Tanks shouldn't have the final say on pulls

The community thinks its up to the tank. This is wrong. Tank can pull as much as they like but even the best self-sustain tank can’t stay up forever without healer attention at some point. The healer and their mana pool really set the pace. Even if they’re not necessarily the ones leading the pull.

However, if the tank and DPS can’t keep the dangerous mobs interrupted or kill them fast enough to keep the tank from being eaten alive, the run is equally dead.

You could almost call it a group effort.

How dare you talk about teamwork in GD. Have some common sense man :wink:

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Yes, and no. Some tanks CAN handle packs with seal heals easily. Spamming the freeholds for the weekly, most of my tanks do this no worries. Half the time, we move Heals to DPS. There are that good of self heals on some classes. Now, should a Tank do this in some situations? No, but that again is the tanks discretion after he sees how pulls are going, and if he can keep himself up, and how fast DPS is killing stuff. Not up to the DPS to go pull stuff, as DPS think they should be able to do.

This is never going to end until they let you run dungeons with AI or solo, which seems to be where they are going with the AI in battle grounds and island expeditions.

Unless the tank never lets you drop combat, the healer should be drinking between pulls when he’s low. The tank can last a while as the healer catch up.

If you drop combat, you’re going to slow.

If the healer’s mana is fine sure. But don’t go complain at the healer’s face when the wipe happens with lack of healing.

If the group is working in a spirit of cooperation, then everything is fine.

Unfortunately sometimes it is more about a particular player’s ego, wanting to set the pace or feel like a pro among plebs. This can be a dps player frequently, but it can also be a tank, depending on the situation. Or, more rarely, a healer.

My main thought on this is: play all three roles. Get a feel for the other perspectives. It really helps for group dynamics, and understanding what is annoying for players in the other roles.

Frequently it’s very obvious that the obnoxious players haven’t done anything but their particular role.

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I think doing this makes someone a far far better player.
Don’t have to play other roles heaps just enough to get a feel for it and it really helps.

It’s especially true for players who want to main dps.

I can always tell when a dps player has never tanked. They have no idea what is annoying for tanks, and why.

But it can be true for tanks also. It’s pretty easy to tell when a tank has never played a healer, for example.

Healers rarely cause problems, and when they do, I think it’s mostly due to healer burnout. If a player only heals, then playing other roles is also good, but mostly to have different responsibilities and experiences.

That’s more of an issue than slow tanks.