Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

My holy priest already as the echoes and hasn’t got the cloak they come off the daily world quest and it’s suppose start?

Because they aren’t resetting the echoes. Mains that spent the time to get every r3 essence before the echoes system came out weren’t given the option to collect echoes so we are behind alts and mains who didn’t already collect all the r3 essences.

The only pieces eligible for contaminants will be uncorrupted mythic raid gear, uncorrupted 465 pieces from dungeon runs, or crafted profession bonus gear. Anything from a vision or any 475 pieces labelled mythic 15 cannot be used for this.

Who cares about the average person. The long-term, dedicated players of this game are getting screwdrivered.


I’m gonna need a few screwdrivers to “enjoy” this new buff. Light on the orange juice plz.

I didn’t know that. So I can’t put it on my mechagon rings?

Not any that came out of the weekly chest.

Even if you vendored them, I thought you could use item restoration?

No doubt people who got all the essences are getting the short end of the stick here. It was a pretty glaring oversight.

I seem to remember people complaining during the echos original implementation about having a “useless” currency on your mains once you gained all the essences so I assume they made the decision without thinking about the future.

Honestly, at this point it’s just a lack of foresight dev side that caused all this commotion. They should just do like they did in legion with wakening essences and give people a generous batch of echos in the mythic chest regardless of if they did a mythic that week. That way the people who got shafted at least have a jumping off point instead of starting from zero.

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The vendor wont go live tomorrow, the echoes changes and visions will.

:thinking: I suppose some more noise and everyone will get a free R3 of their choosing eventually.

Hey I’m fine with them looking at our activity and refunding us echoes that would have been earned. It would be fair but also possibly a lot of work.

They’re already taking care of the existing hoard of them, prices of everything are going up by 5x, and gains of them will go up by 5x, so any stockpiles people have now are basically barely anything.

I’m just saying if you start stocking up when the changes happen tomorrow, then when the gushing wounds 1 shows up on the vendor, you’ll just be able to buy all the ones you need.

That weapon ruins your whole outfit.

Edit: Was that rude?

Edit: Don’t care

Edit: I mean I care enough to suggest you get a weapon that matches your outfit

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I don’t think they’ll have the name on them just your chance with rng.

Can we corrupt crafted items?

its going to cost the same level of effort. the change is to account for using the currency being used to also buy corruptions or more vision passes.

as it currently stands, that means a few people will have a slight advantage. sort of like having done a key stone run the week before they added corruptions into the chests. people who ran them got corrupted items faster than others.

Looks ok to me …if were a paladin and not a dk? I think I get it confuse the horde. :rofl:

5x the rate…rofl. its an illusion…

They should probably also give echoes if you scrap a piece of corrupted gear if that’s not already going to be a thing. Would especially be nice if you get an upgrade for a slot you used a vendor corruption on so you don’t have to spend as long to re-buy the same corruption.

If player A has 15k echoes already, and GW shows up on the vendor later this week when it gets pushed, they still have a leg up against Player B who starts with zero echoes. All because Player B had all their rank 3 essences and the system didn’t award them any due to not needing any (makes sense).

What doesn’t make sense is using the same currency for corruption vendor. But since they can’t take the time to make a new currency, they’re just adding extended use to something that before wouldn’t matter to Player B, but now will matter tremendously. So Player B feels at a disadvantage because of lazy design.