Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

Patience is a virtue. It doesn’t really matter that much if you have to wait a couple weeks to get the corruption. There’s literally no hurry at this point in the expansion. Better to have something to look forward to in the game, since that feeling is hard to come by right now.

Frankly, this new system is more than we could have ever hoped for, and i don’t really understand the complaining.

Except the most optimal way to gear myself is just stacking as many Gushing Wounds I can fit into my gear. When the most expensive corruption is going for 15k and you can realistically get 10k per week without devoting this game as your lifestyle, 40k or even 20k means you’re couple of weeks to a month behind.

This argument isn’t even about alts vs mains anyway. It’s about punishing people who has took their time and farmed all the rank 3s that didn’t get ANY currency. There are people who hasn’t bothered collecting all rank 3s on their mains who also stockpiled the currency.


Exactly - This is absolutely insane to me that they’re not resetting these.

Yummy cookie, thank you Grumbles.

I just want this for the patch. As a fellow Gnome with many alts, I would appreciate not going through the slog of the Visions “intro” and the BWD scenario like 10 more times. It’s nice with the skips we got, but Blizzard should have done more for it.

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Well said and I completely agree.

No one can wear 40k worth of corruption realistically, so that’s the wrong ballpark. At most you’ll be 10-15k behind, assuming you don’t have a BiS setup now.

I just wanted to state here and especially for that dude who was badgering me earlier.

I am really speaking for ppl who’s been struggle with good corruption. I personally almost (90%) -ish have all the bis corruptions I need. I agree with you patience is virtue but it is what’s been lack of in WOW. w/o bis corruption, you will be rejected from keys and raids. For PVER, without those, the only option is afk and 3.5 weeks is a time long enough for ppl to get frustrated and give up.

Considering that Titan Residuum is reset at the beginning of each season, them not even bothering to give echoes out retroactively is laughable and an indication that this wasn’t really a thought out idea.

Stacking corruptions like gushing wounds or %stat has a much more significant impact than 35 ilvls of azerite pieces ever will.

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I mean even with the new x5 modifier, 10k a week would be a decent chunk of playtime.

Not so. I bet you have one of the R3 essences on another toon that your DH doesnt have. Double check. A dps or a tank one. If you still refute, Please post screenshots of your Essences window as well as your Currency window for verification.

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The real question is why would Blizzard introduce a new currency with a nonsensical capping mechanism based on one use case (full rank 3 essences) when they had to have known they were going to add more things to purchase with it later? Why even cap it like that in the first place? What was the point of that? Anyone saying that this is even remotely fair is someone who has a bunch of EoN banked already. Either they should wipe all the stockpiles out (converting them to gold) or go back and give us the corruption we also “earned”.

I must really take for granted that i have guild to raid and do M+ with because this is never a problem i encounter

Excellent change! Yes, bring me Masterful!
I was wondering what I to do with bunch of echoes I have with my main, since all my alts earn they rank3 essences by themselves.
The amount of people crying in this thread is hilarious. You will get 5x times more echoes than before.

This is cool , i guess >? Gonna take a while before i actually need to buy another corruption to add to my gear , im already sitting on 125 before resist (38 after) this is including next week’s cap. I still have another td rank 2 and rank 3 to equip.

So while i get why people are mad this isnt retroactive on your main , they shouldnt need much at this point unless you slacked out .

As if these forums don’t have enough things to whine about without just making up more.

Lets take away all or your earned Echoes on your mage so you can start with 0 like the others that earned all r3s…see how you feel.


This thread makes me sad for public education.

Next week the corruption resistance cap will be 86; a rogue can equip 8 pieces of gushing wounds without going over 40 corruption. That’s a 200-250k dot every single time it procs in arena

Shut yo mouth. I need that rank three twighlight dev i can already afford.

Clutch your pearls ladies and gentlemen. Shiz is about to go off the rails

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