Tanks shouldn't have the final say on pulls

Uh…every tank has an aoe/cone attack for multiple mobs. Do you only use taunt or something?

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When they are not really there, assumed feminist or massively exaggerated then absolutely.


Most of the time yes.
(I know you are just baiting but hey why not bite for a bit of fun)


I kinda appreciate the tank going slower- I’m still new to the game and after a fast boost there is a lot I want to learn about playing my class well and being helpful to my party members. This is probably the situation for plenty of players- personally, I really appreciate when I get a slower tank because I can think about what I’m doing and not just get overwhelmed and make mistakes.

Different people have different playstyles- I’ve had tanks who cyclone through the level and don’t give people chances to loot/leave the entire group behind and I would ABSOLUTELY take a snaily tank over that, any day of the week. With them I know I’ll be able to loot, get chests, maybe even type off a sentence or two. No such luck with a fast one, though I imagine it gets frustrating for people who have played this game tons and feel like the dungeons are more or less muscle memory.

As an aside- is it considered rude to ask to slow down? I’m never really sure about that, and I don’t want to slow others down too much.

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Not all tanks have early and efficient aoe. Not efficient to pull threat a angsty dps anyway.

I don’t know I think this person really believes this crazy stuff.

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Define “early and efficient.”

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Early as this is thread about leveling so they don’t necessarily have the skill unlocked yet. Efficient as in, does it generate enough threat to pull thread fast before the dps bites the dust.

Not sure what levels they are exactly but
Keg smash

Are all pretty early arnt they?

They most certainly do. Freaking warriors get thunderclap at 14.

Seriously though, theres two general ideals showing up. One being normal and heroic are for speed leveling. The other is to learn a new role/class in a dungeon atmosphere. Best solution would be to have solo queue dungeons with AI teammates. Take humanity out of the equation because there are too many selfish players

Consec is 32. And while leveling, often wasn’t strong enough to pull threat.

Lol yes it is. The only way it’s not is if you are using only it to attack mobs. If a dps pulls and you plant a consecrate, they are going to get picked up just by running through it.

You speak of experience so please, post on your prot paladin. I did. And I say it wasn’t enough most times.

Great so use avengers shield then concec then hammer of the righteous to hit everything in concec…
Alternatively whine incorrectly about not having enough aoe.

Or I could just stay on this character and apparently tell you how Paladins play since you don’t even know how to do so.

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Yep I don’t know how to play the spec i’ve mained since Cataclysm.

I have a better idea for you.



Oh wow, Cata, that’s all sorts of impressive. Coming from someone that doesn’t even know how consecrate functions, I think I’m good with my ideas.

Entirely possible (imo probable) if you don’t think it’s easy to rip agro off a dps who pulled a mob :man_shrugging:

Consecration used to have much longer cd, you couldn’t cast it willy nilly, and if the dps pulled, the mobs are already in a position that I don’t deem optimal.

And why the hell am I explaining this. Just let the tank pull god dang it. Wanna pull? Roll a tank.

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