What i do when bored healing tank is dps on my healer.
Pull off me and you die.
They could have just gone with the tank if it was a problem.
But to a large extent it is that simple. If people are separating from the tank to the point it’s causing problems then they should try harder to keep up. I doubt the tank was speed poting etc to get that far ahead. The tank has aggro. Just walk alongside the mobs that are following him and dps on the move as best you can.
Tank sounds like he pretty much carried it all. I hope you all thanked him for the free carry afterwards.
But a tank and a healer together do not need dps.
wow, you realize people can be new to the game, therefore new to dungeons? this means they barely have an idea whats going on? oh, and majority of the time in heroic dungeons these days the tank is ilvl 460 plus while dps and heals are mostly at the appropriate ilvl? You realize this dont you?
If the dungeon is going too slow for you, then do your job and step up the DPS.
I’m not going to comment on heroic dungeons since they are pointless. But the problem with you doing that in leveling dungeons is that some dungeons are actually dangerous to tanks doing them at the appropriate level. Mobs silence the healer and stun the tank. Certain mobs in Classic and BC content actually chunk off the tank’s health before they are a high enough level to have cooldowns to deal with it, such as the trees in Dire Maul.
DPS who think the solution is just to spam more aoe and pull more packs probably don’t know the mechanics to watch out for and aren’t interrupting anything. And who dies and gets stuck with the repair bills if DPS overpull? The tank.
I’ve leveled many tank alts in BFA to get the heritage sets. I pull as big as I can, but I don’t hesitate to also vote to kick DPS who play like morons and get me killed. They can just do more damage if it’s not going fast enough for them.
I only skimmed over parts of this thread but I will have to say this, “And people wonder why there’s a lack of good tanks?”
Well them get better. Idk what else to say if you think it’s actually hard to keep up with a tank in a heroic.
And the best way to do that is cleave onto more mobs.
Yeah, if its a normal/heroic dungeon, theres obviously going to be tanks that are still trying to gear or even practicing. (level boosting is a thing now)
So if you’re not a tank but are pulling, get ready to tank it yourself.
BUT, I do hate tanks that go afk after almost every pull…
I don’t know if they like to feel like they have control over the group, but I just leave if the tanks like that.
I personally don’t tank at all (except during mage tower in Legion) to avoid this stressful stuff.
I also don’t heal because I don’t want to deal with people complaining that they aren’t getting any heals, while they’re the ones refusing to move out of bads.
Lol. Better option. Stay out of low level content and stop ruining it for everyone else. win win. You can swing your big D in higher content and let everyone enjoy learning
Won’t lie this mentality is a big reason why I tank. When I’m in random groups I absolutely LOVE kicking dps like you from my party. Also, if you have friends and try to kick me guess what? I’m back in another dungeon in 30 seconds flat.
I set the pace based upon what I think the healer and dps can handle. If that is too slow for your “go guy” attitude, address the healer and your fellow dps for being baddies.
Or, like most people with this attitude, come to the realization that the group is carrying your meter hunting, kick missing, CC breaking, body pulling, hurr durring mongoloid trash dps because you are nowhere as good as you think you are.
Another wannabe tank that’s too scared to actually tank so would prefer to tank as DPS but with an actual tank there as a safety net.
Last night, when I was doing the m0 for the weekly event, a tank with full 470+ gears did the exact same thing, except the fact that I’m the healer.
My dog was making noises like he’s going to vomit so I quickly went to check him out for a minute, when I was back the tank pulled the boss and I was locked out from the boss room. The tank successfully killed the boss but the other 3 undergeared dps was dead.
I got kicked from a leveling dungeon when I just started playing two years ago because I was too slow, was that you?
And people wonder why there’s so few people willing to tank or heal.
As someone who has levelled with a tank you can go at MY pace. I have successfully levelled some tanks and failed with others because the DPS or healer decided they want to pull more.
If you pull and I cannot hold aggro or stay alive, you die and if you do it enough in a dungeon I will ignore you and let you die.
Going at the pace you feel comfortable is acting like a god? Boy what religion do you subscribe to?
I’m a very, very fast tank. I’m fast, efficient and I’m not too dependant on my healer. No matter how much I pull, it’s never enough. The “God’s Gift” will [Aspect of the Cheetah] and [Barrage] the next 5 trash packs with taunt on, before swearing me out that I suck and leaving.
I quit tanking now because the majority of dungeons I run have healers that don’t put a single heal on me and sprint ahead to pull. Not a single HoT.
If you’re attacking mobs the tank hasn’t pulled, you’re probably pulled too much.
If gnomes are attacking your ankles you have pulled to much
Can you imagine this crowd IF they made retail more like classic?
From my understanding of classic…and the crapstorm it was to take Hogger down for a dozen of us, it seems to me that these DPS players, some of them anyway, wouldnt last 18 seconds before being ejected from the group if STRATEGY and TEAMWORK were actually required in retail.
My apologies. Those “healers” were likely not main healers and were just trying to take advantage of the faster queue. As a main healer myself, I would never ignore the tank nor will I pull for them.