To be fair I meant “irrelevant”. If people pull adds, that’s not important to me. They’ll kill them or they won’t.
I’m not going to yell at you for pulling adds and killing them. I’m only going to be mad if you cause problems. I’m also not going 30 yards out of my way to save you from taking damage when you asked for it.
I think what the glass cannons fail to get through there head is that normal and heroics are designed for 2 things one get you geared. Second learn your Role. Sadly most the dps that say they’ll face pull are the same snowflakes that wipe raids and dont progress past lfr… lets be truly honest if they do it in normal and heroics they do it in mythics and raids. Behaviors are just that learned behaviors
So it’s funny this thread is still going, because i JUST had a related run.
The fury warrior kept pulling a mob or two extra into the tank, but the tank refused to take it, but it’s a leveling dungeon, so I just healed the warrior, pull successful, and we moved on.
Tank started getting butthurt at me for healing the warrior, and started to act all self-righteous about how he’s in charge and we need to listen to him.
We then kicked him and finished the run with 4 people. /shrug.
This is also acceptable; the healer may decide what they’re willing to tolerate.
When I’m on a tank character I might not opt to tank mobs that people drag in but I would never yell at the healer for healing them. I’m not in charge of the healing role, I have no say in who gets healed.
Actually, based on this thread alone, it appears that the people wanting a strict “tank only pulls” mentality are the ones doing nothing but LFR. No one learns their role or gets geared from normal and heroics. You can seriously hit 120 and move straight into Mythic.
ff14 forum has a thread called tales from the duty finder. Its a collection of stories about dungeon runs gone wrong. Maybe someone should start a tales from the Dungeon finder here on the wow forums lol. Let everyone vent about their nightmare dungeon runs.
I just had a tank pull way too much in a heroic throughout the whole dungeon. My fourth time healing and everyone was leaving my line of sight constantly. A dps wasn’t even there for a boss fight and mobs leading up to it because she was lost and the tank refused to slow down. She kept dying trying to get back to us. There’s more than one perspective for this. Tanks shouldn’t be going at the pace that you’re looking for. It should be a group effort.
No the tank was well geared for the heroic dungeon. But if your point is that the tank surviving is all that matters then that’s a poor point imo. A heroic dungeon isn’t about a tank soloing the dungeon or running everywhere constantly leaving dps way behind and not allowing anyone else to catch up. In a pug group, it’s about everyone because you don’t know who is experienced and who isn’t.
Well then he did his job well and the dps did a poor job following the tank. That’s on them.
As for people being inexperienced etc, how hard is it to press w?
This is the last response from me because you know there are more variables to consider and yet you’re being ignorant. The tank was pulling big mobs and moving on without them fully dying. So now you have dps staying back to finish the mobs off and taking damage, damage that I have to heal while making sure the tank is alive as well as the other dps. One of the dps even stated it was his first time in the dungeon and the tank did not slow down the pace one bit. Don’t try to simplify it by saying “how hard is it to press w”. All in all, i’m done here. You either understand and are being purposely ignorant or you don’t understand in which case I’m not going to waste more time with this. I’ve put my perspective out there for everyone to consider.
On the one hand as a tank I’m factoring in a ton of different variables that effect my pull speed. Such as:
Does the healer have mana?
Is there an under geared player that will get one shotted by mechanics?
Are there new players?
Are there trash packs that are more difficult to pull together (rats and oarsman in freehold or mutiple menders in shrine?)
Are there pats?
Am I going to hit the % completed?
Am I waiting on cooldowns for a particularly difficult pull?
Am I going to stack cd’s for a huge pull?
Do I need to line of sight this pull (like stonecore?)
Am I waiting on DPS CD’s for a large pull?
Can I keep aggro while traveling to the next pack?
And this is as an experienced tank. If you have one that is still learning the class it gets frustrating when your not needed and you don’t have the chance to actually learn the skills your going to need at max level or in higher difficulty content.
On the other hand if I’m bored as a healer I’ve been known to play how low can you go or pull entire rooms myself. But I do try to limit this to experienced tanks as a way of letting them know I’m bored, of course playing how low can you go can make this backfire if you think they are experienced and they’re not. so secretly they are freaking out by being at 5% health while your just trying to have fun.
I guess my advice would be if you feel the need to pull for the tank (outside of leveling) your probably out gearing the content and should try something more difficult.