Target nameplate range cap in BGs

I’m experiencing the same problem. My target’s nameplate does not show up when far away.

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Also can’t see my health number on namplate and im pretty sure its enabled. Not a big deal but it looks wierd.

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Blizzard dev probably: “60 yards is fine, nobody can hit you from farther than 60 yards away.”


This comparison fails as you can’t do spells through walls like games where you can shoot through walls where wall hacking is an issue.

I have a /tar (x) macro always handy, it’s not that hard to use, but it’s a pain to open up your macro window and write some code like you’re looking for a quest NPC hidden in some mine that you can’t find the entrance to.
Enemy target bar addons are just better quality of life and make the game easier and more fun for everyone.

I haven’t played my priest in a while, but I bet you can still bullfrog Mind visions off npcs in alterac valley :slight_smile:

This was driving me nuts, use:

/run SetCVar("statusText", 1)

To fix it. Can also search ‘status text’ in game options to fiddle with that.


Others have replied, but just in case…

You could just type /target “name” and be able to see nameplate all the way across the entire field.

The limited nameplate range is like what they put in for Arathi Blizzard where even /target “name” doesn’t work. So, now all of the BGs are behaving like Arathi Blizzard except there is no blizzard. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was looking through some old videos and something similar happened after a WOD patch as well, except you couldn’t see nameplates at any distance. FUN.


Anybody found a fix for this issue? actually not fun at all


Today’s hotfix didn’t address the problem, so there is currently no fix for the issue.


Maybe this is their attempt to finally finish off ten man rated BGs for good. It’s bad enough for random BGs, but ten man rated BGs must just be totally intolerable ATM.


Back to waiting. Hopefully a fix is coming soon, or maybe communications from Blizz about the bug. RBGs are mostly dead already this season and this won’t help


I’m out here frantically pinging people just to find out where they are

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You can ping players off of unit frame? I’ve only been using the location warning ping.

Ye u just ping their portrait

Cool. A bit of workaround then for some issues.

WOW really disappointing they did not fix this …


We need this fix soon!!


This bug has altered how RBGs are played significantly. Would be nice to have confirmation whether this is a bug or intended.


blizzard have a braindead person in charge of this change