Targeted Corruptions and Faster Cloak Empowerment

This is too good to be real

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This may be a controversial opinion, but please hear me out!

My friend and I both raid and participate in the same in game activities each week. Every week we do the mythic raid, we do our +15 mythic dungeon, 5 mask visions, and other in game activities.

For the past few months my friend has been stock pilling Essences of Ny’alotha because he has lots of alts and one of his alts has a rank three essence that his main doesn’t have. I, however, like to fully invest my time into progressing one character, therefore I have all rank three essence and my character hasn’t been eligible to obtain any essences of Ny’alotha up till this point.

This change creates a situation where when we login, my friend will be able to buy 1-2 corruption effects immediately, while I will have to farm to obtain them even though we both participated in the same content for months leading up to this content update.

As a player, this makes me feel like i’m being punished for obtaining all of my essences on one character. If I would have known about the change I would have purposefully got a rank 3 essence on an alt and never tried to obtain it on my main so I would have been eligible for Essences of Ny’alotha for the past few months.

Please consider having players start on a even playing field, so half of us aren’t able to buy corruption effects upon logging in, while the other half must farm. It feels bad knowing that my friend and I both participated in the same content for months, however, only one of us is being rewarded upon logging in.


Absurd logic. Blz was unfriendly for alt this exp so it’s time to screw main?

I mean I don’t think corruptions were added for MDI, just like the legion legendaries were not.

I’m not sure what they were smoking to think this was a good idea.

Not sure that our toons should be built/balanced around some OP McGuffin that has multiple layers of RNG around it.

But that would screw over your friend…

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Will it be here before I replace my corrupted items with greens?

man you folks find anything to complain about


You aren’t getting screwed though…you are getting to get echoes, and unlock the same stuff everyone is…what part of that are you not comprehending?

If taking slightly longer to buy a BiS corruption off a vendor is your definition of “screwing mains” then I think the game is in ok shape.

So you think what he’s saying is unwarranted.

Because players who don’t play alt or their alts with all 3 essense start with 0 echo and who do alt but keep stockpiling the echoes can start with 40k echoes. Which part do you not understand?

That isn’t getting screwed. Getting screwed would be if you couldn’t earn echoes still. You are starting off at the starting line, for CHOOSING to only play one character. The same people told everyone who plays alts that we choose to have to go through that, so yeah, welcome to the world of choice. Sometimes it has downsides.

What do you mean by slightly longer? If I can’t afford twilight devastation 3 at the begining and that thing doesn’t come up in next 6 weeks. How is that slightly longer?

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yea. i have 2 of them. they’re a neat +1 but not ones I’ll ever use…

What I could use is corruption on my main… corruption that isnt avoidance increased by haste. or leech.

60 rolls for corruption. Likely one is BiS for you, but even if not, you still have a ton of second or third options. It’s entirely likely that even you could buy 3 corruptions on day one like some of the mythical people in this thread, you’d gain a minimal amount of dps, compared to someone who gets 3 from having zero or all crazy bad ones.

And worst case scenario. You got all your essences months ago, and you’ve rolled 8% leech on every single corrupted drop for the entirety of 8.3, the unicorn guy who has stockpiled 40k essences is going to be, what, 2 days ahead of you? 2 weeks at most for raid loggers. It’s NOT that big a deal. In 3 weeks, literally everyone and all their alts will be sporting BiS corruptions. What does it matter if some extreme outlier cases happen 15 days apart?

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I just cant feel the hype.

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Are you only expanding it in the ways you’ve already mentioned in this post (corruption vendor)? Or are you also adding the ability to buy R3 essences we haven’t already unlocked on another character as well?

You make me laugh with your broken logic. Keep up the good work. I have no interest to argue with you. I hope you keep this thought process your entire life.

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Yeah, i will gladly keep the “I am not entitled” mindset. Means I do not get upset that someone has something, I don’t, but I can still EARN it. No one has 40k echoes stockpiles, no one has any real edge above you, and you are just trying to feel upset and slighted because you want to.

If it gets changed the way they want and their ‘friend’ reads their post, that friend issue might just get resolved as well.

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