be the “one in a thousand” guy who saved up a bunch of these, but there will be very very few overall. It just wouldn’t have made any sense to do so.

With all of that in mind I’m more content with how the setup will be.

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I’m buying rank 3’s right now and I’ll be up until I’m done. Just a bit disappointed that some newer characters have almost enough to buy one, and will lose most of the value of those echoes when the change takes place.

Wait I am super confused how do mains not have any echoes? I have like 30,000 from raids, mythic+, 5 masks visions. I am super confused how you guys have spent all of your echoes if your main had the rank 3s of the essences to begin with?

Oh haha I just read yall got zero if you had all rank essences. Good thing I don’t heal and didn’t buy any healing essences. Haha suckers here is to Racing pulse BiS for me tomorrow!

it doesnt matter what u do when ur main has every essence when ZERO gain is ZERO