Tanks, Please Slow Down

Follower dungeons exist. Learn there.

Attempting to break a decade old majority play style is not going to happen no matter how many times people say the phrase “new player.”

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Tanks that pull like this know how to use defensive.

They’ll survive.

As good as your made up in your head scenario makes you feel, healers aren’t necessary at all in anything below heroics.

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Follower dungeons are normal mechanics. Heroic and Mythic dungeons have different mechanics that some people kinda have to see.

Go run follower dungeons.

try being a hpal with a dh tank.
i want to cri evertim

also its funny bc i can actually keep up
its literally everyone else so im like walking to the folks behind
thats dying from missed mobs and then trying to go back to the tank.
it’s actually funny lmao

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No one learns from follower dungeons.


Adventure log exists.

Also, you’re conflating fast trash pulls with a player not having seen boss mechanics.

What trash mechanics exist?

Interrupt and get out of circles.

Adventure guide.


Learn on the fly.

It’s absurd to expect people who know how to play to slow it down for those that don’t.

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I’ll never understand why so many wow players are so dead set on NOT being team players and helping their fellow players out.

No wonder M+ is dying and players are fleeing to delves.

You brought this on yourselves.


with timewalking going, i started working on my 4th to 80 character so i have a resto shaman and as soon as i enter, i say - new healer here - im learning and everyone runs off in all different directions trying to help the tank pull even more faster and deadly… i dont get it.

Maybe they think they are helping me learn faster

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I’ll never understand why so many WoW players refuse to learn anything on their own instead of crying about there in the forums.

Source please.



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God forbid you play as a team in a team game.


You can play with the team.

The team doesn’t have to slow down while one person figures it out.

If that person were on my team, I’d kick them.

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Gee, I don’t know, maybe because you don’t give players a chance to learn and just snort derisively saying fOlLoWeR dUnGeOnS as if those are sufficient for learning dungeons.

They aren’t.


Welp continue being the poster child for WoW’s toxicity


Adventure guide.


This isn’t even an actual issue. I can’t count on a full hand how many times over the years I’ve seen people who can’t keep up.

More so the priority in pack clearing, which spells can’t be allowed to be cast, how much damage bosses do. Yes the mechanics you can read about in the Adventure log but again, some people have to see it to understand it. How some abilities overlap and where to apply cds/defensives.

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yup sllllooooooooow down, listen to the panda people! hehe

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Ahem. Grim Batol has a mob that applies a curse. The curse deals damage and absorbs healing. I had to explain this to a party I was in so the tank would stop pulling large groups with those mobs present, because it was causing near-wipes.

Not that I expect a troll account to acknowledge that game mechanics exist…


It’s toxic to come into a group unprepared and then waste everyone else’s time.

It’s a 20 year old mmo. The burden is on the “new player” to figure it out. Just like ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the rest of us did.

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